Apple Cider Vinegar

math changes constantly. not 2+2, of course. but there are whole buildings full of people trying out new stuff a little more complex. disproving the old and improving the new.

that's the point; science is constantly testing and growing. old wives tales, not so much.

there are only two kind of scientific theories: those that have been disproven, and those that could be disproven.

for instance, astrology is not an alternative astronomy.

What do you have against doctors?

What do you have against doctors?

Obviously not everyone is the same and we have had the blessing of a pediatrician who recommended the Feingold program for our son as an alternative to Ritalin (the 1 out of probably 20+ we consulted). But what my problem is when someone has a condition especially a degenerative disease the answer is always a drug and the thought that the issue can be remedied with something other than a drug like proper diet (and by proper diet i dont just mean low fat high fiber) and actually doing something to change the lifestyle that caused the problem

and yes i know not everything is someones choice but there are so many problems we live with as a nation that could be reversed or avioded by simply changing what we eat

How is ritalin going to be any worse for your 5 year old than creatine supplementation?

"But what my problem is when someone has a condition especially a degenerative disease the answer is always a drug and the thought that the issue can be remedied with something other than a drug like proper diet (and by proper diet i dont just mean low fat high fiber) and actually doing something to change the lifestyle that caused the problem"

I actually agree with this. I think the problem is caused by bad science though.

does this guy ever provide anything to the conversation aside from jab comments

There is a guy at my church dying of bone cancer localized in his cranium. Of course the doctors have him on radiation and chemotherapy and not once has any of his doctors even gone to the subject of diet, or exercise or sleep patterns or anything. "you got cancer heres your chemo, heres your radiation and let's hop that we kill the bad stuff along with everything good it will kill"

Him and his wife looked at me like I had two heads when i merely suggested they read Toxic Relief and that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables and juicing could possibly offer some help. But doctors know everything and the stuff that's already been placed by God on the earth could never have any way of healing the diseases and disorders of this world

LOL go ahead and keep blatantly misrepresenting the medical profession. When your 5 year old was born, did you call a midwife or go to a hospital?

"There is a guy at my church dying of bone cancer localized in his cranium. Of course the doctors have him on radiation and chemotherapy and not once has any of his doctors even gone to the subject of diet, or exercise or sleep patterns or anything. "you got cancer heres your chemo, heres your radiation and let's hop that we kill the bad stuff along with everything good it will kill"

yeah - see, that's insane.

a good diet will solve a lot of things. but when you talk about it fixing bone cancer, you have gone over the edge.

good luck to your friend though.

"When your 5 year old was born, did you call a midwife or go to a hospital?"

Speaking for myself, when my 3 year old son was born, I called a MIDWIFE, a great woman that had followed us throughout the whole pregnancy. I also took courses. I was amazed at all we can learn about pregnancy and parenthood that is never taught to most people.

I was all against this "natural" approach to giving birth, for safety reasons mostly. Then I did my research amd it opened my eyes. First of all, I thought midwives were well meaning but hippie dudettes that basically offered just mental support and weird advices. But I was wrong.

And many studies around the WORLD (not just the US) have shown that for women without detected risks, giving birth at home is actually as safe and sometimes safer.

Check it out for yourself. You can google it. In Holland midvies are free (goverment funded) while you have to pay to go to the hospital and they have the lowest death at birth rate in the world.

I get your point though. When I had an appendicitis I wasnt looking for herbs or supplements or emotional therapy and whatnot. I was looking for a surgeon. And fast. He saved my life.

Western medicine is full of good and huge benefits. But it's NOT the end all be all of prevention and cures and optimal HEALTH. It's amazing at what it does best. It saves lives. But I'm in the opinion that for many chronic ailments the pharmaceutical industry has turned many doctors into legal pushers and many patients as prescription hungry druggies.

If a doctor says "just eat pond scum, don't worry about medication" he/she is setting him/herself up for a huge medical malpractice lawsuit.

"Western medicine is full of good and huge benefits. But it's NOT the end all be all of prevention and cures and optimal HEALTH."

Doesn't seem like such a controversial statement to make, but people get very touchy when it's brought up.

There are assumptions behind that statement that make it quite controversial. Not every doctor pushes pills. Additionally, Western Medicine already does a lot of the things that Mr. Pond Scum Gimmick wants to claim for alternative medicine.

From the American Heart Association's website:

"We?ve helped secure increases in funding that led to medical innovations and helped ensure that important public health programs reached those in need. Our efforts have also led to more smoke-free workplaces and public areas in our nation?s cities. We?re also advocating for physical education and better nutrition in schools."

That sure sounds like pro-active optimal health to me.

In working with a cancer center on my t-shirt project (which donates money to the center), the contact person had a list of companies that have donated recently to national cancer research and prevention. Most of the companies were drug companies.


a good diet will solve a lot of things. but when you talk about it fixing bone cancer, you have gone over the edge.

it may not, the chemo and radiation my not either but i would bet if the guy had consumed 1qt a day of freshly juiced fruits/veg his defenses would be a lot higher and his chance of beating it a lot better.

youd be surprised at what the earth has to offer medicinally

But I'm in the opinion that for many chronic ailments the pharmaceutical industry has turned many doctors into legal pushers and many patients as prescription hungry druggies.

AMEN Brother!!!

It's called keeping themselves in business with expensive band aids. If the drugs fixed you you wouldnt need to buy more drugs and the drug companies would make a lot less money


The argument you've probably borrowed from the likes of Kevin Trudeau about how drug companies would prefer you were sick so that they make more money is not a very good one (even if it is true). Sometimes individuals, organizations, and companies do things to benefit people.


who is kevin trudeau?

When your 5 year old was born, did you call a midwife or go to a hospital?

We gave birth in a hospital because giving birth at home to me was gross and disgusiting. We also said zero vaccinatin until she was 6 mo old (she was solely breast fed up to 6mo) and even when we did get her vac'd the doctors were all like oh we can just do them all at once. we said ummmm no we will do one per month until all are completed. in fact when i questioned them about the use of the mercury based preservative themerosol (sp?) none of the staff except for the head pediatrician even knew what i was talking about

How many people here even were aware of the dangers of over vaccinating a baby and the links between themerosol (sp?) and the increased risk of autism

"There are assumptions behind that statement that make it quite controversial. Not every doctor pushes pills. Additionally, Western Medicine already does a lot of the things that Mr. Pond Scum Gimmick wants to claim for alternative medicine."

You mean that statement ?? "Western medicine is full of good and huge benefits. But it's NOT the end all be all of prevention and cures and optimal HEALTH."

I dont know why it rubs people the wrong way. Again, western medicine is GREAT at many things but not in ALL things. I dont know the hangups about doctors and companies not being omnipotent and the masters of all.

Sure, you've put a link that they helped get buildings smoke free and you could find many other good things they have done. One can have some critism of them without saying THEY SUCK!!!!

Most doctors have NOT taken any courses on nutrition. It's just a fact. And they know that most patients WONT change their lifestyle but will glady take an anti-cholesterol pill. The easy way out sometimes becomes the only way. Espacially if you're paid more...

I understand why there's always a kneejerk reaction to "Mr. Pond Scum Gimmick" because of hype, charlatans and nutjobs so common in "alternative medicine".

Why then is it hard to beleive most pharmaceutical companies only push for their agendas and care little for your health and mine? Are they more regulated? Yes. But they still are out for themselves mostly and there are cases after cases of them lying, omitting facts, shady tactics and aggressive lobbying.

I'm shocked at the huge amount of drug commercials we see on TV nowadays. In most of Europe and Canada those ads are not allowed. And it's a good thing. People shouldnt become drug addicts shopping doctors to find the one most willing to give them their prescription. It's a dangerous UNhealthy trend.

Some people just can't help but get themselves completely worked up over something that might be "unconventional".

Man, if I'd listened to all the nay-sayers at the gym where I started my bodyweight workouts, I would have given up a long time ago.

If it works for you, do it.

But they still are out for themselves mostly and there are cases after cases of them lying, omitting facts, shady tactics and aggressive lobbying.

cough fen phen cough

the reason why the drug ads are not on TV in many parts of the world is because they dont want people trying to persuade the doctros to prescribing a particular drug. let the doctor decide if you "need" a drug. Need meaning if you have genuinely tried every other possible resort

So does ACV actually make you drop weight? I want to know before taking it cuz it tastes like shit.