Any green namers willing to share fan stories?

One time after a fight my buddies went to a bar/restaurant to eat and drink. My wife and I were hanging out with friends, training partners and some fans, when this couple starting hanging out with us. They were talking about my fight and asking questions. Then they started buying my wife and I drinks and insisted that they also pay for my food and other drinks.

I felt bad and tried to at least help them with the bill, but they refused to take any money. So we kept drinking and having a good time when they finally asked my wife and I if we were swingers. My wife said no, but they kept pushing and asking. The chick was smoking, even my wife thought so (a little too much so), but she did not want anything to do with the dude.

Well, they still paid the bill and asked one last and we politely said no.

I know not the best story, but we thought it was funny at the time...

DAVID H - One time after a fight my buddies went to a bar/restaurant to eat and drink. My wife and I were hanging out with friends, training partners and some fans, when this couple starting hanging out with us. They were talking about my fight and asking questions. Then they started buying my wife and I drinks and insisted that they also pay for my food and other drinks.

I felt bad and tried to at least help them with the bill, but they refused to take any money. So we kept drinking and having a good time when they finally asked my wife and I if we were swingers. My wife said no, but they kept pushing and asking. The chick was smoking, even my wife thought so (a little too much so), but she did not want anything to do with the dude.

Well, they still paid the bill and asked one last and we politely said no.

I know not the best story, but we thought it was funny at the time...

Good story. Trying to hook up with a fighters wife though? Guy must have woken up that morning and thought, "what's the easiest way to get my ass whipped today?". It's literally like a cartoon.

in for later!

. Phone Post

TheOneDylanThomas - 
YHTOMIT2001 - 
TheOneDylanThomas -
YHTOMIT2001 - My 7th pro fight was my first time fighting in my hometown. Family, friends, coworkers, seems like everyone I knew was there. I was the main event and nervous as shit, almost all my friends won their fights so I felt a ton of pressure.

I won by KO from a slam/power bomb in the first round. I'm a personal trainer and one of my clients rented a limo for the night so I showed up to the after party in style looking like ric flair or something. The after party was friends and random people congratulating me and buying me drinks all night. Also hooked up w/ one of my co workers that I invited to the fight. Phone Post 3.0

First fight in your hometown and you won by KO slam in the first. Geez. Couldn't have scripted it any better. How were your nerves going into the fight?
I was scared shitless until I warmed up Phone Post 3.0

I bet. Got a vid of the fight?

Here it is

YHTOMIT2001 - 
TheOneDylanThomas - 
YHTOMIT2001 - 
TheOneDylanThomas -
YHTOMIT2001 - My 7th pro fight was my first time fighting in my hometown. Family, friends, coworkers, seems like everyone I knew was there. I was the main event and nervous as shit, almost all my friends won their fights so I felt a ton of pressure.

I won by KO from a slam/power bomb in the first round. I'm a personal trainer and one of my clients rented a limo for the night so I showed up to the after party in style looking like ric flair or something. The after party was friends and random people congratulating me and buying me drinks all night. Also hooked up w/ one of my co workers that I invited to the fight. Phone Post 3.0

First fight in your hometown and you won by KO slam in the first. Geez. Couldn't have scripted it any better. How were your nerves going into the fight?
I was scared shitless until I warmed up Phone Post 3.0

I bet. Got a vid of the fight?

Here it is

Thanks man. I'm sure you hear Rampage/Arona a lot about that KO. The home crowd loved you too. The applause when you reverse mount was really cool.

Props man. Really impressive.

I like that lead head kick, Tim.

YHTOMIT2001 - 
TheOneDylanThomas - 
YHTOMIT2001 - 
TheOneDylanThomas -
YHTOMIT2001 - My 7th pro fight was my first time fighting in my hometown. Family, friends, coworkers, seems like everyone I knew was there. I was the main event and nervous as shit, almost all my friends won their fights so I felt a ton of pressure.

I won by KO from a slam/power bomb in the first round. I'm a personal trainer and one of my clients rented a limo for the night so I showed up to the after party in style looking like ric flair or something. The after party was friends and random people congratulating me and buying me drinks all night. Also hooked up w/ one of my co workers that I invited to the fight. Phone Post 3.0

First fight in your hometown and you won by KO slam in the first. Geez. Couldn't have scripted it any better. How were your nerves going into the fight?
I was scared shitless until I warmed up Phone Post 3.0

I bet. Got a vid of the fight?

Here it is

Just realized who you were i saw you fight in nashville against a really tough dude, cant remember his name but you won by headkick.  cool to out a name with a face ive actually seen fight live...  can I have your autograph and a fist pose pic?

Any more stories?

MyUnclesCreepy - Not a pro fighter at all but i have one story. my buddy was a manger of bar that had and underground cage fighting tourney every other month in Omaha Neb. It's was mostly drunk tough guys but a few trained guys would compete and clean house when they did

He always let me in to watch those when I was in HS i was 17 and one night he came up and asked me if I wanted to fight as one guy dropped out. He fudged my age on the paper work and I signed a waiver and I was the second fight.

No training but I was a very decent wrestler at the time in HS so I wrestled my opponent down and got the RNC and I was in heaven. Then an hour later my next fight came up and it was against this black dude who was huge! He preceded to knock and beat the shit out of me with ease and literally mopped the floor with me in the worst way

Fast forward to a couple years later I see the same dude in the UFC and he KOs the dean of mean in his first fight

Yes I got my ass beat by Houston Alexander before he made it big Phone Post 3.0

What bar in Omaha?

90% of fans are awesome people... You get the occasional heckler but that's life lol... At my last fight CFFC 24 it's was cool to see I still had some fans!!! Some came up to me after my fight ask how I've been and to take a pic... It's a fun experience! Phone Post 3.0

UGCTT_UncleCreepy - Some people get pretty annoyed of it, i don't mind pictures or autographs anytime.

No it doesn't annoy me if they do fist pose or put there arm around me for a picture.

i have some pretty creepy fans so ive been asked some weird shit haha i dont care though i love the fans. with my nickname i pretty much asked for the creepy fans to be unleashed though and i enjoy them all :)

I have an idea about what you mean by creepy shit. Phone Post

Jay Haas - 90% of fans are awesome people... You get the occasional heckler but that's life lol... At my last fight CFFC 24 it's was cool to see I still had some fans!!! Some came up to me after my fight ask how I've been and to take a pic... It's a fun experience! Phone Post 3.0

Thanks for responding, man. I noticed that you've had a lot of fights in three years and only one decision. Bad ass. How's that on your body? Ever had a serious injury?

Jsteven -
YHTOMIT2001 - 
TheOneDylanThomas - 
YHTOMIT2001 - 
TheOneDylanThomas -
YHTOMIT2001 - My 7th pro fight was my first time fighting in my hometown. Family, friends, coworkers, seems like everyone I knew was there. I was the main event and nervous as shit, almost all my friends won their fights so I felt a ton of pressure.

I won by KO from a slam/power bomb in the first round. I'm a personal trainer and one of my clients rented a limo for the night so I showed up to the after party in style looking like ric flair or something. The after party was friends and random people congratulating me and buying me drinks all night. Also hooked up w/ one of my co workers that I invited to the fight. Phone Post 3.0

First fight in your hometown and you won by KO slam in the first. Geez. Couldn't have scripted it any better. How were your nerves going into the fight?
I was scared shitless until I warmed up Phone Post 3.0

I bet. Got a vid of the fight?

Here it is

Just realized who you were i saw you fight in nashville against a really tough dude, cant remember his name but you won by headkick.  cool to out a name with a face ive actually seen fight live...  can I have your autograph and a fist pose pic?

Yea that was my 2nd pro fight. Nashville was a fun trip. Phone Post 3.0

I have a few stories. I won my 1st (ammy) fight by leg lock submission. I was the last fight on the card so the place cleared out and I was celebrating and taking pictures with my friends and training partners. A few random people came up and took a picture with me. I was highly surprised because I was just an unknown ammy fighter but I was happy that people wanted a picture with me, lol.

Fast forward to my 2nd fight (still ammy), I fought for the same promotion and at the same venue. Before the fight, I went to the bathroom and was taking a piss. Some guy goes in the urinal next to me and starts up a conversation by saying something like "Hey, you're the guy that broke that guy's leg in your last fight. Good stuff." And we talked while pissing. I was shocked that I got recognized by someone and that someone started up a convo with me while pissing at the urinals- something that's against "guy code", haha.

MyUnclesCreepy - Not a pro fighter at all but i have one story. my buddy was a manger of bar that had and underground cage fighting tourney every other month in Omaha Neb. It's was mostly drunk tough guys but a few trained guys would compete and clean house when they did

He always let me in to watch those when I was in HS i was 17 and one night he came up and asked me if I wanted to fight as one guy dropped out. He fudged my age on the paper work and I signed a waiver and I was the second fight.

No training but I was a very decent wrestler at the time in HS so I wrestled my opponent down and got the RNC and I was in heaven. Then an hour later my next fight came up and it was against this black dude who was huge! He preceded to knock and beat the shit out of me with ease and literally mopped the floor with me in the worst way

Fast forward to a couple years later I see the same dude in the UFC and he KOs the dean of mean in his first fight

Yes I got my ass beat by Houston Alexander before he made it big Phone Post 3.0

WTF! I am from Omaha and I competed 3 times for Victory in local bars before it became what it is today! What bars did you fight in?

TheOneDylanThomas -
Jay Haas - 90% of fans are awesome people... You get the occasional heckler but that's life lol... At my last fight CFFC 24 it's was cool to see I still had some fans!!! Some came up to me after my fight ask how I've been and to take a pic... It's a fun experience! Phone Post 3.0

Thanks for responding, man. I noticed that you've had a lot of fights in three years and only one decision. Bad ass. How's that on your body? Ever had a serious injury?
Nope the only significant shot I've taken was Kenny fosters knee(woke up in a choke) lol Phone Post 3.0

TheBulgarianAssassin - I have a few stories. I won my 1st (ammy) fight by leg lock submission. I was the last fight on the card so the place cleared out and I was celebrating and taking pictures with my friends and training partners. A few random people came up and took a picture with me. I was highly surprised because I was just an unknown ammy fighter but I was happy that people wanted a picture with me, lol.

Fast forward to my 2nd fight (still ammy), I fought for the same promotion and at the same venue. Before the fight, I went to the bathroom and was taking a piss. Some guy goes in the urinal next to me and starts up a conversation by saying something like "Hey, you're the guy that broke that guy's leg in your last fight. Good stuff." And we talked while pissing. I was shocked that I got recognized by someone and that someone started up a convo with me while pissing at the urinals- something that's against "guy code", haha.

Ha, good story. Have you gotten recognized much as a pro?

Jay Haas - 
TheOneDylanThomas -
Jay Haas - 90% of fans are awesome people... You get the occasional heckler but that's life lol... At my last fight CFFC 24 it's was cool to see I still had some fans!!! Some came up to me after my fight ask how I've been and to take a pic... It's a fun experience! Phone Post 3.0

Thanks for responding, man. I noticed that you've had a lot of fights in three years and only one decision. Bad ass. How's that on your body? Ever had a serious injury?
Nope the only significant shot I've taken was Kenny fosters knee(woke up in a choke) lol Phone Post 3.0

Well much respect to you, man. 21 fights since 2009.

One more question if you don't mind. Because you do fight so much, maybe you have the perfect perspective for this; I remember Dana saying one time about how fighters just sort of have a wiring that's different from ordinary Joes. Agree? If you couldn't compete anymore, is there anything else that could replace it? Would you go mad? Can you describe the feeling you get during a fight?

So that's four questions, I guess. Hope you don't mind answering. Genuinely curious.

cripplersc - 
Luke Cuckhold - Any fighter walk out to the song they personally picked and thought, why did I choose this song? Phone Post 3.0

I was going to walk out to "Stinkfist" by Tool and some how in about a 45 minute period the Dj lost my CD. He decides "Here comes the boom" by DMX would be a good replacement. Fucked my whole vibe up Phone Post

Well, it could be worse. Something similar happened at a local show I was at, except the DJ turned on the Fresh Prince theme song lol. The guys whole team was screaming at him to change it, DJ just shrugged and the guy was forced to walk out. I suspect it wasnt an accident though, who knows, maybe the DJ just had it out for the guy.