DId Fickett Just Say He Is

He is a weird fuck. But he is OUR weird fuck. LOL

ttt For the post fight press conference video!! If you think the cage interview was good wait til you see how he clowns Jake and Nick...

IMO Drew already won Rd 1 with Jake

Drew trained at the Armory with Kurt Pelligrino and was ready for this fight....He trained like a maniac !!! Congrads Drew

LOL...@ Dying in his next fight..That was great..

Great fighter, awful interview.

wish i could have heard the interview. he looks like a nut. I hate to
bring up a sports-related topic on this thread, but it look like he went
for that throw a split second before his opponent went for the trip
takedown. It looked like Fickett landed pretty damn hard on his back
and head. Nice guillotine.

Bah. You people are all getting high and mighty about getting Drew Fickett references.

You're all wrong. He wasn't talking about about Knight Rider, or Nightrider.

He was talking about about Knight Ridder, the media outlet. He's more of an AP guy. :)


"He's half Mexican."

And Sean really is his brother...

"wish i could have heard the interview. he looks like a nut. I hate to bring up a sports-related topic on this thread, but it look like he went for that throw a split second before his opponent went for the trip takedown. It looked like Fickett landed pretty damn hard on his back and head. Nice guillotine."

True...he does that throw often, especially in grappling events. It's one of the throws he uses quite often.

rick, you think he went for the throw before the other guy went for the
takedown. or do you think it was a counter to the takedown?

fickett is the man lol

man, i second missing his drunk posting here.

drew is one of a kind

Drew has a great sense of humor. The straight face while saying crazy
shit had me laughing.

He was funny in all his antics. Drew starts to look at his biceps , then

pretends to flex.

Drew is far from a sane individual. That being said, he is the most loyal person you could ever have the privilege of meeting. On the other hand, he expects a lot from his friends (usually stupid bad drunk ideas that no one wants to take part in but himself). He loves Keystone Light and doesn't usually train very hard, but when he does, wins come easy like you all saw. If he takes his training seriously and busts his ass, he will whoop on Shields. That throw was a counter to being taken down and he really thinks he's Mexican (lived too close to the border for too long) and has lots of Mexican friends that he considers family. Drew was like a brother to me and if he steps his training up Shields will be just an after thought when "Bater" gets done with him. H8h8h8h8hh88888888888888888888888888888888888888888


ttt pussyjuice

I had the pleasure of training with him before his fight with Karo. He was a very cool guy and was also super funny. I wish I had gotten to know him better.

fmf.jpg picture by fmez10

           VIVA MEXICO

ttt for drew