Anderson Silva: I'm not fighting Brazilians again

GarlicSauce - Americans will never understand pride, loyalty, dignity, etc. These are important things in Brazilian culture; American culture is about money and nothing else.

An American would fight his own fucking family if it would get him fame and money. And those oh-so-sweet rationalizations ("It's a business, get over it" or "There are no friends in the cage"), I love them.

That's why Americans (Westerners in general) don't understand Silva's remarks. It's a hideous, vicious culture we have.


We get the same thing in Canada here in Soccer. People have had to escape some pretty shitty situations but will always cheer for that country in international competition no matter what. Our national team is a joke and 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants still don't support it.


The "Canada is great but the Genocidal civil war torn place I came from is still better" syndrome

My friend is second generation Croatian/Canadian and just married a sweatheart 4rd gen Italian/Canadian girl, but his mother is your typical "Marry within the old country's lines or they are unworthy of us" zealot nutjob, and she's not alone, there are ties to old country fascists who sided with Hitler who gather in Hamilton Ontario for soccer banquets.


Shit is bizzare to me as like 5th generation half Brit/ Half French/Canadian. In the end I really don't care what you cheer for but, if you're dragging your kids into your ethnic baggage after having to escape something and keep telling people how much better the place that chased you out is, you're a fucktard.

War Diaz! USA! Phone Post 3.0

zazen br - Total non-issue. And bad translation to add to it. He was just trying to sound polite to us brazilian fans. Phone Post 3.0
Well looky here! A logical response.
VU Phone Post 3.0

good for him, he has nothing else to prove

why fight your friends?

SupesUp - When he was champ it was an issue.
If he's not fighting for a belt and fighting for his country, making money and putting on a show he can do whatever the fuck he wants. He's earned it in my books. Phone Post 3.0
This. Phone Post 3.0

RevDaniel - I think for him right now, it makes the most sense. He's trying to further cement his national hero status, which will benefit him and his family once he does retire. Fighting fellow Brazilians at this point in his career would only do harm to that.

Once you've seen and done it all, you pick your shots.
This. Phone Post 3.0

The Sultan -
ShanTheMan - Well he found any excuse to pick his opponents when he was champ so why not now? I like watching the guy fight, and he may be the best ever, but he did this kind of stuff for years. Phone Post 3.0
When did he pick his opponents? Pretty sure he fought every single contender the ufc thru his way? Phone Post 3.0
He kept saying after #1 contender fights that nate and hendo didnt deserve a rematch, then tried to duck weidman iirc and said rockhold was the right guy. This is before luke was REALLY proven like he is now. Like I said I enjoy watching him fight but he has been accused of picking and choosing before I ever did it. Phone Post 3.0

ShanTheMan -
The Sultan -
ShanTheMan - Well he found any excuse to pick his opponents when he was champ so why not now? I like watching the guy fight, and he may be the best ever, but he did this kind of stuff for years. Phone Post 3.0
When did he pick his opponents? Pretty sure he fought every single contender the ufc thru his way? Phone Post 3.0
He kept saying after #1 contender fights that nate and hendo didnt deserve a rematch, then tried to duck weidman iirc and said rockhold was the right guy. This is before luke was REALLY proven like he is now. Like I said I enjoy watching him fight but he has been accused of picking and choosing before I ever did it. Phone Post 3.0
But he fought weidman and not did he pick his opponent again? Phone Post 3.0

ShanTheMan - Well he found any excuse to pick his opponents when he was champ so why not now? I like watching the guy fight, and he may be the best ever, but he did this kind of stuff for years. Phone Post 3.0

This revisionist history is hilarious. Anderson has fought every opponent they've put in front of him he has more top 10 wins than anyone in history bar GSP ( who has one more), even got top 5 wins in three different weight classes. Show some respect.

Like many other fighters, the only thing he was adamant about was not fighting teammates but none of said teammates ever reached contender status at MW, while he was on top, which means we never saw it play out.

Giving his opinion re: contenders =/= refusing/picking certain opponents.

DatSpider -
ShanTheMan - Well he found any excuse to pick his opponents when he was champ so why not now? I like watching the guy fight, and he may be the best ever, but he did this kind of stuff for years. Phone Post 3.0

This revisionist history is hilarious. Anderson has fought every opponent they've put in front of him he has more top 10 wins than anyone in history bar GSP ( who has one more), even got top 5 wins in three different weight classes. Show some respect.

Like many other fighters, the only thing he was adamant about was not fighting teammates but none of said teammates ever reached contender status at MW, while he was on top, which means we never saw it play out.

Giving his opinion re: contenders =/= refusing/picking certain opponents.

Sounds like you are the one revising. Back in 09-10 there were plenty of UGers saying what I am, but not nearly as respectful. Phone Post 3.0

DirtyLickinsBrah -
ShanTheMan -
The Sultan -
ShanTheMan - Well he found any excuse to pick his opponents when he was champ so why not now? I like watching the guy fight, and he may be the best ever, but he did this kind of stuff for years. Phone Post 3.0
When did he pick his opponents? Pretty sure he fought every single contender the ufc thru his way? Phone Post 3.0
He kept saying after #1 contender fights that nate and hendo didnt deserve a rematch, then tried to duck weidman iirc and said rockhold was the right guy. This is before luke was REALLY proven like he is now. Like I said I enjoy watching him fight but he has been accused of picking and choosing before I ever did it. Phone Post 3.0
But he fought weidman and not did he pick his opponent again? Phone Post 3.0
Just because it didnt happen doesnt mean he didnt try. Again I dont dislike him but I look at it for what it is. My favorite fighters have arent 100% perfect either and it doesnt bother me. Phone Post 3.0

ShanTheMan - 
DatSpider -
ShanTheMan - Well he found any excuse to pick his opponents when he was champ so why not now? I like watching the guy fight, and he may be the best ever, but he did this kind of stuff for years. Phone Post 3.0

This revisionist history is hilarious. Anderson has fought every opponent they've put in front of him he has more top 10 wins than anyone in history bar GSP ( who has one more), even got top 5 wins in three different weight classes. Show some respect.

Like many other fighters, the only thing he was adamant about was not fighting teammates but none of said teammates ever reached contender status at MW, while he was on top, which means we never saw it play out.

Giving his opinion re: contenders =/= refusing/picking certain opponents.

Sounds like you are the one revising. Back in 09-10 there were plenty of UGers saying what I am, but not nearly as respectful. Phone Post 3.0

And there are plenty of UGers who are now saying Jones' never fought legit competition. It doesn't make it less asinine.

Besides, you made the claim now. Back it up.

ShanTheMan -
DirtyLickinsBrah -
ShanTheMan -
The Sultan -
ShanTheMan - Well he found any excuse to pick his opponents when he was champ so why not now? I like watching the guy fight, and he may be the best ever, but he did this kind of stuff for years. Phone Post 3.0
When did he pick his opponents? Pretty sure he fought every single contender the ufc thru his way? Phone Post 3.0
He kept saying after #1 contender fights that nate and hendo didnt deserve a rematch, then tried to duck weidman iirc and said rockhold was the right guy. This is before luke was REALLY proven like he is now. Like I said I enjoy watching him fight but he has been accused of picking and choosing before I ever did it. Phone Post 3.0
But he fought weidman and not did he pick his opponent again? Phone Post 3.0
Just because it didnt happen doesnt mean he didnt try. Again I dont dislike him but I look at it for what it is. My favorite fighters have arent 100% perfect either and it doesnt bother me. Phone Post 3.0
Lol. I don't care that he fought every contender cause he didn't really want to, OK!? Phone Post 3.0

ShanTheMan -
DirtyLickinsBrah -
ShanTheMan -
The Sultan -
ShanTheMan - Well he found any excuse to pick his opponents when he was champ so why not now? I like watching the guy fight, and he may be the best ever, but he did this kind of stuff for years. Phone Post 3.0
When did he pick his opponents? Pretty sure he fought every single contender the ufc thru his way? Phone Post 3.0
He kept saying after #1 contender fights that nate and hendo didnt deserve a rematch, then tried to duck weidman iirc and said rockhold was the right guy. This is before luke was REALLY proven like he is now. Like I said I enjoy watching him fight but he has been accused of picking and choosing before I ever did it. Phone Post 3.0
But he fought weidman and not did he pick his opponent again? Phone Post 3.0
Just because it didnt happen doesnt mean he didnt try. Again I dont dislike him but I look at it for what it is. My favorite fighters have arent 100% perfect either and it doesnt bother me. Phone Post 3.0
The point is...champions dont pick their that he's not champ...i think he deserves to pick his fights Phone Post 3.0

Dont matter to me, he's Anderson Silva he wants big money fights now with a bunch of fun matchmaking im down for that. Seems like he dont have the hunger he once did for a title but still enjoys the fight. Like someone said earlier Anderson will prob only fight a couple more times then hang it up.

I understand and completely respect his decision. He wants to avoid fighting his buddies. He already is a legend, nothing else to prove. His buddies are on the way up and he doesn't want to be the one to kill their momentum. Even though Vitor is not technically his buddy, he is a Brazilian having great success and fame in the UFC and a compatriot. I think this is more so a a way for Anderson to avoid a fight with Jacare. That has been his training partner and good friend for a long time. Phone Post 3.0

Strikeforce Redbelt - 
The Shockmaster - 
Madrugadao - Wow! Talk about 'what have you done for me lately'. It is amazing how quickly you lot will spin around and shit on a fighter.

He can fight who the fuck he wants, I'd say he has earned the right. He should be sitting on the Copacabana, eating burgers and getting fat, anyway.

Yeah, I'm sure if Chuck had refused to fight Americans that would have gone down real well.

Sorry Tito, I can't fight you because we are both Americans.

The difference is SILVA NEVER DID THAT AS CHAMP. He fought everyone he needed to.

Now at the end of his career, coming off a devestating injury and incredible legacy he should be able to fight whoever he wants without dildos like you spouting nonsense.

And as long as he has dickless beta males like you dangling from his balls (because you have none of your own) he'll get away with nonsense like this.

GarlicSauce - Americans will never understand pride, loyalty, dignity, etc. These are important things in Brazilian culture; American culture is about money and nothing else.

An American would fight his own fucking family if it would get him fame and money. And those oh-so-sweet rationalizations ("It's a business, get over it" or "There are no friends in the cage"), I love them.

That's why Americans (Westerners in general) don't understand Silva's remarks. It's a hideous, vicious culture we have.

So you are pro-nationalism, tribalism and racism then?

"Don't fight your own kind" sorta mentality? That's healthy and respectable in your opinion?

SupesUp -
ShanTheMan -
DirtyLickinsBrah -
ShanTheMan -
The Sultan -
ShanTheMan - Well he found any excuse to pick his opponents when he was champ so why not now? I like watching the guy fight, and he may be the best ever, but he did this kind of stuff for years. Phone Post 3.0
When did he pick his opponents? Pretty sure he fought every single contender the ufc thru his way? Phone Post 3.0
He kept saying after #1 contender fights that nate and hendo didnt deserve a rematch, then tried to duck weidman iirc and said rockhold was the right guy. This is before luke was REALLY proven like he is now. Like I said I enjoy watching him fight but he has been accused of picking and choosing before I ever did it. Phone Post 3.0
But he fought weidman and not did he pick his opponent again? Phone Post 3.0
Just because it didnt happen doesnt mean he didnt try. Again I dont dislike him but I look at it for what it is. My favorite fighters have arent 100% perfect either and it doesnt bother me. Phone Post 3.0
Lol. I don't care that he fought every contender cause he didn't really want to, OK!? Phone Post 3.0
You guys love to argue dont ya? God forbid anybody sees things differently. I didnt even think my first post was all that bad.

I never would say he didnt fight legit competition, he beat everybody around at the time. I just said he tried to choose who did and didnt deserve fights or rematches. To get all defensive when I say that doesnt make it any less true. For whoever mentioned teammates, I wouldnt expect him to fight any of them. Phone Post 3.0

translation: I don't want to and have never wanted to fight Machida and definitely don't want to rematch with Vitor