Dan Henderson got lucky

Thats what the Axe Murderer thought he was gonna do to PRIME Victor Gracie as well!


I think he was saying there was no evidence of usage in Pride or whenever the timeline was. I dont think anyone here would say Dan never touched the stuff.

I think with a lot of TRT guys the underlying reason its needed is prior steroid abuse, so there is that as well. There should be no limit on natural guys as soem have high test, but legal TRT just pick a number for total or free test and dont let the old guys go above it. Its so simple yet the outright ban overnight was retarded. Thats not how anyone should come off the juice.
I didnt mean all that directed at you, I am just too lazy to click reply twice.

Victor Gracie didn’t kick, had a questionable submission game, and primarily threw punches. TRT Vitor was a more well rounded striker, with devastating kicks.

I’d say TRT Vitor had more ways to win, so edge goes to him. :stuck_out_tongue:

Dan applied for TRT in 2007… He fought in PRIDE Feb of 2007 in what was his best fight/win against Wand… I guess his levels all of a sudden dropped after that amazing performance. Because as soon as the UFC signed him he applied for a TUE. In THE same year. Dan had a TUE for 7 years! From 2007-2014.

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TRT Vitor had a lot more ways to win for sure. His kickboxing, BJJ, wrestling and conditioning all improved after his SEG fights. I was just being dumb even asking the question but now its a fight I’d like to see.

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Everyone in Pride was juiced

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Thats actually fairly decent circumstancial evidence lol

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I remember when Couture got on TRT and dropped down to 205 to fight Tito and showed up at the weigh-ins looking jacked and then told everyone he got that way from some powdered greens supplement that his team was selling lol.


I’ll take a crack at it. Vitor is/was the most criticized because:

  • he had already been accused of, or had been juicing for years prior to his epic test levels

  • was known to gas after the first round of his fights

  • had the reputation of a “quitter” - great hammer, bad nail

  • made shitty excuses after losses

  • was/is a Jesus freak

Hendo (at least after Decision Dan wore off) was generally liked by fans because of his willingness to fight anyone across various divisions, his exciting fights and KO power, and his legendary toughness. Plus he was open about his TRT use and never looked like a power lifter throwing spinning back kicks. With all of that it’s easy to see why people are critical of Vitor.


Rogan used to always go on and on about Randy and his alkaline diet! He was not the only one, the media was all about Randy and the miracle of the “alkaline” diet!


So what’s this guy’s secret? Start with the diet. “I try to eat a lot of raw foods and a lot of whole [grains],” says Couture. “I try to stay towards the alkaline type foods like raw almonds and greens and those sort of things as much as possible. Stay away from the dairies, the sugars and processed food, but keep it simple. I’m not one of those guys who likes to measure all that crap.” As he’s gotten older, Couture has also paid more attention to blood chemistry. He’s now cutting down on his iron intake. “I had way too much iron in my system,” Couture says. Of course, it’s natural to wonder if a 46-year-old man can last without performance-enhancers like steroids. UFC fighters, however, do get tested, and Couture’s record is clean.

Whether you’re a rabid MMA fan, or one of those people who finds the fight craze mysterious, even repellent, Couture offers practical advice. “A lot of guys get older and they just start to feel a little bit different,” he says. “They’re like s–t; I’m just old. Don’t give up that fight. You can still get a lot out of your body. Why shouldn’t you fight it?”

Well yes, but Dan looked the whole career pretty normal? While Vitor really tested his limits :joy:

He did. But he used enough gear to get him to fairly healthy testosterone levels.

Whereas in Vitor’s case, “TRT” stood for “Trenbolone. Really Trenbolone”. There’s levels to this shit.

It’s like comparing a guy who smokes weed on occasion with a heroine addict. Levels.


Like I was saying. Everyone has always known Vitor was roided out. He made his debut in the UFC at 19 years old as a jacked HW. Hell look at Anderson. He got popped and not one person would have suspected he was doped out. But he was. And he was killing guys. Dan was killing guys.

So you know what mg he was using per week?

Objection your honor. Speculation.

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Oh the ironing

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Object then. I gave you every opportunity. Respond to my post about PRIDE and 2007. You can’t.

Lol, fair enough but I know he was never caught with superhuman science experiment hormone levels and that you could just barely tell the difference when he came off. Vitor is a drastically different story there.

I don’t need to know the mg, the before/after is enough for me on this one and it’s both valid and damning evidence against your client.


They both did steroids. Vitor was just better at doing steroids.

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Jack Nicholson You Cant Handle The Truth GIF

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