Ariel Helwani ESPN contract ends next month, will he resign?

It’s hard to find a podcast where the host is knowledgeable in MMA. Chanel is - but so much BS. Cormier is but he needs someone to reign him in he is so loud.

At the end of the day he does have great relationships with a lot of fighters and talks to them in a way where they will chat back. He pushes a bit but not too hard. He’s got his own style that you might not like but his content and guests is unparalleled.

With the money Rogan got you don’t think there is a streaming service somewhere that can’t afford him? Spotify or Amazon or Netflix? The money being thrown around is crazy and he does bring viewers. Both him and ESPN know exactly how many people listen to him every week. He isn’t overplaying his hand.


It amazes that only on the Ug, you have white knight’s that still defend the lil mermaid. There’s reasons why fighter’s don’t like Ariel or Luke Thomas and it ain’t for reporting the news.


Fuck this, give me some Chad Dundas and Ben Fowlkes any day to replace Ariel. I don’t even dislike the guy. I just don’t find him very entertaining. He is well researched though, I’ll give him that, but his broadcasts are meh unless he’s got an engaged guest on.

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People actually watch/listen to this goofy?


I enjoy his show, I hope he comes back

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Helwani is great. He started from nothing and he made it to the big time. IMO he is the best in the game. Great talker, great sources, can drive a show and his mma knowledge is second to none.

On too of MMA he also does NBA games and very knowledgable of the sport. Pay the man.


He was tolerable until he tried to make himself the bigger story than the fighters he interviewed


Exactly they are fucking cry baby soy boy bitches.



Is that Jamie Varner?

I’ve never been a fan of him. I never liked his interview style. He seemed always like he tried to fabricate drama between fighters. I also think he’s a super hypocritical douche.

Regardless, He isn’t worth 500K.


I like someone in between Ariel shit stirring and Luke Thomas educating everyone with a shit voice

Fuck it just get Darren Till on it for lols

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LOL @ “He says he knows what he’s worth.” Anyone can do what he does. He’s no better than a high-school newspaper “reporter” and I even question that. He provides no meaningful insight, knowledge, expertise, talent, or intelligent opinion on mma. He’s a tabloid faggot with not much more than an average fan’s knowledge, he’s also an instigating sack of shit and an overly dramatic whiny cunt. No one will miss him if he doesn’t re-sign with espn.


I finally learned on this thread this guys name, ha. I think it’s kind of bullshit that he always gets the first question, and usually asks 10 more before saying “last one for me”. Leave some for the other reporters you selfish prick.


Started from nothing? Thats a big stretch…

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Heard Drake made this song for his fellow Canadian jew.

They’re both fuckin Jewish before you talk shit…got it?

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Why Jew think ppl would be offended…


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Ariel was an idiot… he use to play by the rules and get lots of exclusives and then he burned that. Being a journalist is 90% about access and resources and he had that. He was Dana’s go to guy to break news. Why did he mess that up. He was an idiot. He doesn’t know his job very well.


This, he couldn’t cut it the NBA scene, then came wrestling and finally he found his niche in MMA… I mean does the Basketball Journalist scene really need another white boy who’s never played a lick of basketball not even at JV level give his insight??


He’s absolutely terrible and he’s an asshole. I’d love to see him take a train to obscurity.