ATT is disrespecting the sport

NorthFromHere - Tibau took the fight on short notice

 Didn't Spencer Fisher take the 1st Sam Stout fight on 4 or 5 days notice or something and dropped 20lbs in 1 day and still made weight.  Poor excuse.

Jeff W - Great fighters, great camp..

But consistently missing weight is absolutely terrible for this sport. Never has a team disregarded the professionalism involved in making weight so often. Every big event, someone is missing their target.

I'm so tired of seeing it. It's such a tarnish on such a bright trophy. Literally, the best camp in the world and they can't put together a cut/weight program for their guys that works.

It's seriously too bad. For the team and for the sport.

u take this back

With that being said - LETS GO GAMEBRED!!!!!!!!

Haywood Jablowme - 
NorthFromHere - Tibau took the fight on short notice

 Didn't Spencer Fisher take the 1st Sam Stout fight on 4 or 5 days notice or something and dropped 20lbs in 1 day and still made weight.  Poor excuse.

 2 days

gorgesjorj - i think what the thread starter is trying to say is that if he were on final jeopardy and it was one answer for 100k, topic was mma camps and the question was:

"in 2009, this camp will have the most fighters who win a big fight."

his answer would be ...

"what is att?"

there i fixed it for you

Damage360 - The penalties for missing weight aren't strong enough. Most of these ATT guys have won their fights with an unfair advantage over opponents.

yea dude 6 tents of a lb is 9oz like 4 shots of wisky. what an advantage

stfu at laborio's camp disrespecting the sport stats percentages or stfu. if you have more fighters and more fighters winning btw, some are gonna miss weight if your team is 10 fighters and 1 misses then ten percent of your team misses if you have 100 and 5 miss thats five percent.

quit blindly bitching and do the math and we will all listen until then it doesn't exist.

war att

biggator - stfu at laborio's camp disrespecting the sport stats percentages or stfu. if you have more fighters and more fighters winning btw, some are gonna miss weight if your team is 10 fighters and 1 misses then ten percent of your team misses if you have 100 and 5 miss thats five percent.

quit blindly bitching and do the math and we will all listen until then it doesn't exist.

war att

Hi Din!

bismanfightclub - I think Frank Lester in the TUF house after he got beat was walking around the house laughing that he was walking around at 203 then found out he was going to be given another shot and weighed in at 170 3 days later and we didn't see any drama with him not making weight.

 you think?  It happened for damn sure.

Frank Lester gained 35lbs after his first fight with James.  Thats a very large amount to cut and the show did not even bother to add it in?  They showed Frank sitting in the sauna with James for like 20 seconds, probably because Frank like most fighters,  not a pussy when it comes to making weight.

i dont believe Lester cut 33 pounds in 3 days sounds like BS

Winston Wolf - i dont believe Lester cut 33 pounds in 3 days sounds like BS

 I'll get the video for ya, give me time.  It was in  think episode 5 or 6 when hes making a shitload of food in the kitchen.  He makes a comment that he weighes like 202lbs then says "Ill be 205 tomorrow".  Then two episodes later he gets brought back to fight.  No mention at all about the cut, because there was no drama, Lester man'd up and we normally don't see that, only the pussies that can't make it make air....


sorry i dont believe it unless i saw him on the scale 33 pounds in 3 days is rediculous

Kirik -  I never saw more guys missing from there than anywhere else? Every show ever forever one or more people miss, and ATT as dominant as they are, do not have someone in every show ever forever :-)

what the heck does this mean? :)

ATT gets to big and it is hard for them to make weight after taking all those "vitamans"

I must agree that it is bad for the sport and even though they have a lot of fighters fighting, it is unacceptable in a professional sport from onee of the best teams in the world!

I just wanna hear thiago after he wins say


Is this the third/fourth time he's missed weight now?

Jeff W -
Kirik - I never saw more guys missing from there than anywhere else? Every show ever forever one or more people miss, and ATT as dominant as they are, do not have someone in every show ever forever :-)

ATT misses weight more than any camp by a long shot. I don't care enough to put together a spread sheet, but it's kind of staggering how common/often this happens.

well, that and you do not have the data, which most people who talk out of their ass do.

I mean, to not be talking out of your ass here you would have to do more than complain on a MB and get the weigh in results from all pro mma shows (not just teh ufc) and then match up the fighters with their camps and learn basic mathematics and learn how to use excel.

right, so it is just easier to say some stupid shit based on a few guys missing weight.

Why does everybody get all dramatic about this? I mean, I can see how people are perhaps slightly disappointed that the fight isn't going to take place on precisely the expected terms, but it's not like people who miss weight are killing babies here. "Disrespecting the sport?"

If he had pushed, he probably could have made weight, but I imagine he decided that giving up 20% of his purse was a reasonable trade off to avoid the stress of further cutting. Perhaps a very reasonable decision, as far as we know.

If people think it's too much of a problem, they should up the penalties. Personally, I think fighters should have access to the scale for days leading up to the fight, but that there should be more severe, sliding penalties for missing weight, maybe somewhere between 0% and 90% of your purse, depending on if you're 0-5% over (with all of that money going to your opponent, btw, to recompense them for fighting you above the agreed upon weight).

In short, the guy is playing by the established rules of the game. If people don't like his choices, they should change the rules to further encourage choices that they like, not bitch about the guy who is simply abiding by the pre-established terms.

Rogue Connor - Maybe those clever ATT dudes figured out if you are heavier than your opponent, there is a better chance to win...just throwing it out there...they win a lot.


Not having to dehydrate as much means more power and gas in the fight. Might be better to take the 20% penalty for a better chance of winning and getting the title shot.

^^^^but it was a half pound.

No matter how sucked up you are....if you contract to make it and your a half pound away at first should be able to make it. Thats pretty fucking lame he didnt lose anything. He either broke mentally or is a retard.