Bo Nickal says Colby Covingtons wrestling is not High Level

I answer 9 hours later and you immediately answer 9 seconds later, but im the one who’s enamoured with online confrontationand has nothing better to do? Yeah ok.

Thats LITERALLY the opposite of what you meant. If i had nothing better to do then it wouldnt have taken me 9 hours to reply.


Exactly. Colby might not be elite in wrestling, the sport, but he is one of the best at using it in MMA.

You think GSP would have won the Olympics in wrestling? Yet he still dominated the UFC with it. Stupid take.

I think he’s on record attributing his takedown prowess to point sparring in karate as a kid. I’ve always found this interesting because my daughter was a very good wrestler and she talks often about how it was her karate footwork and timing that got her the clean shots she had.

Well taught karate is all about perfecting the timing to land your strike with maximum chi while avoiding getting struck by you opponent. I think the focus on the singular, clean technique teaches people a timing that works very well for grappling.

I’d always encourage parents who are serious about their kids being grapplers find a karate school to cross train them. The understanding of timing they’ll develop will be beneficial to their grappling.

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GSP did Kyokushin, the full contact style where they stand in front of each other and smash with body punches and leg kicks. Did he also do a point-sparring style?

GSP started wrestling at 16, around the same age as Usman, and he did compete in tournaments. He is more of a wrestler than people give him credit for.

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I’m not sure if he did point style. I just remembered him talking about it years ago and I’ve since talked to my daughter.

I’m not taking away from his wrestling…I’m just pointing out that timing and footwork is everything in combat sports and karate is a very good base for timing and footwork.

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His MMA wrestling is much much better. He looks so awkward and terrible here. The guy he is wrestling looks like he had a stroke or something. I’m amazed that his terrible setups and awkward goofy high stance worked against a resisting person.

that is a ko

He would tech fall you.


I haven’t wrestled a live match in many years. I am sure he would. But the version of GSP in that video wouldn’t.

That match is from 2003 or 2004.

He beat Otto Olson in 2005, taking him down multiple times.

So your claim is that he went from “awkward and terrible” with “terrible setups” to taking down Otto Olson multiple times in 1-2 years, despite the fact he was training for MMA and not wrestling at that time.

Not possible.

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When you factor in things like being able to choke or be choked and other submission stuff, it changes a lot. When there is no fear of going to your back and losing instantly, that changes things. If they had wrestled, not ADCC, Otto would have pinned him quickly.

I haven’t read the whole thread, but there is a cultural aspect to what Bo said. Almost every wrestler considers anything beneath their level to be not good.

National qualifiers would call me ‘not good’ because I was a below average D1 wrestler. But, most people in the wrestling community would consider me high level because I was a varsity D1 wrestler. All-Americans denigrate guys who didn’t qualify for nationals. National champions denigrate 1-2 time All-Americans, and so on.

So, to Bo, Colby isn’t high level. But, to most people to ever put on wrestling shoes, he’s extremely high level.


Good Post

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“ADCC is different than wrestling, therefore, if they had wrestled, Otto would have pinned him quickly.”

Unconvincing. You just wrote something completely obvious (ADCC is different from wrestling), and then wrote your unsupported opinion as if it followed from the obvious statement.

Even with strikes, the better pure wrestler generally gets the takedown. If not, amateur wrestling wouldn’t be such a powerful base for MMA. Wrestling works.

How about this: would an awkward and terrible wrestler win the takedown battle at ADCC against a D1 runner up?

If it was just straight takedowns? Otto would win that battle. I find my wrestling is a lot more hesitant shooting at the legs when I know there is a potential to get choked. In that situation a lower stance doesn’t do as much good since there are more things that can happen. If you took away submissions Otto would handle him with ease.

Well yeah if they fought in MMA right now today Colby would beat the piss out of him

I have found that true for myself.

at ADCC, which means with chokes allowed. Could someone with terrible setups that shouldn’t work against a resisting opponent double leg an NCAA runner up repeatedly at ADCC?

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The Otto Olson matche shows that GSP’s pure wrestling is, at minimum, very good. I don’t know why people try to deny this.