170lb Champ Matt Hughes vs Prime Nick Diaz?

Nick is far better than Renzo or Ricardo. There’s no way in Hell Matt would stop Nick like he did them

Only way matt Hughes is beating Nick is by grinding out a boring Decision or doctor stoppage due to a lame cut but you can’t predict that crap

Nick would out-strike matt Hughes in his sleep. On the ground Nick is far more dangerous than anyone apparently wants to give him credit for

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Yeah alves came in WAAAAAAAY overweight.


Correct. 4lbs. I still loved it

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How quickly people forget…


Prime Lawler beats Hughes, yet I have Prime Hughes beating Nick. But Nick beat Lawler.

MMA math ftl

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My man, it would look no different than Royce Matt and I wanted Royce to won(we all did). And please dont give me, nick can box. Nick would be off his feet, carried to the hardest part of the cage, and spiked fown onto it, where a sidemount crucifix would be his last position before the stoppage. Then we would hear Nick talk about how Matt eats corn the long way and how he would have kicked his ass in the hospital if Matt had been in there with them


Lets remove the middle man matt, and watch this weekend. God Im pumpped for this fucking card!

By the way, Matt litterally big brothers Lawler 15 years ago.


He’s a Gracie black belt. He’d be more than capable of submitting him. We’re talking prime Diaz after all. Not the Diaz who lost to Sean Sherk

I brought it up because we were watching all of nick diaz’s career on the UFC twitch channel today. Tomorrow is Lawler’s career.

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Prime Diaz still lost to good wrestlers.


Everyone loses to GSP lol

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I don’t care if it’s a prime Diaz on the best gear he could get his hands on. Hed get broken by a prime hughes. Miletich fighting systems was a champion producing meat grinder. Especually with his paper thin skin and razor sharp facial bones… ask any person that ever rolled with or fought a prime Matt Hughes. There are levels to this and a prime Diaz was never even close to a prime Hughes. And Matt wasnt a shitty striker either.


Know how I know you’re fucking retarded?

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Hughes takes it.

I dont think Hughes submits Nick. I think when he takes him down he beats the hell out of him.


Probably the highest percentage odd that is the way it goes down, unfortunately for us Diaz fan men. I’m 32 I refuse to call myself a fanboy

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Matt didn’t have the jab GSP utilized effectively

I’m thinking this. Matt knew enough bjj to stay out of trouble.

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Hughes by unanimous decision.

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To be fair, Nick should have won most of those decisions.