awesome slam by ref


TTT for Dutch (James Bruno)

He's got power... Dutch Power!!!!!!!!!

They go over that stuff in the "rules meeting"

If you strike the ref, the ref can choke slam you. Sorry, rules are rules....:-)

"that fighter should have sat up kane style.."

i nominate this for post of the year lol!

I rememeber that. Every Monday night at Atlantis (Ft. Lauderdale). They had regular boxing, girl tag team boxing, and King Of the Ring, which was what you saw there. It was one 10 minute round w/ boxing gloves and headgear. Boxing and grappling w/ submissions were allowed. They DID have weight classes BTW.

I actually saw Minotauro Noguiera in the stands one night. Back then I had no idea who he was, but his appearance left an impression on me. Big nasty Frankenstein looking Brazilian dude w/ cauliflower ears......It wasn't until years later when I 1st saw him in Pride (against Goodridge) that I put 2 and 2 together. I think he used to have a school down here and I heard his mom lived here too.

HOLY! Did you see how effortless he made it look?


I know a few Pros that got there start at Atlantis, great place.

Where the hell do you learn a throw like that? Looked like some WWE meets Steven Seagal type shit.

All I can say is OWNED!!

LOL @ hitting his downed opponent

pffft did you see how the ref started to strut after throwing the guy? typical wannabee bad guy, hope he got sacked. He could have caused a riot.

wish he was the ref for the Tszyu-Zab Judah fight...

Well irnbru, you can go to american top team and tell him yourself.

And after you go to ATT and tell him, prepare to be chokeslammed straight to hell.

The ego on that ref is unbelievable, but I love the vid. Pure hilarity.

"Well irnbru, you can go to american top team and tell him yourself."

He will probably act like an asshole and do the same thing on me. Look the guy was a referee he should have been professional and not acted upto the crowd to boost his ego. That could easily have gotten out of hand and caused a riot.

hey skarhead there werent any weight classes for my 6 hardcore fights
