Apple Cider Vinegar


and modern doctors recommend filling your body and blood with synthetically manufactured chemicals. the same doctors that say shitting 3x per week is normal and healthy

I didnt say that.

Well, you certainly put a lot of stock in a book for profit and some guy motivating a genetic freak to train.

Lalane may be a freak but he wasn't alaways like that

Yes he was.

in fact he almost died when he was 17.

He concluded that he was addicted to sugar at the age of 15 and that the lecture from bragg saved his life. He was in no danger of dying at that time.

He may have had the pre disposition for it but without a healthy lifestyle he wouldn't have come anywhere near fulfilling his potential

So what? He would have still ived to the ripe age of 85 instead of 100 & it would be because he lived a very active lifestyle and ate healthy foods. That combined with his amazing genetics helped him live a long and healthy life. It wasn't because of apple cider vinegar.

I can say "exercise, eat only healthy foods and take a teaspoon of corn meal before bed every night!" Guess what will happen? YOU'LL GET HEALTHY and it has NOTHING to do with the corn meal!

The same thing should then apply to doctors since they are only in it for the money

LMFAO! Writing a book about apple cider vinegar without any solid scientific data to warrant it is not comparable to doctors conducting a bone marrow transplant to save a child's life or making a blind person see again becuase thanks to medical science.

The book isn't important in this discussion; you blindly believing in apple cider vinegar because of some book that was written 50 years ago by a guy who saved Jack Lalanne's life by showing him he was on the verge of dying from sugar consumption is all that matters here.

Any prescription drugs too since they are also only in it for the money.

LMFAO! Prescription drugs save lives and is in no way comparable to some book written about corn meal or vinegar 60 years ago.

This book was created to earn money. There is no other function that that. Doctors work to earn money but their primary function is to save lives and to fix people up. The difference is so simple to understand, imo.

ACV has been around since Hipocrates and has been used medicinally since that time and probably before even.

Completely irrelevat. Chopping off fingers to get rid of headaches (i.e. demons in the body) has been around for thousands of years. Does that mean it's valid.

I love how so many people think remedies are validated by how long they have been in use by people 2500 years ago instead of finding validation in them through modern science.

and modern doctors recommend filling your body and blood with synthetically manufactured chemicals

Like Amoxycillin to fight deadly infections? Synthetic antibodies that target cancer cells, saving lives?

LOL. Anymore completely irrelevant remarks?

the same doctors that say shitting 3x per week is normal and healthy

LMFAO! It's all clear to me now. You're one of these internet holistic nuts who believes whatever sounds good and is EASY to believe.

No it just amazes me how modrn medicine can be so backwards on so many issues. If peole had better preventive practices and lived healthier lives our cancer rates would be a lot lower and we wouldnt need all the drugs we have today. Taking a synthetic antibody to beat cancer is different from taking the latest buzz drug you see on a TV commercial for everything that ever goes wrong. hmmm my cholesterol is up i could up my intake of flax meal and whole grains and exercise and eat less crap or take Levitra...yeha ill take Levitra and have mcd's for breakfast. ohhh i have a little headache gotta go for the aspirin ohh i have a 2 deg fever shoot me up with ibuprofen

and the american medical journal actually says that only 3 bowel movements per week is nothing to be alarmed about and is perfectly normal. but even if you were a little blocked up God forbid you just eat something high in fiber....we have a drug that can fix that

the same FDA that approves these drugs after getting their fat pockets lined from the drug companies are the same people that say bright blue gumballs colored with anti freeze are safe to consume or that artificial vanilla made from tar residue of paper mills is safe for humans. yeah the FDA really has my best interests at heart

ever wonder why they dont have the bright candy in europe? ever wonder why they dont have drug commercials on TV in europe? ever wonder why in europe you dont see 4 out of every 3 kids with some kidn of whacked out nut or soy or wheat allergy like you do here. yeah must not have anything to do with the amount of synthetically mfgrd crap we load into our bodies.

good rule of thumb if you want to be healthy

If man made it, dont eat it

Do you know what a straw man argument is?

I just think our society is over drugged esepcially when it comes to children. Look at how quick a "child psychologist" is to prescribe Ritalin for a 3 yr old.

And BTW what's wrong with marketing a book and lifestyle to make money? If he has helped people then great, so what if he is in it for money. Richard Simmons I'm sure was in it for the money but he still helped a lot of people. Lalane im sure made a lot of money off of his TV show but im sure he motivated a lot of people to exercise.

Yeah sure you can live a long life drinking, smoking, eating bacon grease and sitting on your ass all day. Some people just have very strong constitutions and can keep kicking despite of their lifestyle...just imagine if those same people took care of themselves.

Also nowhere did i say that drinking ACV ipso facto would make you live forever but it is sure a nice supplement. since ive been on it i get far fewer colds and illness and even when i do im able to beat them quicker. related maybe maybe not but its not a drug and ive been healthier since so if it works ill keep taking it

Nobody here has ever claimed that modern medicine was perfect and had all the answers.

'Alternative' medicine attempts to plug the holes in modern medicine, but with about zero scientifically attained evidence the majority of the time.

Is there something to be learned from alternative medicine? Perhaps. But it's prolly lost in the veritable ocean of quacks, shills, and anti-establishment nutcases peddling their own wares.

Personally, I think you're on the right track when talking about eating well as a way of preventing from having to take medicine. Certainly people are lazy and like to eat what they like.

The problem is, modern scientific medicine is geared toward a reactionary process. That is, if you develop cancer, what will fight it off? That's a relatively easy protocol to develop something for.

It's much, MUCH more difficult try and figure out why someone can live to 90 years old and never develop cancer in the first place. The list of factors is enormous and prolly very interrelated. This is where alternative medicine tries to step in, but with little proof of anything.

"Yeah sure you can live a long life drinking, smoking, eating bacon grease and sitting on your ass all day"

You are delusional if you think that is what the people who disagree with you do, or if you think that is what doctors recommend.

yeah some people can live like that and still live a long time but how can you knwo that you will be one of them.

2 people may both die at 90 but i gurantee you the guy who took care of himself and wasnt on every drug on the planet for every little thing that came up will have a much better quality of life in his late years than the other guy that lived just as long strung along by drugs and medicine

Western medicine is great with catastrophic illness or injury but when it comes to preventative forget it. people want a quick fix, they want to take a shot to prevent the flu or to get rid of it, rather than spending the season prior taking steps to boost your immune system

Modern doctors are disease and injury specialists, not HEALTH specialists. And that's perfectly fine. You can eat as clean as a man can, you'll still get old, sick once in a while, get injured etc. We need doctors. But modern medicine isnt all knowing and isnt often applicable to OPTIMAL health.

"The problem is, modern scientific medicine is geared toward a reactionary process. That is, if you develop cancer, what will fight it off? That's a relatively easy protocol to develop something for.

It's much, MUCH more difficult try and figure out why someone can live to 90 years old and never develop cancer in the first place. The list of factors is enormous and prolly very interrelated. This is where alternative medicine tries to step in, but with little proof of anything."

You have injected a full dose of the healthy correct.

"Holistic" approaches to health cant really be tested - and if they could be researched 99% of the results couldnt be patented and the $$$$ invested could be used by all the competitors.

Money drives drug research and "alternativre medicine". Not just one of the two. Sure most of the quacks and charlatans are on the herbs and supplements side, but pharmaceutical companies have lied, omitted facts, and their lobbies bought off goverments and doctors for decades. It's a twisted system.

Steve McQueen died because he listened to some alternative medicine insted of trusting western Medicine.

Still Steve McQueen is the coolist mofo in movie history

"Western medicine is great with catastrophic illness or injury but when it comes to preventative forget it"

So what should I do when my doctor tells me to eat vegetables? It's easy to knock over straw men.

no such thing as "alternative medicine".

there's medicine, which is a science, and then there are old wives tales.

you ever hear of alternative physics, or alternative astronomy?

this is an awesome groundhog day thread though. when do we get to enemas and ridding the body of toxins?

don't be saying there is no "alternitive physics" you are going to crush my world. I've gone completely eastern with my views on physics.

you ever hear of alternative physics, or alternative astronomy?

just like there is no alternative math. or alternative gravity. some things are iron clad and black and white...the medical field is not one of them

"just like there is no alternative math."

there is no "alternative math". Math has absorbed ideas as heretical as Godel's incompleteness theorems, and the various people who advanced NonEuclidian Geometry.

there are alternate representations for many of the mathematical constructions modern mathematicians use, and some of them can still be useful, but the people involved in creating them still were doing math.

there IS numerology and "sacred" geometry, but those have very little to do with modern mathematics.

"or alternative gravity."

lol. I think that says it all, right there.

Math is still infallible, our interpretation of certain concepts and realizing ideas can change because were people. But no matter how you look at it 2+2 will always equal and 19000000000 years from now

What exactly does that have to do with my doctor recommending that I eat more vegetables?

just trying to prove that some things are iron clad and some are not. math is, medical is not

now while advising eating more vegetable he probably had a whole host of drug reccomendations to offer up too right