ATT is disrespecting the sport

i thought Liborio kicked people out of the gym when they didnt make weight?? i guess only americans...


It should be more of a penalty for not making weight. It does seem to happen a lot more than it used to.

In Japan it used to be a point deduction per pound over. That would be a big motivator to make sure you don't step on the scale heavy.

It would have to be worked out with the 3-5 round 10 point must system, but that'd be easy.

Say a fighter is 2 pounds over, the other guy starts the first two rounds 10-9 in his favour.

Winnson - It should be more of a penalty for not making weight. It does seem to happen a lot more than it used to.

In Japan it used to be a point deduction per pound over. That would be a big motivator to make sure you don't step on the scale heavy.

It would have to be worked out with the 3-5 round 10 point must system, but that'd be easy.

Say a fighter is 2 pounds over, the other guy starts the first two rounds 10-9 in his favour.

Thats about the dumbest idea ever! Why even fight if u start off down 10-9 in each round? LMAO

Masvidal is gonna wreck Eddie's day.

Maybe they are not cycling their weight loss correctly?

i think what the thread starter is trying to say is that if he were on final jeopardy and it was one answer for 100k, topic was mma camps and the question was:

"in 2009, this camp will have the most fighters who won't make weight the day before a big fight."

his answer would be ...

"what is att?"

You know what this thread and so many more threads on the UG remind me of. A quote by Theodore Roosevelt.

"It is not the critic who counts, nor the man who points how the strong man stumbled or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly...who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at best, knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."

Some people on here just post whiney shit and crap. Im not saying its good to miss weight but it does'nt make ATT or any MMA school bad for the sport and for someone to make a thread saying that is just a cold soul. This is the hardest part of the sport. And if something happens like an injury or family issues it can make the weight cut that much harder.

The penalties for missing weight aren't strong enough. Most of these ATT guys have won their fights with an unfair advantage over opponents.

"This is the hardest part of the sport. "

Especially when you insist on fighting in a division 30-40lb under your actual weight.

 Quit worrying about whats "good" or "bad" for the sport.  What's good or bad doesn't really matter.  Who gives a fuck anyway (besides some whinny ass fanboys).   BTW these are the same douche bags who always whine to Kirik about banning this guy or that guy.  I digress. 

At any rate, enjoy the fights, savor the violence, have a line of coke and a smile and STFU!

Since ATT has so many fighters and can't watch them all you would think that to protect their reputation they would make some kind of policy limiting the amount of weight you can cut by 25lbs or something like that. Require they are 25 over fight weight by 2 wks out.

Jahmal - I generally don't make assumptions but I'd bet that you're an out of shape D-bag who hates on guys that have more muscle than you do.

I train bra I generally hate on guys with less muscle because I am an asshole

 Hey man don't bring up Din, it could happen to anyone, besides, it was the official's fault, he could have stripped down and made weight.

It purely coincidental that every couple events we hear about an ATT guy failing to make weight.

ATT isn't disrespecting the sport, bad luck happens, if you had any idea how much respect for the sport ATT has this thread would not have been posted. It is one of the most RESPECT oriented schools there is.

Maybe those clever ATT dudes figured out if you are heavier than your opponent, there is a better chance to win...just throwing it out there...they win a lot.

Sobral1 - Masvidal is gonna wreck Eddie's day.


Hmm, by wrecking Eddie's day do you mean Jorge will be waiting to rob him at the bank when Eddie cashes that HUGE ass check that he won from a championship fight that Jorge didn't even make it to?

TTT for Jorge wrecking Eddie's day!!!!!!

Jahmal - I generally don't make assumptions but I'd bet that you're an out of shape D-bag who hates on guys that have more muscle than you do.

...that sounds a little odd...

inf0 - 

All the respect in the world doesn't change the fact that ATT has had tooooo many fighters not make weight..  it's the longest running joke in MMA now..

i thought they kicked people off the team when they didnt make weight??

maybe its just the Americans??


 Not making weight is your own fault.  Not the teams fault.


yeah, well... it happens.

i think Fioravanti holds the record for amount of missed weight.