Fedor can take his 2.5 and shove it up his ass.

Waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! LOL OP.

Good for Fedor. He's way past his prime and making a dumptruckload of cash. Awesome for him. Phone Post 3.0

Samoa - Waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! LOL OP.

Good for Fedor. He's way past his prime and making a dumptruckload of cash. Awesome for him. Phone Post 3.0
As if anyone on this board would do it any differently.

Or maybe I'm wrong and McCorkle would rather fight Travis Browne for $400k than he would Tim Hague for $2.5 million. Phone Post 3.0

2,500 sponsor money from reebok > 2.5 million, because the UG fans say so.

granted, will he face top-tier competition in japan? no, probably not at all, but he's earned this for being so dominant for so long.

StrikingMMA - It is 2 fights to get back to peak form. Then we may see him in the UFC.

Get out of this thread, its for pointless bitching without looking at the bigger picture

Spinning Shit -
Samoa - Waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! LOL OP.

Good for Fedor. He's way past his prime and making a dumptruckload of cash. Awesome for him. Phone Post 3.0
As if anyone on this board would do it any differently.

Or maybe I'm wrong and McCorkle would rather fight Travis Browne for $400k than he would Tim Hague for $2.5 million. Phone Post 3.0
Exactly. No one here is going to pay for his after fight life. Get whatever you can Fedor and I like that he lived his career his own way and never went against himself and signed with an organization he didn't want to. Fight and live on his own terms. The whole way. Good for him.

I hope he gets EVERYTHING he wanted when he made the decision to return. Phone Post 3.0

FingerorMoon - A near 40yr old athlete that was already past his prime and retired is looking to make a last dump of cash to last him the rest of his life.

He doesn't owe you shit.
As much as I wanted to see Fedor in the Octagon, this guy is more or less right. Fedor would be a fool to turn down 2.5 mil guaranteed to squash some can at this point in his career. Phone Post 3.0

I think that Fedor really tarnished his legacy with this one. He could have finally legitimized himself in the eyes of all MMA fans and instead he chose to leave a question mark on his career forever.

It's sad because both could have benefited greatly from each other.

The ufc never being able to sign fedor is a failure to them and Fedor not going to the ufc is a failure for him.

Its just terrible imo

Jacro - I think that Fedor really tarnished his legacy with this one. He could have finally legitimized himself in the eyes of all MMA fans and instead he chose to leave a question mark on his career forever.

It's sad because both could have benefited greatly from each other.

The ufc never being able to sign fedor is a failure to them and Fedor not going to the ufc is a failure for him.

Its just terrible imo
Tarnished his legacy. Explain that. He's nearly 40 and was 3-3 in his last 6 fights before retiring. He's past his prime. He was when he retired. Do you believe he is se how better than he was when he left?

Put some color to how he is tarnishing his legacy by not signing with an organization that has trashed his name his whole career. Help me out with where your statement is coming from. Phone Post 3.0

Please post a picture of your 2005 ticket OP.
Surely this fan's ticket stub to the greatest MMA HW title fight in history was not lost at the Tokyo train station. Phone Post 3.0

Fedor is concerned about Fedor, as he should be. He doesn't care about a fighting legacy or proving how great he is to a bunch of mma fans. The man week get paid big to beat up someone he has little fear of losing to. At this point, why go to the ufc and be thrown to the Lions, when you can take it easy and make more money. He never had any intention of going to the ufc, I believe this was the plan all along. Phone Post 3.0

2.5 million vs reebok pennies
In this situation, the UFC is a farce Phone Post 3.0

He would have made up for it in back room bonuses. What a dick fedo is.
Did he know he'd get 1.5k from reebok? Smh.

TBA11 -
FingerorMoon - A near 40yr old athlete that was already past his prime and retired is looking to make a last dump of cash to last him the rest of his life.

He doesn't owe you shit.
This. Phone Post 3.0
. Phone Post 3.0

Should be taking your frustration out on the folks at the ufc. They had their chance and totally fucked it up. Karma's quite the bitch sometimes. Phone Post 3.0

Dom Hemingway - I was there in 2005 to watch Mirko / Fedor, I'll never forget it. But as a huge Fedya supporter and forever a PRIDE die hard, Fedor fighting anywhere but the UFC is clown sauce. And you can't deny it. What a joke. Phone Post 3.0
You're a twerp. Phone Post 3.0

I'm glad he went with the highest bidder. If UFC wants the best fighters, they should pay up. Too many fighters are underpaid IMO. Phone Post 3.0

Dom Hemingway - I was there in 2005 to watch Mirko / Fedor, I'll never forget it. But as a huge Fedya supporter and forever a PRIDE die hard, Fedor fighting anywhere but the UFC is clown sauce. And you can't deny it. What a joke. Phone Post 3.0

Fedor doesn't owe you shit.

Chomas - I am no longer mad at Dana, there is no way the UFC can pay him that kind of guaranteed money for his first fight back. I bet Fedor will get a warm up or 2 in then go to the UFC. Can't blame anyone here, it's stupid money he has no choice but to take it. Good luck Fedor, hope to see you in the big leagues next year. Phone Post 3.0
Laughing at the people upset with Fedor. Shit, I'd leave my respectable job to go work at McDonald's if they paid me 5x what my current salary is. If someone is crazy enough to offer you a pile of money like that, you take it before they realize what they are giving you.

People who talk about Fedor hurting his legacy and disappointment in him for taking this deal have clearly never had to pay a mortgage. Phone Post 3.0

sparkuri - Please post a picture of your 2005 ticket OP.
Surely this fan's ticket stub to the greatest MMA HW title fight in history was not lost at the Tokyo train station. Phone Post 3.0


Good for him. I hope something else happens after his contract is up. Like sign with different organization. Phone Post 3.0