Big Man VS (2) 100 lbs Chimps

"the all things being equal argument, are you saying a 350 pound man can snap a bamboo tree in half like a 350 pound gorilla?"

No, I never implied anything reomotely close. No Human has the upper body musculature, bone thickness and muscle structure of a 350 lb gorilla. It remains a very well established fact in biology however that muscle capacity at the fiber level is almost constant across species. I personally have read this in several textbooks.

"based on what you are saying, a 350 lb man should be able to take out a 350 lb gorilla"

I never implied anything about combat. You are clearly putting words on my post. The point I'm trying to make is about chimps, and that there's no way anyone can defend the general assertion that "chimps are 10 times stronger than humans." That's like saying a chimp could bench press a small car.

Atilda is correct.

acebandage: "Humans have no chance against primates of any kind."

I think we do okay against lemurs.

Although, 1 60 year old untrained man being attacked by two wild animals isn't that hard to believe...

But I'd put money on any 170 pound figher to beat the living fuck out of a chimp.

I read that the 2 other Chimps were jealous that the one chimp had a party and cake (TRUE). So there is some justification of being left out. everyone knows how shitty that feels!!
They also can throw rocks with extreme accuracy. Someone I know while visiting in Africa out in the Bush threw a rock at some chimps and they almost killed him and a large group of visitors. He told me that they were unbelievably accurate (Pro Baseball Pitcher accuracy) and they had to dive behind their jeep to avoid getting hit. I also saw one at the bronx zoo hurl a load of shit and hit some guy who was messing with them dead in the face. No it wasn't me either. Peace.

I know this thread is about chimps but I have seen docmunetation to support the fact that an average male gorrila could potentially bench press between 800-1200 bls. Gorrillas are much larger and stronger than a chimp I wouldnt think that a chimp would be nearly as strong as a gorrila. Thus the 10 times stronger than man thing is not flying for me. Chimps maybe 2-3 times stronger I could fathom that.

"But I'd put money on any 170 pound figher to beat the living fuck out of a chimp. "

I'll take that bet every night of the week. Small chimps are stronger then olympic weightlifters, really. One would literally tear a human to shreds, and I mean the biggest baddest man around (AKA Fedor), two, well, I fell sorry for that dude, he is lucky to be alive.

I've seen a chimpanzee pulling out huge chunks of sawd with one hand with ease. I'd put my money on a adult male chimp vs any human.

Chimp-Mauling Victim Returns Home

St. James Davis (pictured before attack, right), who was visiting Moe -- a chimp who used to live with Davis and his wife -- at Animal Haven Ranch when two other chimps attacked, returned home Tuesday afternoon.

Davis, 62, underwent a series of surgeries since the attack. In June, doctors took him out of an induced coma and removed his breathing tube to speed his recovery.

"He's come a long way in what I consider to be a very short time," wife LaDonna Davis said Tuesday. "In reality, when this first happened, I thought this would take a lot longer than six months. He has a long way to go.

"Actually, he was over the threshold of dying. Doctors told me to make final arrangements."

While Davis was celebrating Moe's 39th birthday with his wife at Animal Haven Ranch, two other male chimps escaped their cages. They chewed off most of his face, tore off his foot and attacked his limbs and genitals.

LaDonna Davis, 64, also was attacked, but her injuries were not as severe. She visited Loma Linda Medical Center every day.

LaDonna Davis said the bacteria had entered St. James Davis' blood supply. She said he had difficulty getting air to his lungs for more than one week.

The first surgery, which included three teams of three doctors, took about 12 hours, LaDonna Davis said. Davis said her husband will undergo two surgeries next week.

"I would like to thank Loma Linda Hospital, their staff and everyone involved with the care for giving St. James back to me," she said in a statement. "We have been through a lot together, and this hospital has met the challenge to make him the best that he can be. I know there will be a need for future surgeries to give my husband the best quality of life that he can be given.

"We are not finished with our life together, and our affection for each other."

LaDonna Davis said her husband was not sure what happened when he regained consciousness.

"He thought he was in a bombing in San Diego," she said. "He didn't have any short-term memory. It took a while for him to finally catch on to certain aspects."

The two chimps, which each weighed more than 130 pounds, were immediately shot and killed.

Moe was not involved in the attack. The adult male, who weighs nearly 170 pounds, was taken from the Davis' home in 1999 after maiming a police officer and biting off part of another woman's finger.

"He still loves Moe," said Gloria Allred, the family's attorney. "Moe, of course, was innocent in all this and had nothing to do with it. We're really happy that St. James is home."

Yeah, so quit badmouthing Moe you dumb shits and get your facts straight!

"But I'd put money on any 170 pound figher to beat the living fuck out of a chimp."

I'd take that bet. No 170 pound human can beat a 170 pound pissed off chimp without weapons, no fucking way.

That poor guy!

Despite our inbuilt tendencies for extreme brutality and violenece - the human body is not really designed very well for unarmed combat.

Re: Baboons and Dogs.
I would usually put my money on the Baboon, if you have stood next to one of those things you will apreciate how big and strong they can get - plus their teeth and jaws are huge.

Usually domestic animals usually just shit themselves and run away. However, in some cases, when the dog is determined and willing to fight to the death (Pitbulls are more likely to have this trait, I guess). It could win.

Because, Baboons are still wild animals and have that self preservation instinct. If they get totally fucked up in battle, even if they win, they still won't be able to feed themselves or their family and probably die.
Dogs don't have this concern.

Leigh is correct..maybe in the lab a small piece of muscle fibre from 1 species is just the same as that from another species, but this is taking no consideration of how the whole thing is put together. Muscle attachment points, tendon thickness, bone structure etc are the things that make the most difference.

Also a chimp has a very different brain to a human. It is much more adept at controlling its body, coordinating its movements and doing all of this at blinding speed. Humans do not compare in this area at all.

Of course monkeys are strong but one thing you should not forgot is that two human being could have done the same. The only difference is that humans are most of the time not so extremly violent that they bite a nose of or gouge an eye.

I believe if you put 2 men against another men which are totally violent they could easily do the same.

Zero1, the chimps also bit his heel off. I'd love to see a human do the same.


Lemur by triangle, IMO.

Kai Tremeche wrote:

"Although, 1 60 year old untrained man being attacked by two wild animals isn't that hard to believe...
But I'd put money on any 170 pound figher to beat the living fuck out of a chimp."

TTT for locking up Kai Tremeche with an enraged chimp in a cage so he can prove us all wrong!!

I'd fight a defanged, declawed chimp.

"Also a chimp has a very different brain to a human. It is much more adept at controlling its body, coordinating its movements and doing all of this at blinding speed. Humans do not compare in this area at all."

Why do you people just make shit up? The human motor cortex dwarfs that of any primate. Humans are capable of an unlimitied amount of movements which require blinding speed and ultra-precise coordination. Can a chimp walk a tightrope? Juggle 6 balls w/ eyes closed? Do gymnastics? Hit a baseball going 100 mph? etc etc