Apple Cider Vinegar

I don't know about that one. I suppose anything that is known for it's health benefits would help, of course included with a sound nutritional plan. If youre looking to drop weight I would suggest a good juicing program. You can really get pretty filled up with fruit and veg juices and there is usually very few calories and tons of nutrition.

To answer your question, Atecexa:

Plenty of people on here have known about mercury in vaccinations for a long time. I know many folks who have never had their kids vaccinated.

I love how you truly believe that you know so much of the "real" information, and that you are "educating" so many folks on the internet. Sadly, Kevin Tredeau has gotten into your head and you dont even know the guy! Advertising is a wonderful and powerful thing huh?


oh well i guess my cover is blown, you found me out

whatever shall i do now

My thoughts toward the vaccinating was how the doctors look at you like your a weirdo and they get snippy with you with their whole "well if it wasnt safe it wouldnt be FDA approved" attitudes. Much in the same way I dont feed my 16 mo old food loaded with colors and flavors I'm not gonna load up her bloodstream with god knows how many different chemical vaccinations in one swoop regardless of whether it is an accepted practice or not. And I'm pretty sure I'm not the first person to know about mercury based preservatives in vaccines. But I'm sure there are still people out there that don't know. I did a little reasearch on this Kevin Trudeau guy and while he may be quite passionate about his ideas why is it so wrong that someone is trying to educate the public about the hidden dangers and lies of food and drug mfgrs? Or are you so dilluted into thinking that mfgrs have the best interests of our health ahead of their profits?

"I could do without the long winded poetic speeches about his euphoric bowel movements tho lol."

Are those in the Brag book or the Toxic Relief book? I have to know which one to buy. You could save me the trouble and post just those passages on the OG, that would be nice.

Colbert does talk about how juicing can really work wonders for your intestinal tract but Bragg almost makes shitting out a piece of quicksilver amidst a 10 day fast a thing of orgasmic proportion. Both books are great but the Colbert book is probably better overall information