ATTN: Magnum TA

 Because you put your own spin on those quotes when you didn't understand them.

souljacker said you didn't pay.

FCTV808 - souljacker said you didn't pay.

 He is FOS  He also claimed someone hacked his account and made bets that he didn't make (that were losses)

This guy is to much.

Sgt. Slaphead - 


IT WONT HAPPEN,hes afraid of the reprecussions. COWARD.

B_RYCE - IT WONT HAPPEN,hes afraid of the reprecussions. COWARD.

 I have already done it on here before. If people missed it the first time that is not my fault

Why not again? People are asking,dont be scared homie.

 Why don't you? I am sure there are some out there that you don't think are genuine. Since you have such an interest in this subject why don't you start by giving us your list? I am sure everyone else here will contribute theirs as well (the ones they talk about in private). The problem with you is that you like to ask for things from others when you are not willing to do it yourself.

I dont have any. Unlike you shitrag I dont believe that. Its not your or my place to say but since you like to run your fucking mouth so much its just one more BS thing you are being called on. Now answer the question you spineless fuck. Sgt has been waiting along with everyone else.

 I think you are being dishonset because you are afraid to contribute to a subject that interests you. Then you call me a coward for not saying something you are scared to say yourself. People here are saying I am scared to say something they only have the balls to say privately in their gyms after I have already done it before. How can you call me a coward when you don't have the courage to do it yourself? 

I dont feel that way. Now answer.

You need to step forward and show the courage to do something that you call other people cowards for not doing. I have already done this here and everyone knows it. Your turn!!!

Magnum TA -  Because you put your own spin on those quotes when you didn't understand them.

Don't go full reTARD. How can I possibly "spin" your own exact quotes in the order you said them?

As far as context goes, people were openly and honestly sharing their displeasure, but YOU were being a sarcastic smart-ass in your "defending" (ie; mocking) DC.

The only one spinning anything now is you. 

Are you stupid? I dont feel that way. Stop deflecting and answer.

 Moke how could I be showing displeasure in something that I was not displeased with? I thought it was funny that you guys were getting so mad over it but I was not displeased in any way. I was not mocking him in any way!!!

No it gives you joy to run off at the mouth and think that nothing is going to happen,clown. If and a big IF that match ever happens with MR I hope you get put to sleep and fucking pissed on.

Magnum TA -  Moke how could I be showing displeasure in something that I was not displeased with? I thought it was funny that you guys were getting so mad over it but I was not displeased in any way. I was not mocking him in any way!!!

I think you need to read my post again.

Spin spin spin your little web. Soon you will be stuck in it.

B_RYCE - No it gives you joy to run off at the mouth and think that nothing is going to happen,clown. If and a big IF that match ever happens with MR I hope you get put to sleep and fucking pissed on.

 You are very upset over something that has nothing to do with you.