Fedor can take his 2.5 and shove it up his ass.

disbeliever - It's always funny when people try to hide being a dick behind comments like "I'm a huge fan of his but..." Or "I was there watching him live". Then proceed to call him names Phone Post 3.0
Appropriate Sname. Phone Post 3.0

Why does he need to prove anything? He's fine enough for the sport that he should get a nice paycheck.

Dom Hemingway - I was there in 2005 to watch Mirko / Fedor, I'll never forget it. But as a huge Fedya supporter and forever a PRIDE die hard, Fedor fighting anywhere but the UFC is clown sauce. And you can't deny it. What a joke. Phone Post 3.0

for 2.5 million, you can call me anything you want on an internet message board.

Fedor has not fought in years. He needs a tune up fight. Why not make as much money as possible doing this?

People, Fedor signed a two fight deal. More than likely he will win those fights, shake off a little ring rust and then the UFC will get another chance to sign him; THEY need to buck up and make it happen. Fedor isn't likely to take far riskier fights for less money - few fighters would.

MrFluffyHippo - I'm glad he went with the highest bidder. If UFC wants the best fighters, they should pay up. Too many fighters are underpaid IMO. Phone Post 3.0
Then the UFC was correct in not paying him 2.5 million for one fight. He isn't even a top 8 fighter at this point. Phone Post 3.0

Dom Hemingway - I was there in 2005 to watch Mirko / Fedor, I'll never forget it. But as a huge Fedya supporter and forever a PRIDE die hard, Fedor fighting anywhere but the UFC is clown sauce. And you can't deny it. What a joke. Phone Post 3.0
hi Dana Phone Post 3.0

theshooter - Fedor has not fought in years. He needs a tune up fight. Why not make as much money as possible doing this?

In the fight game, I think its fair to say that George Foreman had the greatest comeback career of all time.

When he did this, he basically started at the bottom and fought his way up against bums, journeymen and no namers rather than jumping into a big name fight.

If Fedor wants a comeback, thats the way to do it...work hs way back into contention rather than jumping into the deep end.

Lets just be grateful we get to see him fight again, in any setting. Phone Post 3.0

Dom Hemingway - I was there in 2005 to watch Mirko / Fedor, I'll never forget it. But as a huge Fedya supporter and forever a PRIDE die hard, Fedor fighting anywhere but the UFC is clown sauce. And you can't deny it. What a joke. Phone Post 3.0
He has a family to take care of, that is reason enough to accept that money. Plus he contract is allegedly for two fights, so he may still end up in ufc. Phone Post 3.0

We're all disappointed he isn't joining the UFC. The difference with people with brain cells and yourself is OP, we realise the guy is getting a fuck truck load if money instead of getting Reebok chump change.

Put yourself in his shoes and think about it for a minute. He could fight a stud for pennies or he can fight a bum for 2.5 million bucks. Phone Post 3.0

Dom Hemingway - I was there in 2005 to watch Mirko / Fedor, I'll never forget it. But as a huge Fedya supporter and forever a PRIDE die hard, Fedor fighting anywhere but the UFC is clown sauce. And you can't deny it. What a joke. Phone Post 3.0

Can you explain why you are bothered Fedor isn't fighting in the UFC currently, after 40 fights in other promotions?

What is it about the UFC that you need?

He doesn't owe you shit. Go fuck yourself. Phone Post 3.0

Jacro - I think that Fedor really tarnished his legacy with this one. He could have finally legitimized himself in the eyes of all MMA fans and instead he chose to leave a question mark on his career forever.

It's sad because both could have benefited greatly from each other.

The ufc never being able to sign fedor is a failure to them and Fedor not going to the ufc is a failure for him.

Its just terrible imo

What question did he leave unanswered?

WattMell - I'll definitely watch his fight and I'm glad he's back in mma in general but to not to sign with UFC sucks for the fans.

"B-but he'll have a big fat bank account now so I'm okay with it!!"

Im sure the guy was doing fine way before this deal. Let's face it, he took the big payday to fight b-c level HWs and won't be able to face the best in the world. There are no good match ups outside of the UFC for him. Phone Post 3.0

Sure there are







Lol at OP getting all frustrated and upset whilst Fedor drives to the bank with a 2.5 million cheque.

I'm sure he thought long and hard about turning down that 'Reebok money'.

Face it - he's had his years of being at the top and proving himself. Let it go. Phone Post 3.0

Dom Hemingway - I was there in 2005 to watch Mirko / Fedor, I'll never forget it. But as a huge Fedya supporter and forever a PRIDE die hard, Fedor fighting anywhere but the UFC is clown sauce. And you can't deny it. What a joke. Phone Post 3.0
There's not a fighter currently active in the UFC who would turn down a guaranteed 2.5 million for one fight on NYE in Japan, and you don't have to wear Reebok. You're fooling yourself if you think otherwise. Phone Post 3.0

Dom Hemingway - 
FingerorMoon - A near 40yr old athlete that was already past his prime and retired is looking to make a last dump of cash to last him the rest of his life.

He doesn't owe you shit.
Never ever said he owed me anything. But, if your gonna play the game, roll the dice with the best. Phone Post 3.0

He did already. Changing the game in the process. He epitomizes what a mixed martial artist fighter should be in nearly all eyes. He changed the game for us and now he needs a few bucks to help him sleep better at night. Hes earned that. The reality is Fedor aint the same guy that ruled Pride fighting anymore. We all get old and wear out. Dont hold on to the past. lets enjoy the present and hope for the future. Peace.