1000 lb club goal

So you’re just gonna keep moving the goal post? Now athletes can do squats but it’s just because they are “drugged up pros”

Make up your mind clown

You guys should look into some studies on herniated disks, most people (well over 50%) who have them don’t lift, sedentary people have more back pain than people who lift weights. These are Cold hard facts. I’m 36 and I squat 2-3 times a week and have for the last 6 years and my knees have only gotten better. If you have proper mechanics these movements make you stronger not weaker (duh) if you’re in pain you’re doing something wrong. Back when I was doing jiujitsu full time I squatted twice a week and still had no problems. Strength is never a weakness you just need to learn how to program effectively or have a coach who knows how to manage volume and fatigue properly. My best squat is 622 and my best deadlift is 661 and I used to literally have such a bad back I brought a lumbar support pillow with me to 3rd grade! I used to have my back go out once a month when I was a kid. Deadlifts (and lifting in general) saved my life. Without lifting my back would be weak and I’d have back problems again.

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I was saying he shouldn’t be be lifting heavy, retard.

It’s a matter of load. Putting big weight on your shoulders or pulling off the floor is bad for the spine. Notice I said big weight. Also, it’s hard for your joints to recover from that kind of workload and the problems and wear and tear compound before the body is able to completely repair itself.

Yeah there are old guys still powerlifting now, but none of them were putting 900 lbs on their back in their primes like the big pros today. You won’t see a lot of longevity in those guys unless joint replacement makes a big jump in evolution.


Wrong, it is not “bad for your spine” and the reason old people are not lifting as much as they used to is because your body ages, not because you’re just completely broken. There’s a reason 20 year olds are better runners than 70 year olds, that doesn’t mean running makes your legs break, geesh. Age slows everything down. Every sport on earth is don’t better at a young age, every physical activity. That doesn’t mean it is inherently bad for you, your logic is ass backwards. That’s like saying oh this 80 year old doesn’t throw a fast ball like he used to, throwing a ball must be bad for you! We gotta stop these kids from playing catch before they all destroy their arms

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Every runner has ankle,foot,knee problems here and there, every tennis player is the same, every basketball player is the same, football players get hurt left and right, every single athlete in every single sport gets hurt yet people who have no background in physical therapy, actual strength and conditioning or any kind of real sports training or knowledge love to pretend that squats or deadlifts are somehow inherently dangerous when the data simply does not support this. Just because you have an uncle who fucked up his knee squatting or your buddy chad says it’s bad doesn’t make it so. Use some damn logic. Go to any business on earth and ask any 10 random people if they have back pain or knee pain and plenty will say yes and most of them probably don’t squat or deadlift

I never said the movements were inherently dangerous, doing them with excessive and unnecessary loads is.


Running any decent mileage on long term basis is horrible for you, just go read running forums everyone is chronically injured but they’re addicted.

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Runners get shitty knees but tend to have healthier backs than the gen pop.

The term excess is arbitrary at best, excess to a 6 year old is negligible to a 20 year old. There is no line in the sand that defines excess, therefor it can’t exist, there is no such thing as “too heavy” equated to good form. Heavy to me may be light to Brian Shaw, light to me would likely be heavy to many others. No one ever worked out with 450 for a few years and then suddenly got hurt because they did 455 and found out it was “excessive”. Progressive overload dictates to get stronger you literally need to do more. Whether that is more volume, more sets, more weight or all of the above you need to force growth to elicit hypertrophy and or strength gains. Throw out this convoluted idea of “excessive” if you ever want to get stronger or grow muscle.

Yet no one ever says “omg why are you doing that aren’t you afraid you’ll get hurt” when jack or Jill talks about running as a new hobby at the water cooler at work. Mention that you deadlift and people will have comment after comment. I have bee. Deadlifting heavy for 25 years and have never once hurt my back deadlifting. I’ve thrown my back out hundreds of times before the age of 16 before I lifted doing absolutely nothing more than walking or getting out of bed but that doesn’t stop people from making dumb comments. The last time I hurt my back it was getting out of bed haha. Took 3 days to get back to normal, but it certainly wasn’t while deadlifting

I suppose you have to admire the dedication to cultivating this troll character.

Let me guess, it’s all a conspiracy and (((teh J00s))) are behind it?

Meanwhile out in reality, squats are routinely prescribed for elite athletes and weight trainers alike. Squatting doesn’t contribute to degenerative knee injury and one study in particular showed that Olympic lifters had less incidence of injury than sedentary fatasses.

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Don’t forget pretty much every elite heavyweight power lifter has had at least 500k in surgical bills if not more.

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No, only the guys on gear get hurt all the time. And why are you referencing super heavyweights only? Does that mean squatting heavy is ok unless you weigh 308 or more pounds? Where do you guys come up with these random ass lines in the sand that you draw up?

And yes squatting 400 lbs at 200 lbs is not impressive. Anyone who squats seceral months with some drive and discipline should be able to do this. A double bodyweight squat is not anything crazy. I am not an elite lifter by any stretch of the imagination. There are dozens of teenagers who put me to shame that are like 15 years old. You’re just weak and lazy if you think a double bodyweight squat is impressive. I’d get a sex change If I was that weak because only a woman should be happy with a double bodyweight squat If strength training is their goal.

Powerlifters are retards lol

I’ve squatted 240kg raw and in bare feet. I’m over 40 and have never experienced knee or lower back issues.

This is an amusing trolling angle though.

What’s that weight in non-pussy faggot units?

240kg is 529lbs

Ronnie Coleman didnt get to be a paraplegic feom light squats… Light weight!!! Yeah buddy!!!