ATT is disrespecting the sport

I generally don't make assumptions but I'd bet that you're an out of shape D-bag who hates on guys that have more muscle than you do.

ATT doesnt care if they miss weight To them its worth paying the 10 percent or whatever it is they pay.They cut tons of weight is why they constantly miss And when they get close to weight theyd pay anything to be a pound or 2 over

"ATT doesnt care if they miss weight To them its worth paying the 10 percent or whatever it is they pay."

I'm sure they're rather avoid it, but I agree that it's often worth it for the presumed advantage. Sure, Alves pissed Dana off and lost some money; but if the extra weight (or lesser cut) helped him get the biggest win of his career and vault him to the top of the division, of course it was worth it.

Primo - although I feel like you're making excuses for the fighters actions and not saying "at the end of the day, they didn't make weight" I greatly, greatly appreciate the professionalism in your post and tone. Missing weight is not inexcusable - but it makes it more bearable to read you rather than some arm chair warrior in their parents basement in Stockton talking about how I don't know shit.

Thanks for responding like a man. I've said throughout this whole thread I truly enjoy/admire ATT as a camp - if they could get the cuts in order they would b 100% without question the best camp in the world.

Keep producing sick fighters and please continue to work on the weight cut for the good of the long term growth of the sport.


 jeremy didn't make it either so who cares

Steve Montgomery -  jeremy didn't make it either so who cares

They are two seperate items. You don't cut weight or make weight as a couple. If he would have made weight and Jeremy didn't - he kept his end of the deal and he also takes part of Stephens purse. It's not as simple as saying "one guy didn't make it so I'm going to quit cutting weight"..

They are irrespective of each other.

Also, this thread wasn't intended to be a finger point at any one fighter. It's about a trend for one MMA camp.

Also, my thread title sucks.

Mad Xyientist - Travis Lutter Jiu-Jitsu has a lower percentage of making weight than ATT.  Not sure about Xtreme Couture, Gina has missed 3-4 times I think

Lutter and Carano have taken truckloads of crap for missing weight.

This is the only thread I remember that has ever brought up ATT's problem with missing weights in high-profile fights.

this threads already been done a few times

Fredrico - I'll be honest and say I am not surprised if ATT fighters don't make weight. Just like I am not surprised if Hammerhouse fighters lose by sub.

I think it's a strategy by ATT to bring in their fighters as large as possible. Sometimes it just backfires. Cutting weight isn't an exact science. Until they stop that strategy, it's just going to continue. The fighters are way too big to consistently do this flawlessly.

eljamaiquino - I think it's a strategy by ATT to bring in their fighters as large as possible. Sometimes it just backfires. Cutting weight isn't an exact science. Until they stop that strategy, it's just going to continue. The fighters are way too big to consistently do this flawlessly.

well then A. move up a weight class or B. talk to miletich.

Jeff W - Primo - although I feel like you're making excuses for the fighters actions and not saying "at the end of the day, they didn't make weight" I greatly, greatly appreciate the professionalism in your post and tone. Missing weight is not inexcusable - but it makes it more bearable to read you rather than some arm chair warrior in their parents basement in Stockton talking about how I don't know shit.

Thanks for responding like a man. I've said throughout this whole thread I truly enjoy/admire ATT as a camp - if they could get the cuts in order they would b 100% without question the best camp in the world.

Keep producing sick fighters and please continue to work on the weight cut for the good of the long term growth of the sport.


I have no problem telling you that they didn't make weight but I just wanted to correct you on the list of fighters you provided.

havent used a bong in years just joints and an occasional blunt But the thread has been done.Its done everytime a ATT misses weight.

"They had one of the best strength and conditioning coaches around in Benkei"

Somehow I dont think they're bad off with JC and Rhadi.

Dutch what are some of ur old screen names ? and dont lie

I've trained during the pro training sessions at ATT several times, and the sheer number of athletes--to the point that partner drills can't be accomplished comfortably on two massive mat spaces--is staggering. Naming several of the missed weight athletes and reflecting it on the whole team is not fair.

With that many fighters to manage, yes, they have nutrition and strength coaches determining their cutting periods and diets, but no one's there all the time to micromanage it. Liborio's not there whispering in their ear "Hey get up to 193.8 and you can cut in 2 weeks, 4 day for your 170 fight." There's no one there at each meal, at each training session to mark daily progress. The guys get as big as they want, some are irresponsibly over, others are merely 1/2 pound off. They want to be as big and strong as possible and just fall short sometimes.

Yes, it's unprofessional, and yes, they should know better. But don't judge an entire team on the actions of a percentage. Blame the specific fighters.

ATT is a great camp . . . maybe the best, but you can't seriously contend that they don't have issues making weight. And it's not just a numbers game. MFS has had a million fights (plenty of them on very short notice), and they always make weight.

Hillary - I've trained during the pro training sessions at ATT several times, and the sheer number of athletes--to the point that partner drills can't be accomplished comfortably on two massive mat spaces--is staggering. Naming several of the missed weight athletes and reflecting it on the whole team is not fair.

With that many fighters to manage, yes, they have nutrition and strength coaches determining their cutting periods and diets, but no one's there all the time to micromanage it. Liborio's not there whispering in their ear "Hey get up to 193.8 and you can cut in 2 weeks, 4 day for your 170 fight." There's no one there at each meal, at each training session to mark daily progress. The guys get as big as they want, some are irresponsibly over, others are merely 1/2 pound off. They want to be as big and strong as possible and just fall short sometimes.

Yes, it's unprofessional, and yes, they should know better. But don't judge an entire team on the actions of a percentage. Blame the specific fighters.

I understand your point, but I think it's safe to say that when someone like Alves is fighting Matt Hughes to headline a UFC PPV, he is getting closer attention than the no-name who has an undercard match at Fargo Fight XXXIII, so there's no excuse to be overweight by four pounds. I would imagine at that time he was the center of focus for the team.

Again, we never -- or at least never to the same extent -- see the high profile fighters from the other camps failing to make weight, and when we do, it is usually not because they are just trying to push the limits of how much bigger they can be than their opponents, but just a matter of getting bigger over time, and ends with them permanently moving up in weight.

Nobody here is surprised to hear an ATT fighter didn't make weight. If an ATT fighter is on a card and we hear someone failed to make weight, most likely every one of us will assume it's the ATT guy.

orcus - When we think of high profile -- i.e., "name" fighters fighting on the major shows -- who are the ones that have missed weight?

I can think of Diaz and Riggs -- Diaz has said he can no longer make that weight and won't be fighting in that division anymore, and it was Riggs' second fight ever at that weight; Lutter, whom most of us would agree does not act like a professional, given his statement that he doesn't even really train; Sakurai, who likewise has moved up; and that's all that comes to mind for me -- other than the numerous ATT fighters named on the first page, none of whom have moved up in weight.

Truth. It blows my mind how much the ATT guys miss weight.

JeffMcFluffy - 
Jeff W - 
Ponyboy - I'll venture a bet that ATT's fighters that make weight versus the ones who don't is similar to other camps.
Name one camp BESIDES ATT who has a reputation for missing weight.

One camp.
Fat camp?