Any fun cardio ideas?

Anyone have fun programs to make improvements in my cardio? Long distance runs and sprints and just not a good time. Any ideas what I can do on my own to improve my mat endurance when not actually in the gym?

Thanks for any info!

Marathon Sex (combine upper and lower body this time, wrist muscles don't burn to many calories)

Touch football.

Yeah there are a ton of team sports (sex included?) but Im loking for somethign that i can do spur of the moment, by myself. I want to be able to fill my rare spare-time improving my cardio and not have to rely on a scheduled team sport.

Thanks for the ideas so far though boys!

stride instead of all out sprint or slow jog.

Not as good as sprints, but they will reinforce form and provide some exercise.

Or if that is too normal, you can practice holding your breath, sucking in your stomach, handstands, 1 legged jump squats or jumping down stairs.

Tie your balls to the back of a car with like 8 feet slack, and have your friend drive at 10 miles an hour, bet you won't quit!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bear crawling, Burpees, sled/tyre Dragging Sprints, skipping, Med ball drills, Tyre flipping drills, Sandbag throwing drills.

The way you do cardio is just as important and can help break up monotony. There are heaps of H.I.I.T. training variables.

Someone on here once said that taking a crap and jerking off at the same time was a great full body workout.

Take a medecine ball (the ones that can rebound), a solid wall and throw it on the wall in different ways. then repeat.

I do this and it's really cool.

modified tabata intervals (rowing machine)

15s moderate pace followed by 15s max effort sprint. Great for lactate threshold training
Total 4 minutes

Mb overhhead throw then sprint to ball
Mb chest throw then sprint to ball
10 throws each. Rest 1 minute and repeat

Ketttlebell backward scoop throw
Kb forward scoop throw
10 thows each, sprint to kb after throw

coach hale

I've heard Squash is a fun game that builds cardio.


do some tabata intervals.
20 sec work/10 sec rest for 8 rounds(no rest between exercises or rounds)...
you can pick your exercises
8 rounds of pullups, 8 rounds of situps, 8 rounds of pushups, 8 rounds of squats is a good one.

if you only have a few minutes and want to get some work in, do 8 rounds of burpees, intense heavy bag work or sprawls and thats it. guaranteed to get you sucking wind. if you get bored in the 4minutes it takes to do this, you may need ritalin ;)

Try climbing a tree. It sounds stupid but it works. You will also find that you are not as agile as you were when you seven.

Handball has always been fun for me. Although it's not very big in other places. I live in NY so there is a handball court in every town. I know when I was in VA I couldn't find one anywhere.

I like the tree, except you'll also find that tree limbs break because you dont weigh 50 lbs like you did when you were 7.


great ideas guys, thanks a lot! Anyone else?

dance dance revolution

Circuits of various calisthenics while wearing a weight vest.

Rowing machine intervals.

Rounds of grappling-specific exercises (pummelling, shrimping, sprawls, bear crawls, etc.)


Brian Jones
KAGI Sports, Inc.

"dance dance revolution"

LOL, my secret shame

me too for a long time. i had ps1 up until a year ago and played a fair amount. since upgrading to xbox last year i haven't played. fuck i should order a pad. lol