Aldo would wreck Penn

LOL@believing you can refute a strawman or that it would even be worth it...

And continuing with your theme of being incorrect and lacking basic logic....last time I checked I'm still on the thread posting.

Whoa, eh? I bet your mind is bottled.

sounds like Augeshits MO.

refuse to acknowledge the points of anybody talking to him while calling them an idiot and claiming everything they said is a logical fallacy

ajl416az - sounds like Augeshits MO.

refuse to acknowledge the points of anybody talking to him while calling them an idiot and claiming everything they said is a logical fallacy
Read my above post.

I think you are actually a bright guy, so I think you understand. I think I was pretty clear about BOTH sides using hyperbole and my point being that BJ's fans are getting upset because Aldo's fans are using it too.

Clearly went over Diego's head, but as you are probably aware he follows me around the site and pretty much posts on every thread I post on. He's my stocker, and he's unhealthily obsessed.


LOL YOU were the one who responded to me you twat.

And yes both sides are using hyperbole, but you keep calling them cultists and kool-aid drinkers while using hyperbole for Aldo

Wich makes you a hypocrite

Penn went toe-to-toe with the current UFC LHW champion, how is a 145 pounder going to wreck him?

FranklinFailedMe - 
ajl416az - sounds like Augeshits MO.

refuse to acknowledge the points of anybody talking to him while calling them an idiot and claiming everything they said is a logical fallacy
Read my above post.

I think you are actually a bright guy, so I think you understand. I think I was pretty clear about BOTH sides using hyperbole and my point being that BJ's fans are getting upset because Aldo's fans are using it too.

Clearly went over Diego's head, but as you are probably aware he follows me around the site and pretty much posts on every thread I post on. He's my stocker, and he's unhealthily obsessed.


i got the use of hyperbole but if you are going to troll for reactions, people are going to call you out.  

its not an indication of their stupidity if they forget that you like to troll.

Aldo is impressive but I think BJ would win. Aoki would also beat Aldo IMO.

ajl416az - 
FranklinFailedMe - 
ajl416az - sounds like Augeshits MO.

refuse to acknowledge the points of anybody talking to him while calling them an idiot and claiming everything they said is a logical fallacy
Read my above post.

I think you are actually a bright guy, so I think you understand. I think I was pretty clear about BOTH sides using hyperbole and my point being that BJ's fans are getting upset because Aldo's fans are using it too.

Clearly went over Diego's head, but as you are probably aware he follows me around the site and pretty much posts on every thread I post on. He's my stocker, and he's unhealthily obsessed.


i got the use of hyperbole but if you are going to troll for reactions, people are going to call you out
Not trolling. Merely making a point.

And Diego isn't smart enough to call ANYONE out.






 cant he defend the new title he just won maybe like once before he challenegs the greatest lightweight ever?

 Alod via cardio ...speed . precsuion striking.



 wreckker is correct, except for his spelling of Aldo


Diego stole my name - Hypocrite

wreccker, you make a good point. Though I have to say BJ impressed me with his cardio and looked to be in shape in his fight with K-Flo. He may have solved his cardio issue. The speed, power and precision striking as you mention would be his downfall. As I mentioned BJ doesn't have the power to make Aldo respect him in the stand up game.


aldo would beat the shit out of pacqiou

pacqiou wont want to face a REAL fighter

FranklinFailedMe - 

wreccker, you make a good point. Though I have to say BJ impressed me with his cardio and looked to be in shape in his fight with K-Flo. He may have solved his cardio issue. The speed, power and precision striking as you mention would be his downfall. As I mentioned BJ doesn't have the power to make Aldo respect him in the stand up game.

I think it would be a good fight, but right now, I don't think Aldo could stop BJ from taking him down. Aldo's TD defense is impressive, but remember he would be fighting up a weight.

If BJ can take him down, there is nothing that indicates to me that Aldo nullify BJ's top game. You have to admit that BJ's top game is one of the best in the business.

Who knows, Aldo could be the next Anderson Silva at LW, but I think if they fought right now, BJ takes it based on size, strength, and experience.

same thing i said about the Florian fight i will say about this fight if ever happens:

"After kenny gets crushed by penn he is going to walk back to the locker room and say, 'Damn, its true... BJ really is on another level... i had no idea there even was that level'.

i have actually rolled with BJ, and all i ever say about it is.... "its just different, i can not explain it". try it for yourself to see.

kipling, you bring up something I don't understand about BJ. Clearly the guy's ground skills are off the charts. Which makes his consistent use of striking and defending the takedown at all costs confusing.

With K-flo, the fight ended pretty damn quick when BJ changed gears and took Kenny down. I think if BJ does that, he wins the fight but he seems stubbornly attached to striking.