Zuffa Close to Signing Exclusive Apparel Sponsor

I think minimal money goes to fighters for an apparel deal. Do NFL players get more money because the uniforms are provided by a certain company? They do not. Years ago Jerry Jones started to sell Texas Stadium shirts because he didn't have to share the money with the NFL like he did on Cowboys merchandise. UFC Reebok or UFC Whatever line is what we wear now or you don't fight in the UFC.

I can't read all this shit but I would imagine it will hurt managers also Phone Post 3.0

But I predicted this and think it's pretty interesting Phone Post 3.0

That's what I like to hear. Good on the UFC for doing this. I'm sure the UFC stands to benefit as well but this is a huge win for the fighters as long as the payoffs are substantial. I'm wondering how they will tier fighters...will be interesting to see the breakdown. Phone Post 3.0

UGCTT_painbringer - 

good that the fighters are getting paid

LOL ... yeah right!


Dana and co will be getting their hands on that cash

Adidas apparently started dipping their toes in the MMA waters by being RFA's official sponsor in August. Totally missed this story.


As a big Adidas fan, I'm really hoping it's them.

JoeJoeplata - Got to be Reebok right? I haven't heard anything on Adidas involving themselves with MMA.
Addidas owns Reebok Phone Post 3.0

LOL@anyone who thinks this will mean more money for fighters.

Now it will be like 5 and 5 + two fitty.

Blunderhooks - It will be ironic if it's Adidas given that MMA is pretty much illegal (if I recall correctly) in Germany. Phone Post 3.0

it didnt become illegal.  they tried to make it illegal though.

mick713 - I can't read all this shit but I would imagine it will hurt managers also Phone Post 3.0


I dont think it will hurt managers.  they'll still be getting their commission on the increased payout from zuffa but now they wont have to hunt down sponsors as much.


They can spend their time on getting fighters deals outside of official UFC appearances.

all these sponsors who will get cut out can instead use that money to buy ad time and pay fighters to appear in their commercials.

VitorpeepeetasteStrongTRT - That's what I like to hear. Good on the UFC for doing this. I'm sure the UFC stands to benefit as well but this is a huge win for the fighters as long as the payoffs are substantial. I'm wondering how they will tier fighters...will be interesting to see the breakdown. Phone Post 3.0


there's 2 ways to do this on zuffa's end.  You can eventually just add it into the show/win money depending on the individual, his worth etc...


or you can do it based on where his/her fight takes place (facebook prelim vs fs1 prelim vs fs1 main event vs fox main event vs ppv co main event, etc...)

I think the best way to do it would be just absorbing it into the show and win money.   Who wants to pay an indian or filipino 8k to show and 8k to win plus flat sponsor money?  that's crazy.  8k in the USA or Canada isnt the same as 8k in the philippines or india.

Economic realities are different everywhere you go so you have to operate under those realities for it to make sense.

There's also the competitive advantage of including it within the show/win money as well as an accounting advantage.  5 years from now who's going to remember the sponsor rates? At that point you're just negotiating show and win money which is very simple and easy.

I know some have brought up, in a snarky tone, that people will complain that the big names will get fucked over by this. Well, I can't see how they don't get fucked over and that is not a good thing. I have always advocated for the big guys to get more money over the little guys, as they are the ones really bringing in money/eyeballs.

How is a guy like GSP going to get compensated for his loss in personal sponsorships? Right now, they can just say they'll match whatever guys were getting, but how is that going to work out in the future?

devils advocate - 
Farthammer - Nice! I imagine the fighters will get a huge cut of the sponsorship deal.

yeah about that

You do realize that would cost under $10k to do which is pocket change. You ever think that the $5 went to the fighters? Think how much more big name fighters are on this card who get a PPV cut compared to your normal card. We all know Rousey, Silva (with a new contract aka more money) and Weidman are getting a cut of the PPV. Plus it's possible Tate is getting a piece also. That is more then any other card in history which could be why they are charging more money. Then again there is no place for logic on the UG.

Matt Phillips - 

Great song

ufc98newb - I know some have brought up, in a snarky tone, that people will complain that the big names will get fucked over by this. Well, I can't see how they don't get fucked over and that is not a good thing. I have always advocated for the big guys to get more money over the little guys, as they are the ones really bringing in money/eyeballs.

How is a guy like GSP going to get compensated for his loss in personal sponsorships? Right now, they can just say they'll match whatever guys were getting, but how is that going to work out in the future?

that's the thing... zuffa will match now... but likely wont match the potential future.  GSP get's 8 figures worth in sponsorships over a few years.  Weidman doesnt.  so why would you have to match what weidman doesnt get?  and if the door gets closed a guy like weidman will never taste that GSP sponsor money so he'll likely never know what he missed.

To be fair though not all of those sponsorships GSP has is in-cage or have to be part of his official ufc appearances.

even under the most strict rules UFC fighters will still be able to get their own sponsors outside of their official UFC appearances.

A company like Burger King doesnt get their value from Anderson SIlva by just having him wear their logo on his shorts.  They shoot commercials of him, he makes appearances at their events, etc... their logo on his shorts isnt that big a deal.  These type of opportunities will still be there.

ufc98newb - I know some have brought up, in a snarky tone, that people will complain that the big names will get fucked over by this. Well, I can't see how they don't get fucked over and that is not a good thing. I have always advocated for the big guys to get more money over the little guys, as they are the ones really bringing in money/eyeballs.

How is a guy like GSP going to get compensated for his loss in personal sponsorships? Right now, they can just say they'll match whatever guys were getting, but how is that going to work out in the future?

that's the thing... zuffa will match now... but likely wont match the potential future.  GSP get's 8 figures worth in sponsorships over a few years.  Weidman doesnt.  so why would you have to match what weidman doesnt get?  and if the door gets closed a guy like weidman will never taste that GSP sponsor money so he'll likely never know what he missed.

To be fair though not all of those sponsorships GSP has is in-cage or have to be part of his official ufc appearances.

even under the most strict rules UFC fighters will still be able to get their own sponsors outside of their official UFC appearances.

A company like Burger King doesnt get their value from Anderson SIlva by just having him wear their logo on his shorts.  They shoot commercials of him, he makes appearances at their events, etc... their logo on his shorts isnt that big a deal.  These type of opportunities will still be there.

Good point on the sponsorship opportunities outside the cage.

I guess Tapout is the only real loser in all of this.

RockyBullwinkle - 
VitorpeepeetasteStrongTRT - That's what I like to hear. Good on the UFC for doing this. I'm sure the UFC stands to benefit as well but this is a huge win for the fighters as long as the payoffs are substantial. I'm wondering how they will tier fighters...will be interesting to see the breakdown. Phone Post 3.0

It's only a win for the fighters not if its more money than what they get now but if it means more money than what they could have made without the sponsor tax or other hurdles the UFC put in place that drove down sponsor dollars in the first place.

My guess will be % of purse.
If they said 10-20% added to your purse it would be a win.
Think guys who were on Fox card were getting offers for $500 for clothing sponsors, so a 20% pay increase would be awesome. Plus they could still go out and get supplement sponsors and other sponsors.

This is a nice nail biter....

It could end up being awesome for everyone. :) Phone Post 3.0

Ben Saunders - This is a nice nail biter....

It could end up being awesome for everyone. :) Phone Post 3.0

I agree... it might hurt some of the top guys but they will just in return ask for more money when the negotiate their next deal due to losses from not being able to get other sponsors.

ufc98newb - 
ufc98newb - I know some have brought up, in a snarky tone, that people will complain that the big names will get fucked over by this. Well, I can't see how they don't get fucked over and that is not a good thing. I have always advocated for the big guys to get more money over the little guys, as they are the ones really bringing in money/eyeballs.

How is a guy like GSP going to get compensated for his loss in personal sponsorships? Right now, they can just say they'll match whatever guys were getting, but how is that going to work out in the future?

that's the thing... zuffa will match now... but likely wont match the potential future.  GSP get's 8 figures worth in sponsorships over a few years.  Weidman doesnt.  so why would you have to match what weidman doesnt get?  and if the door gets closed a guy like weidman will never taste that GSP sponsor money so he'll likely never know what he missed.

To be fair though not all of those sponsorships GSP has is in-cage or have to be part of his official ufc appearances.

even under the most strict rules UFC fighters will still be able to get their own sponsors outside of their official UFC appearances.

A company like Burger King doesnt get their value from Anderson SIlva by just having him wear their logo on his shorts.  They shoot commercials of him, he makes appearances at their events, etc... their logo on his shorts isnt that big a deal.  These type of opportunities will still be there.

Good point on the sponsorship opportunities outside the cage.

I guess Tapout is the only real loser in all of this.

not really because I think the MMA fashion fad is over... anyone who was going to make money already did.  The original tapout guys cashed in big and sold the company.  There are no new mma clothing fads. 

I suppose you could create a new "tapout" fad in a country like brazil, sell the t-shirt company and get out before the fad died there.

sports apparel and gear which is evergreen is the only thing that really makes sense long term.

And if you want to be part of the mma sphere you can buy ad space on fs1, fs2, fox, ppv, digital service, etc... and pay the fighters to appear in your ads.  It doesnt necessarily have to be a logo on someones ass while he's fighting.