Aldo would wreck Penn

TheGoldenRule - I dunno about the whole BJ thing, but I was thinking all night about watching Aldo v Torres/Aldo v Faber. both would be excellent fights. Lets not forget, Aldo looked amazing last night, but Browns work ethic alone will make sure he makes huge adjustments in a rematch. It may end in the same result, I just know the fight will be different.
Careful, you may get burned at the stake or may be put in a see-saw basket that dangles over water and BJ's fans may place a feather on the other end and if you weigh more than the feather you will drown as a known witch.


Wow.  I can't believe this is up for debate.  Aldo is a nice fighter and all that, but he wouldn't last 5 minutes with BJ.  

thforklift - Wow.  I can't believe this is up for debate.  Aldo is a nice fighter and all that, but he wouldn't last 5 minutes with BJ.  
It's only up for debate to those who are reasonable and not bloated on poi flavored kool-aid. Only BJ's fans use terms like "crazy, stupid, know nothing about the sport, idiot, or I can't believe it's up for debate" any time someone voices an opinion about someone that could beat BJ.

Kind of funny considering BJ isn't undefeated.


 This thread reminds me of the Miguel Torres would rape BJ thread. Funny stuff

thforklift - Wow.  I can't believe this is up for debate.  Aldo is a nice fighter and all that, but he wouldn't last 5 minutes with BJ.

ajsr -  This thread reminds me of the Miguel Torres would rape BJ thread. Funny stuff

miguel is NOWHWERE near aldo that comparison is weak...aldo vs bj is more of a matchup than torres. torres wouldnt get past the first round with aldo

FranklinFailedMe - 
thforklift - Wow.  I can't believe this is up for debate.  Aldo is a nice fighter and all that, but he wouldn't last 5 minutes with BJ.  
It's only up for debate to those who are reasonable and not bloated on poi flavored kool-aid. Only BJ's fans use terms like "crazy, stupid, know nothing about the sport, idiot, or I can't believe it's up for debate" any time someone voices an opinion about someone that copuld beat BJ.

Kind of funny considering BJ isn't undefeated.


sounds about right to me

Come on. He beat up a guy that has never beaten a single quality LW outside a past his prime Yves and dropped down a weightclass to become competitive

Now suddenly he is going to "wreck" the champ at 155?

lol @ the dolt who made this thread. i like Aldo a lot. i wouldn't wanna see someone i like get hurt.. really bad.

Penn would beat him any minute any way he wanted to.

Diego stole my name - Come on. He beat up a guy that has never beaten a single quality LW outside a past his prime Yves and dropped down a weightclass to become competitive

Now suddenly he is going to "wreck" the champ at 155?
Strawman. People here are talking about how well Aldo would do based on his skillset. You can see it would make a good matchup.

I think it's silly to think BJ's fan's are the only ones entitled to use hyperbole. They act like it's a fair monopoly.


1BL0Wko - lol @ the dolt who made this thread.


"I think it's silly to think BJ's fan's are the only ones entitled to use hyperbole. They act like it's a fair monopoly"

So BJ fan claims BJ could beat GSP = cultists/drinking kool aid

Ausgepicht agrees that Aldo could beat BJ = unbiased and perfectly valid argument


Dude, it's really not difficult to follow. I kind of have pity for you that I have to spell it out.

If you comprehended my post you would understand that I called the OP's thread title hyperbole. Get it? My point is you guys getting worked up BECAUSE he used hyperbole, when you guys are coming across more insulted that someone used your MO. It's like you guys are aghast that someone would use it when only you guys reserve the right.

Really sad that you needed it broke down for you. Not surprised though, since you lack many, most basic skills of logic as evidenced by 99% of your posts around here.

Me a hypocrit? No.

You an ignoramus. Yes.

lol @ me getting worked up

And i was not talking about your response to me but rather the post where you claimed BJ would be KOd for the first time in his career

Face it, you are a hypocrite

lemme predict augeshit's reply to Diego stole

"im not a hypocrite, you are a cult thinker that comes up with such conclusions out of nowhere because you are in love with BJ Penn"

I imagine Ausge will say that he was just being facetious to goad BJ fans into a frenzy so he can make a point?

Diego stole my name - lol @ me getting worked up

And i was not talking about your response to me but rather the post where you claimed BJ would be KOd for the first time in his career

Face it, you are a hypocrite
Wow. So you still didn't comprehend it? LOL....I'll be sure to type slower on threads with you in it.


LOL @ you pretending that you are some kind of higher intellectual and your points fly over everyones head

Let me simplify it for you

You said "I think its silly that BJs fans are the only ones entitled to use hyperbole. They act like its a fair monopoly"

So even if your post that you think Aldo would KO Penn was simply hyperbole. The fact that you at the same time bash Penn fans for doing the exact same thing you did and call them "cultists" makes you a hypocrite

You MENSA member you getting defense and writing a book (about strawmen) to deflect your guilt and lack of intellect? Feel better?

Don't get down on yourself man. There are other threads with dumber people. You'll have your day. Keep on truckin'. Keep your chin up.

translation : Ok i cant refute that, so instead i will ridicule the amount of text you posted and project my own insecurities and dicktuck out of the thread