Does Nunes Stand a Chance?

She has a chance if Cyborg changed right into one of those long telephone pole straight right/lefts she puts her power behind. if she plays tenative she is fucked. she needs good lateral mvoement on the outside but when she throws she will want to be moving forward and try beating cyborg to the punch. she wont outpoint cyborg from the outside, she needs to lure her into punching in the range she is most comfortable at. Harder for her with valentina, but i think she might be able to do it with the plodding cyborg as long as she doesnt miss her big punches and get countered. And i do think Amanda has the power to drop just about anyone with a good punch, unlike most of the division, so i think landing early will gain her respect from cyborg that is rarely garnered.

that said cyborg can turn anything around with a punch which makes it very unpredictable. she doesnt have the craziest 1 punch power, but so few times do we see female fighters weather a storm from a power puncher, they almost always wilt. Amanda has some heart so itll be great to see if she can push cyborg.

Amanda has fought much better competition than Cyborg.  I think that she exposes Cyborg and shocks the world by kicking her ass. 

Probably not, but I don't think Cyborg has looked all that hot against better competition like Holly. She might get cracked.

Then again, she spars with men, boxers and has fought high level kickboxers so with the size advantage as well Nunes has probably bit off more than she can chew.

Definitely don’t sleep on Nunes. My god she’s a total beast. 

Regardless of the result, I just hope they kiss and make up.

How can she stand a chance against the GOAT?


Cyborg is stronger and evidently has more cardio.

How is Cyborg’s chin? Has she ever been cracked good?

Jorina baars took it to cyborg and cyborg withstood. I’d say her chin is battle tested

MMAFighting interviewed 100 fighters and coaches for their picks on this fight. Results:

  • Cris - 68%
  • Amanda - 18%
  • No pick - 14%

I think it will look like the Holly fight but closer.  And Holly would have won on the scorecards if she could have pulled out the last round.

Nunes is damn good but Cyborg is too big and also highly skilled.

Nunes will touch her like holly did but with more power. I’ve got a feeling she wins. 

Nunes is gonna win

Tug Dabone - 

How can she stand a chance against the GOAT?


A gut feeling says Nunes will pull off the upset.

Never thought I would pick against Cyborg.

EvilMaster - A gut feeling says Nunes will pull off the upset.

Never thought I would pick against Cyborg.

It’s very possible, she’s a big chick with heavy hands. I think she has the edge over Cyborg on the ground.

Jorina Baars showed Cyborg could be handled in the standup and clinch, but I don’t see Nunes doing that. And if anything, the beating she took from Baars, showed how resilient Cyborg is. If Nunes wins, I think it will be by submission. I got Cyborg, but Nunes has the best chance of anyone I can think of in WMMA at the moment.

She beats Cyborg

i dont bet on mma but if someone hits some sort of parlay with gus and nunes winning they will be rolling in it

AnotherDecision -

i dont bet on mma but if someone hits some sort of parlay with gus and nunes winning they will be rolling in it

A $100 parlay pays $960 at 5Dimes.

Gus is at +248. 

Amanda is +205.

Nunes vs. Cyborg prop odds still favor the fight going over 2 1/2 rounds, at -167.

Tug Dabone -
AnotherDecision -

i dont bet on mma but if someone hits some sort of parlay with gus and nunes winning they will be rolling in it

A $100 parlay pays $960 at 5Dimes.

Gus is at +248. 

Amanda is +205.

Nunes vs. Cyborg prop odds still favor the fight going over 2 1/2 rounds, at -167.

meh still pretty long odds but given the circumstances flying around lately wouldnt be unheard of.

The thing is that its hard to put a bet down against the guy that the UFC would seemingly cut there dick off to keep a belt on him.

Is there odds on the likelyhood of the LHW championship fight ending in a screw job or snafu? because thats probably the safest bet.

RonaldRaygun -
leifdawg -
RonaldRaygun -

I guess I'm alone in thinking Nunes has a really good chance here. I've thought for many years that Nunes was the only fighter who had a good chance of taking out Cyborg. Nunes has the power to end this fight in the first couple rounds. I personally think Cyborg isn't the same agressive killer that she was a couple years back. She picks her spots now and doesn't look to finish unless it's on a silver platter. I think this actually works against her.

This is the best matchup in WMMA history and I can't fucking wait. This is from someone who usually skips past most WMMA fights. I'm more excited for this than Jones vs Gustaffson, by far.

Completely disagree,  her old style was sloppy and left too many openings.  Her new style is much more poised, and while it doesn't always look as impressive, I think she is a much better fighter now than she was 5+ years ago.

With the bums she has been fighting at 145, her style really doesn't matter. She would have beaten them all with the old or new style. I think she would have finished more fights with her old style but whatever.

My point was more about how Cyborg's old style was actually the perfect formula to beat Nunes. Nunes doesn't do well under heavy pressure, at all. In fact, if Cyborg came with her old aggressive, pushing forward style I think Nunes would fold in short order. Doing the Jason Parillo choose your spots style with Nunes is giving her the space she needs to actually have a chance.

I think Holly could have beaten the old version.