Fitch-No one has told me why I cant get title shot

so he's just going to ignore the fact that fans fall asleep watching him fight or the boo's he hears during his fights? lol c'mon fitch, you should know why you haven't gotten another title shot....

Why not just move to 185 and fight bisping, leban, munoz or sonnen and then call out Silva instead of waiting another few years at 170. If a good wrestler is only way to beat Silva, he'd have a fighting chance.

Can you imagine the UFC's bottom line if he beat GSP and held the belt for two years? You'd have your title fights on the undercards.

I want to see Jon "Smoke Break" Fitch face Brock Lesnar. Only fight that makes sense at this point.

But really, he couldn't even a sandwich if his life depended on it, much less a fight.

Fitch is clearly the no.2 welterweight and deserved of a second shot at the title. I don't think he should change his style, instead he should call out or belittle potential opponents like a pro-wrestler.

The UFC is keeping a legitimate threat away from the champion. MMA's politics is very little different to boxing's.

This is why MMA is dying, corrupt ranking system, best not fighting the best...

MMA is a dying sport- The UG

Zuffa, please do not rewards boring fighters, no matter how good they are under the current rules. Jon might be a stand-up, great guy for all I know, but I will never pay to watch him fight because I don't get my money's worth.

A draw against someone who is 0-2 against the champ doesn't get u a title shot. Phone Post

awilson82 - A draw against someone who is 0-2 against the champ doesn't get u a title shot. <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>


Ghan is correct.

Like it or not, Fitch is boring as hell... Even when he wins.

He doesn't go for a ko, to or sumbission.

The guy just grinds you down and wears you out. He just does not even try and finish his opponents.

Fighters like Fitch just do not entertain people, that's a fact.

Diaz? He'll take your best and then beat the fuck out of you. Daley? He will try and take your fucking head off. Condit is the same, Alves is the same as well. Fitch? He'd have a hard time finishing a book let alone an opponent.

He can moan all he likes, but deep down he knows that he hasn't got a fan friendly style and fans want to be entertained... Fitch's style does not allow that to happen.

jon can't play ignorant when he used to admit how much he hated decisions. He quickly changed his tune to the "If you can't beat my syle, tough" mentality.

Nobody is going to back his campaigning for a title shot, nobody even wants him on the main card.

 I think he should get the shot.  He is a great fighter, why should he change his style to please the fans?  Fuck the fans, its about being the best and he has a style that works.  This is a sport, not sports entertainment.  Watch WWE if you want guranteed 'excitement'.

Frobenius -  I think he should get the shot.  He is a great fighter, why should he change his style to please the fans?  Fuck the fans, its about being the best and he has a style that works.  This is a sport, not sports entertainment.  Watch WWE if you want guranteed 'excitement'.

He's a great wrestler, which makes him a tough good fighter.

i feel kind of sorry for him he has a ton of heart when fighting yes his style isnt so easy on the eye but he sticks to what works for him. not every mma fighter can have top level striking skills john does what he does best win by defense. grinding his opponents down and not allowing them to inflict there skill set on him. doing this is not easy i cant think of another fighter that does it aswell as he does. im sure the ufc may still hold a grudge over the whole image rights sign over fallout before the first undisputed video game came out. anyhows if john keeps winning they cant deny him forever Phone Post

At one point Fitch said he was only interested in fighting champs and former champs. I don't think the UFC was too pleased about a fighter that gets real picky about opponents. He's now scheduled to face Johny Hendricks.

MMALOGIC - 1) boring as shit.

2) unwilling to fight Josh Koscheck.

3) unable to beat BJ Penn.

4) already got the shit kicked out of him by GSP and has displayed nothing since then that would demonstrate the rematch would be any different.

why should he get a title shot?


 If there was a scientific formula that decided the next contender then Fitch would have his shot..

Unfortunately for him the UFC is in the business of promoting fights they percieve fans will pay to watch.. and Fitch hasn't shown enough to give his bosses the impression he can draw.

Its not that he is boring, he is great at what he does, and made GSP a tad exciting. Its a safe GSP fight Canadians would love live.

He turns down opponents, notably Kos, a contender. Then he gets a draw with BJ Penn. So he cant beat a guy ranked lower than him, who also lost to GSP, and wants a title shot?

Then you get hurt and BJ gets his worst beating from Nick Diaz, an exciting champ from another organization, who is a fan favorite, and sells fights by talking shit.

GSP also has other top ten fighters he could face before you get a recycled chance.

This also seems obvious, no matter if you find him exciting or not.

Fitch talks alot for a guy who never fights. Hope he gets cut soon.


I guess Fitch does not get protected here from fighter bashing.

Only the ones the mods deem worthy get any attention.