UGCTT_UncleCreepy - Some people get pretty annoyed of it, i don't mind pictures or autographs anytime.
No it doesn't annoy me if they do fist pose or put there arm around me for a picture.
i have some pretty creepy fans so ive been asked some weird shit haha i dont care though i love the fans. with my nickname i pretty much asked for the creepy fans to be unleashed though and i enjoy them all :)
Thanks for commenting, Ian. I'm a fan. You always bring it 110%. Genuinely thought you clearly won the first fight against Mighty Mouse (who's a beast, in his own right). Like Lawlor, you seem like a very down to earth guy also.
How do your friends/family react when you're out with them and you're recognized? Are they kind of in awe or breaking your balls or just sort of nonchalant about it?
TheOneDylanThomas - UGCTT_UncleCreepy - Some people get pretty annoyed of it, i don't mind pictures or autographs anytime.
No it doesn't annoy me if they do fist pose or put there arm around me for a picture.
i have some pretty creepy fans so ive been asked some weird shit haha i dont care though i love the fans. with my nickname i pretty much asked for the creepy fans to be unleashed though and i enjoy them all :)
Thanks for commenting, Ian. I'm a fan. You always bring it 110%. Genuinely thought you clearly won the first fight against Mighty Mouse (who's a beast, in his own right). Like Lawlor, you seem like a very down to earth guy also.
How do your friends/family react when you're out with them and you're recognized? Are they kind of in awe or breaking your balls or just sort of nonchalant about it?
nonchalant, they usually know the drill and offer to take the picture for whoever wants it haha
thanks for the support
UGCTT_UncleCreepy - TheOneDylanThomas - UGCTT_UncleCreepy - Some people get pretty annoyed of it, i don't mind pictures or autographs anytime.
No it doesn't annoy me if they do fist pose or put there arm around me for a picture.
i have some pretty creepy fans so ive been asked some weird shit haha i dont care though i love the fans. with my nickname i pretty much asked for the creepy fans to be unleashed though and i enjoy them all :)
Thanks for commenting, Ian. I'm a fan. You always bring it 110%. Genuinely thought you clearly won the first fight against Mighty Mouse (who's a beast, in his own right). Like Lawlor, you seem like a very down to earth guy also.
How do your friends/family react when you're out with them and you're recognized? Are they kind of in awe or breaking your balls or just sort of nonchalant about it?
nonchalant, they usually know the drill and offer to take the picture for whoever wants it haha
thanks for the support
Uncle Creepy, you bring your ass up to the 209 and I have some beers and a hooter waiting for you. You have to train with me though. Ok so maybe 2 beers.
Sub, good scheisse so far.
Sub, good scheisse so far.
Not a pro fighter at all but i have one story. my buddy was a manger of bar that had and underground cage fighting tourney every other month in Omaha Neb. It's was mostly drunk tough guys but a few trained guys would compete and clean house when they did
He always let me in to watch those when I was in HS i was 17 and one night he came up and asked me if I wanted to fight as one guy dropped out. He fudged my age on the paper work and I signed a waiver and I was the second fight.
No training but I was a very decent wrestler at the time in HS so I wrestled my opponent down and got the RNC and I was in heaven. Then an hour later my next fight came up and it was against this black dude who was huge! He preceded to knock and beat the shit out of me with ease and literally mopped the floor with me in the worst way
Fast forward to a couple years later I see the same dude in the UFC and he KOs the dean of mean in his first fight
Yes I got my ass beat by Houston Alexander before he made it big 
Tom Lawlor - TheOneDylanThomas - Kind of goes along with the other two fan/fighter threads. What are some interesting experiences you've had? Does it ever get annoying to be constantly asked for pictures or autographs? There has to be days where it's overwhelming especially for the UFC fighters. Does it annoy you if a fan puts his arm around you? How about when they do the fist pose?
Share anything/everything.
Any fighter response would be awesome but a response from Lauzon, Rogan, Dana, Creepy, Lawlor, or another UFC personality would be incredible.
I will answer the questions you asked:
1. I am pretty sure that when we were just in Sweden some guys were trying to pick us up. Me, Chris, and my BJJ coach Tim Burrill were hanging out with them all night before I noticed one of the guys was wearing a "I love Polish Boys" shirt. Luckily, I'm not Polish.
2. No. It is more surprising still to me than anything.
3. I like when fans reach around me.
4. I just imagine it as the rubber fist from Borat and have a laugh.
Filthy, you claim to enjoy a good reach-around from fans, but the boys in Sweden had no such luck?
It doesn't bother me if people ask for autographs or pictures. I like it and I still find it crazy that anyone wants my sig or picture.
In Australia I had a guy come up to me and say "hey, you should give me your watch. I'm sure you can afford plenty more" 
camozzi - It doesn't bother me if people ask for autographs or pictures. I like it and I still find it crazy that anyone wants my sig or picture.
In Australia I had a guy come up to me and say "hey, you should give me your watch. I'm sure you can afford plenty more" 
Thanks for responding, Chris. So, I wonder how do you deal with ignorant fans? I only ask because I remember a ridiculous thread right after your fight with Jacare. It was a little irritating even to me because you're just dealing with the loss and you have to read and defend yourself in a thread from an apparent "expert" that probably hasn't trained, definitely never fought a world class grappler, and wasn't even logical.
So I'm just wondering how you get back to center after listening to unwarranted criticism? Just kind of accept that some people are just always going to be dicks?
Anyway, you're in the top 1% of your chosen profession. Looking forward to seeing you bounce back with a W soon. Cheers.
TheOneDylanThomas - YHTOMIT2001 - My 7th pro fight was my first time fighting in my hometown. Family, friends, coworkers, seems like everyone I knew was there. I was the main event and nervous as shit, almost all my friends won their fights so I felt a ton of pressure.
I won by KO from a slam/power bomb in the first round. I'm a personal trainer and one of my clients rented a limo for the night so I showed up to the after party in style looking like ric flair or something. The after party was friends and random people congratulating me and buying me drinks all night. Also hooked up w/ one of my co workers that I invited to the fight. 
First fight in your hometown and you won by KO slam in the first. Geez. Couldn't have scripted it any better. How were your nerves going into the fight?
I was scared shitless until I warmed up
YHTOMIT2001 - TheOneDylanThomas - YHTOMIT2001 - My 7th pro fight was my first time fighting in my hometown. Family, friends, coworkers, seems like everyone I knew was there. I was the main event and nervous as shit, almost all my friends won their fights so I felt a ton of pressure.
I won by KO from a slam/power bomb in the first round. I'm a personal trainer and one of my clients rented a limo for the night so I showed up to the after party in style looking like ric flair or something. The after party was friends and random people congratulating me and buying me drinks all night. Also hooked up w/ one of my co workers that I invited to the fight. 
First fight in your hometown and you won by KO slam in the first. Geez. Couldn't have scripted it any better. How were your nerves going into the fight?
I was scared shitless until I warmed up 
I bet. Got a vid of the fight?
TheOneDylanThomas - camozzi - It doesn't bother me if people ask for autographs or pictures. I like it and I still find it crazy that anyone wants my sig or picture.
In Australia I had a guy come up to me and say "hey, you should give me your watch. I'm sure you can afford plenty more" 
Thanks for responding, Chris. So, I wonder how do you deal with ignorant fans? I only ask because I remember a ridiculous thread right after your fight with Jacare. It was a little irritating even to me because you're just dealing with the loss and you have to read and defend yourself in a thread from an apparent "expert" that probably hasn't trained, definitely never fought a world class grappler, and wasn't even logical.
So I'm just wondering how you get back to center after listening to unwarranted criticism? Just kind of accept that some people are just always going to be dicks?
Anyway, you're in the top 1% of your chosen profession. Looking forward to seeing you bounce back with a W soon. Cheers.
I've rarely had fans be jerks but if they are I try not to feed into it. I responded on that thread your talking about and I shouldn't have but all it reay does is motivate me more
Any other green namers willing to share?