
I’m 55, 5’10", started training when i was 15 and havent stopped.

My weight has been steadily rising since my 30s

Some i can attribute to strength training. i do a full body bodyweight routine 2x a week and its more intense than any weight training i’d done before.

The rest is due to the fact i still ate like a teenager.

The dr challanged me to lose 20lbs and its been a fucking struggle.

Ive finally figured out how to decrease my calories and between that and all the working out i do i have lost 7lbs

The problem is how much to eat between workouts on days when i do 2.

I got a fairly slow metabolism so if i eat too much after workout 1 and do workout 2 I’m nauseous

If i eat too little i gas, my blood sugar drops, i get cramps and generally feel like shit

So what are some high energy quick digesting foods?


Oatmeal, sweet potato, apple, orange, brown rice.

How quick to digest? 4 hours ish?

Start a food log, write everything down, be diligent. Bananas are my quick recovery snack. Boiled eggs are filling and easy. Also look into smoothies, myriad of combos and recipes.


Banana or dates with some carrots and celery.

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Smoothies could be tailored to fit this niche pretty easily. My go to is a combo of banana, peanut butter, protein powder, milk, and honey. It’s filling and quick digesting.

I’ve had some decent luck with shredded wheat believe it or not.

I need to go back thru this thread and collect all the info though

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Great shake I do myself but its not fast digesting not with milk and peanut butter in it cause fats slow down digestion for a number of reasons but mainly their incompatibility with water.

For him id sub the milk with water and the PB with date syrup, date syrup is a killer energy booster and is a staple in the diets of many Iranian wrestlers

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The easy answer is to move those workouts to a second day so youre only working out onmce per day which may not be plausible due to schedules or classes youre taking but two hard sessions a day is a bit much for us old bastards anyway.

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A man your age should be reading the newspaper on his porch before taking a nap, watching college sports in the den, taking a nap and fiddling with your short wave radio.

No more two a days for you.


With all due respect fuck that.

Not a single Dr has ever told me to cut back and if one ever did I’d get a 2nd and 3rd opinion and if THEY all agreed I might consider it.

I certainly don’t carry on like I did when I was younger but I’ll be damned before I go out to pasture

You already there.

Yep and I’m gonna jump around this pasture however the fuck I want

I am going to fight aging and kick and scream the whole fucking way.

I am not going to give up a fucking thing based on any advice outside of maybe my dr’s

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You are already asking for advice on how to start eating like a pussy because you got fat, and your hormones are so fucked up you cant fast between meals without passing out.

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What type of doctor?

Fuck you.

I’m not passing out

If you call this fat then fuck you again

I know the solution is NOT to do less. I’ve seen what becomes of guys my age when they stop pushing and fuck if I’m going to do that.

Maybe you’ll feel differently when it’s your turn.

Maybe not … maybe you’ll go out to pasture like a good old man and take up bocce, golf, caring for your lawn and boring others with your stories of your glory days

I cannot think of any more pathetic existence and if YOU don’t like that too damn bad

GP and Sports Medicine

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Go hard mate

You damn right


Have you considered aqua aerobics? They have it at most over 55s villages