Conor beats another woman in Spain

Sweet jorts.

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sad life

Ive never once defended him. I dont care about him

U are lying, u cant show one post where i defend him

Youre obsessed with him. All u do is make threads about him. The fact that ive noticed doesn’t mean I care about Conor

On top of that. Youre a nobody with ZERO mma knowledge. Dork



The guy is a real douche


LMAO @Erik_Apple acting like Conor is going to let him in a throple on his boat if he puts out for him on the UG

Here you are, fuck face. Took me two seconds to find.

You crying over me starting a Conor thread yet again.

Imagine being such a washed up ex pro that you’ve become one of the biggest Conor nutgobblers in Jack Merridew threads on a dead forum :face_with_hand_over_mouth: Literally in my threads more than anyone here other than that neckbeard Conor fan @anon84422640 :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :joy:

lol you flood this forum with your nonsense threads you love khabib much you hate conor
3.fetish about islam feet
repeat x times

you repeat your self in every fourth post, get over it, by now everyone knows it and nobody cares, you just flood forum with your boring assshit, mma wizard lol

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@Erik_Apple and @youngestgrandpa want invites to the yacht :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

And you spend so much time in my threads that over 70% of your post history over the last year is singlehandedly devoted to me so what does that say about you? :face_with_hand_over_mouth: Soul stole Conor fags literally haunting me now

Oh God my stalker typing again.

Now 80% of his post history devoted to me and he has the ovaries to complain about me :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

if you wont be delusional retard you would have been figured it out by now that those 70% is trying to explain to you your retardness
Talking To A Wall GIFs | Tenor
but probably in your mind you are 'successful" / “accepted” thread creator xD wtvh dude, dont have time for bots

Right on schedule
Like clockwork

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Erik, have you ever met Conor?

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He was probably coming down from a 3 day binge & having tremendous mood swings.

Expected the bitch to put out & got shot down.

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Link from @Deep-South


awwww… another kid who can’t control his temper… cute.

come over to our side Sunny.

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Yea, a 45 year old lady who still seeks parties on yachts… sounds like a real success story…
Another old cunt who failed at hooking a big whale and spends her days alternating between hopelessness and hunting rich man money.

The public court exists only because of mindless simpleton sheep like you, Deep-pussy.

She was from the neighbourhood in crumlin where conor grew up.
when he recognised her, he invited her onto the yacht to party.
she probably had other plans but went instead not wanting to miss an opportunity to tell her friends about her experience with the local lad that made it big.

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