Big UFC 61 news from Dana's mouth


It's just what I assume will happen

UFN on HBO would be awsome! more air time and no more commercials!

tito wants 500,000$ or hes gone


HBO would be great

An HBO deal would def kick ass!

"UFN on HBO would be awsome! more air time and no more commercials!"

Fuck that, put high profile matches on HBO and keep the TUF up and commer type of stuff on commercial TV. If they are going to have 5 active weight classes they need another outlet beside the TUF farm league.

"another fucking rematch, jesus fuckin christ!"

Yeah they call it a rubber match. I'm glad they are doing it right away becasue they need to get it sorted out move on.

I really like Forrest but I'd also like to see Shamrock win. That way, it'd build more for Tito/Shamrock. But if Forrest wins, I'll be happy as, there will be another established LHW to fight for the title.

Shamrock has no chance of beating Griffin.

Mavryk sounds like a dickhead really.


If UFC goes to HBO, I truely doubt they're going to have the TUF guys fighting on that show and if they do, it'll be the winners of the show like Diego and Forrest. I don't think they're going to put a lackluster event on HBO.

They should sign Frank for business reasons not personal reasons

UFC could promote Frank as unstoppable much like pride does with wand and fedor (of course fedor is unstoppable right now)

Plus Frank can use his Bro's name to get more famous

retire a legend

Frank doesn't need to use his brothers name to get more famous. Frank's name sold out the HP Pavillion, outdrawing the UFC's California show by over 1,000. Frank is a big enough name as is. With that being said, I'd love to see Frank vs. Rich.

Hey Mavryk, chill out.

It's not like he said he wrote a great song and pasted the lyrics to 'Stairway to Heaven' for fuck's sake.


After having personally listened to the interview it doesn't sound like they will be implementing a 145 lb division. I think Dana misunderstood the question and thought he was asking about establishing the 155 lb division. The host said light"er" weight class and I think Dana just heard lightweight

Tito did the TUF reality show, so now he may get more acting gigs. It is the only thing he is interested in anyway.

Hopefully by going to HBO they are able to land some bigger and better fighters, especially HW's.