Fake MMA Claims or Real: U DECIDE

Im amazed at all the bullshido artists out there- I mean, how hard would it realy be to make something up that sound atleast ALMOST beliveable? But no, they always go for the overly outrageous claims.

You have to be a 12y old kid to fall for shit claims like this.
What is next? "Nobel prize winner in martial art"? "Official united nation head ufc insructor"?

Nice to see the BS artist making way into MMA btw. That is probably the real sign of MMA becoming mainstream.

"LMFAO!!!!!! Someone needs to go to this dojo and check it out. LOL :)"

What, and suffer immediate intimidation ?? No thanks !!

ttt for later

As long as they ad "Winner - Final Fu" then I will believe it.

TTT for Grandnat to check it out and report back! I love "follow the story" threads!

Oh ya, the connection between christians and bullshit TMAs is this: Both expect you to take somthing on faith that you can plainly see isn't true.

Also, don't dis bigfoot. He's real damn it!

He does list where he got his grappling from.

"I just want to conclude by saying 'Thank You!' to my instructors and mentors for the impartation of their knowledge and for their trust in my own teaching abilities."

-Sensei Ron Risce - Kenpo, Hapkido, Judo, Ju-Jitsu, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

-Gokor Chyvician – Judo, Sambo, Hayastan Jiu-Jitsu

-Sensei "Judo" Gene LeBell (for choking me out relentlessly until I figured out that 2 week long headaches weren't actually as funny as he thought they were)

Real or not, the guy is a big mofo.

Bow to your sensei!!!!!!!!

If he's 6'8", his bitch must have some BIG heels on...



His woman looks really tall to begin with, she's got to be at least 6'1.

his bitch caught the gross

actually if you look at those pics you can see she towers over her friends.

What a pussy.

He's never fought in one Bear Pit Fight.

I am going to try and check it out tonight. It looks like they are having BJJ sparring tonight.

I should be able to give an accurate assessment of at least their BJJ skill and instruction level.

I am not going to go in with my american flag jamz pants on and challenge him to a duel.

I am just going to go in and give it a chance and ask him about some of his more dubious claims and hopefully grapple with him.

He is 6'8" and 290lbs so I will assess his skill not his ability to beat me. I think I will do fine however.

If you don't hear back from me tonight after class... just assume the worst..... that I died from the deadly dim mak.

prays for GrandNat's safety

LOL at "...leaving the Olympic Persuasion..."is that a new form of sexual preference?


When ya go there, can ya tell him "Haganah" was the precursor to the Israeli military NOT an MA.

Or does he also teach a history course?

When you go there, ask him how many seasons he spent in the Octagon.