Does Nunes Stand a Chance?

leifdawg -
RonaldRaygun -
leifdawg -
RonaldRaygun -

I guess I'm alone in thinking Nunes has a really good chance here. I've thought for many years that Nunes was the only fighter who had a good chance of taking out Cyborg. Nunes has the power to end this fight in the first couple rounds. I personally think Cyborg isn't the same agressive killer that she was a couple years back. She picks her spots now and doesn't look to finish unless it's on a silver platter. I think this actually works against her.

This is the best matchup in WMMA history and I can't fucking wait. This is from someone who usually skips past most WMMA fights. I'm more excited for this than Jones vs Gustaffson, by far.

Completely disagree,  her old style was sloppy and left too many openings.  Her new style is much more poised, and while it doesn't always look as impressive, I think she is a much better fighter now than she was 5+ years ago.

With the bums she has been fighting at 145, her style really doesn't matter. She would have beaten them all with the old or new style. I think she would have finished more fights with her old style but whatever.

My point was more about how Cyborg's old style was actually the perfect formula to beat Nunes. Nunes doesn't do well under heavy pressure, at all. In fact, if Cyborg came with her old aggressive, pushing forward style I think Nunes would fold in short order. Doing the Jason Parillo choose your spots style with Nunes is giving her the space she needs to actually have a chance.

I think Holly could have beaten the old version.

I agree that Holly was the one opponent were Parillo's style was of a big benefit. The rest it didn't matter and with Nunes it works against her.

I think Nunes has a good chance 

Do you guys think it’s good for the sport if Nunes pulls off the upset?

AngryGerbil -
EvilMaster - A gut feeling says Nunes will pull off the upset.

Never thought I would pick against Cyborg.

It’s very possible, she’s a big chick with heavy hands. I think she has the edge over Cyborg on the ground.

Jorina Baars showed Cyborg could be handled in the standup and clinch, but I don’t see Nunes doing that. And if anything, the beating she took from Baars, showed how resilient Cyborg is. If Nunes wins, I think it will be by submission. I got Cyborg, but Nunes has the best chance of anyone I can think of in WMMA at the moment.

Do you think that Cyborg would’ve walked through Baars’ punches if she had been wearing mma gloves? 

We shall see how her chin is. Amanda is gonna test that bad boy.  

Huge respect for Nunes taking the fight.

If they were the same size it’d be more interesting. Cyborg will alpha her, ragdoll and pummel.

I think Nunes will be an easier fight for Cyborg than Holly. Nunes doesn't have the toughness or footwork of Holmes. She punches harder but will get mauled by the Borg against the fence and taken down and finished. 

El Duderino -

I think Nunes has a good chance. Look how she dominated Ronda and Meisha. Her striking is really accurate. Not saying she will win, but I think it will be a much closer fight than people think.

This is my feeling and I’ve been saying it before this fight was even a reality. I like Nunes straight punches, accuracy and power to be enough to make this a very competitive fight. I think she can land more than any opponent ever has and, whether and if that is enough to hurt Cris and can she do it before getting hurt herself are the only questions I have. 

The face off did seem like Borg is a much bigger person, though. 

Tug Dabone -

How can she stand a chance against the GOAT?

I feel weird

BrckNoHitBk -

Better chance than anyone else in the ufc right now.

I dunno. I think I’d take Cormier over her too. 

Tug Dabone -

FWIW: Fightmetric's stats on Cyborg and Nunes.


SLpM:  7.02

Str. Acc.:  52%

SApM:  1.79

Str. Def:  70%

TD Avg.:  0.85

TD Acc.:  62%

TD Def.:  91%

Sub. Avg.:  0.3



LpM:  4.55

Str. Acc.:  51%

SApM:  2.88

Str. Def:  56%

TD Avg.:  1.82

TD Acc.:  40%

TD Def.:  79%

Sub. Avg.:  0.6


SLpM - Significant Strikes Landed per Minute

Str. Acc. - Significant Striking Accuracy

SApM - Significant Strikes Absorbed per Minute

Str. Def. - Significant Strike Defence (the % of opponents strikes that did not land)

TD Avg. - Average Takedowns Landed per 15 minutes


Imo that doesn’t mean much unless we’re strictly talking Cris’s ufc stats. I can’t take into account her SAsm. 

SAsm-Striking Accuracy vs Soccer Moms

Fahqhard -
NewGuy82 -
Fahqhard -

I think that little boy Nunez sadly will beat cyborg. I dont like both but cyborg is the the 2evil because atleast she is into men. There both extra testosterone weirdo

Did you have a stroke?

Lol.. that was me trying to type good and clear. No stroke faggot. Just use broken English in everyday life so that how it is used now 

Also a broken mind? 

If she hits cyborg clean she has the power to wobble her for sure. Arm length and shoulder width are there, Nunez can crack for sure. 

Everyone looses eventually. I think Kayla Harrison beats cris in 2 years personally. 

This will be a competitive fight.

PelosiesPanties -

I think she gets hurt or at the absolute least loses a lopsided decision. 

Nunes imo is by far the toughest fight cuborg has had and other people have took her the distance. Idk why nunes can’t win. She has the power to knock her out so she has a chance. I want to see this fight more than the other healiner

People are assuming they will stand and trade punches. I doubt it. It’s too risky for both. Cyborg will do exactly what she did against Lana Lansberg: close the distance and pin Nunes against the fence to wear her out. 

That’s the thing: Nunes’ best chance is to score an early knockout. Her ground game affects her cardio, as seen time and again. And she’s fighting someone bigger and stronger than she ever faced. Cyborg, on the other hand, has more ways to win this fight. 

Oh, and yeah: Cyborg got the better chin. Nunes was knocked down by 125 lber. Sheila Gaff. Nunes may wobble Cyborg, but she will regain her footing. Once Cyborg lands one clean strike, I think Nunes will want out of the fight. 

I like nunes at the price

Amanda hits HARD she can knock any woman out, she has a real shot

I think she will get ko’d within three. I think cyborg will hurt her early and break her with her power. This will get 2 her mentally and then it’ll be a matter of time.

She can pull the upset