Fitch-No one has told me why I cant get title shot

no interest in watching one man "gamely" humping another man?

Hessian - I guess Fitch does not get protected here from fighter bashing.

Only the ones the mods deem worthy get any attention.

Difference between bashing and speaking the truth. In this case the truth is harsh

Hessian - I guess Fitch does not get protected here from fighter bashing.

Only the ones the mods deem worthy get any attention.

It's not fighter bashing to call a spade a spade. I can't think of a more boring high level fighter.

Fitch at 185 interests me. Doubt he could pull the type of fights he pulls at 170 against guys like Maia or Palhares.

jon fitch's typical game is not a threat to gsp and he does not have the tools for a lucky ko or submission victory.

that is all.

" Frobenius: I think he should get the shot. He is a great fighter, why should he change his style to please the fans? Fuck the fans, its about being the best and he has a style that works. This is a sport, not sports entertainment. Watch WWE if you want guranteed 'excitement'."

uhh, sports are entertainment, knucklehead. all the morons who argue it's not are embarassing themselves....the fans buy the tickets, PPV's etc. if you're not entertaining, then you're not interesting.

Freakin 10er - 
Hessian - I guess Fitch does not get protected here from fighter bashing.

Only the ones the mods deem worthy get any attention.

Difference between bashing and speaking the truth. In this case the truth is harsh


nobody's saying he's not successful at what he does...he simply isn't entertaining to a lot of fans. HE NEEDS TO EVOLVE HIS GAME!

BshMstr - " Frobenius: I think he should get the shot. He is a great fighter, why should he change his style to please the fans? Fuck the fans, its about being the best and he has a style that works. This is a sport, not sports entertainment. Watch WWE if you want guranteed 'excitement'."

uhh, sports are entertainment, knucklehead. all the morons who argue it's not are embarassing themselves....the fans buy the tickets, PPV's etc. if you're not entertaining, then you're not interesting.

Not to mention all sports tweak their rules to appeal to the fans. You'd be hard pressed to name any sport that has the exact same rules that it had 50 years ago.

What the hell is a Jon Fitch...?! Phone Post

Does his style really "work" though if he couldn't win the title? It works for racking up wins but not for being the top guy.

WheresBobbySouthworth - Fitch at 185 interests me. Doubt he could pull the type of fights he pulls at 170 against guys like Maia or Palhares.

even though he started off there, i wonder if he could add the weight with his new vegan lifestyle... could add some new life to his career, though.

Sandy Pantz - 
BshMstr - " Frobenius: I think he should get the shot. He is a great fighter, why should he change his style to please the fans? Fuck the fans, its about being the best and he has a style that works. This is a sport, not sports entertainment. Watch WWE if you want guranteed 'excitement'."

uhh, sports are entertainment, knucklehead. all the morons who argue it's not are embarassing themselves....the fans buy the tickets, PPV's etc. if you're not entertaining, then you're not interesting.

Not to mention all sports tweak their rules to appeal to the fans. You'd be hard pressed to name any sport that has the exact same rules that it had 50 years ago.
Ok, first of all (to BshMstr) sports entertainment is something specific, and different to sports:

"Sports entertainment is a type of spectacle which presents an ostensibly competitive event using a high level of theatrical flourish and extravagant presentation, with the purpose of entertaining an audience. Unlike typical athletics and games, which are conducted for competition, sportsmanship, exercise or personal recreation, the primary product of sports entertainment is performance for an audience's benefit, thus they are never practiced privately."


Secondly, (Sandy Pantz) I think that is irrelevent.  As the rules are at the moment, fitch does nothing wrong and is a hell of a fighter.  If they do change the rules thats a completely different argument.  I would probably support a few rule tweaks to make fights a little more exciting (pride yellow card system or something), but its unfair to judge fitch against any other rules than the ones we currently have.

Fitch has no reason to move up to 185. He'd probably be giving up some size+his cardio would suffer if he put on more muscle. When he fought BJ he only weighed around the mid 170s, so moving up isn't really an option anyway. <br />In ANY combat sport people like to see exciting fighters. More exciting fighters=more PPV. It's impossible to market Jon Fitch, because he literally has nothing appealing about him. The UFC is part of MMA, but it's a business first.

NFL has turned the game into a pass friendly game to take advantage of Manning and Brady. Guys like Andy Dalton will have more passing in a season than Bradshaw and Staubach did. UFC no different.

R0CK0 -  lol could you imagine if Fitch got the title... goodbye WW ppv title fights lol those would be on Fox cards Phone Post
I think it could be interesting.  He has the potential to be a dominant champ, once he got a few defences under his belt he would be more of a draw.  Also dana would be giving shots out left and right, fitch would be the only champion who no one would ever accuse dana of protecting.


Personally, I don't care that Fitch is boring...I don't factor it in to who gets a title shot. I look at this as a sport, and not strictly entertainment.

The team that goes to the superbowl is the one with the best record. It doesn't matter if they always play it safe, never throw flashy hail mary passes, and never do any retarded antics. In my opinion, Fitch should have been in front of both Hardy and Koscheck.

Now the picture has changed a bit, and he is coming off a draw, while others fighters like Diaz, Condit, and Elleberger are riding respectable win steaks.

Pride Rules - 
Hessian - I guess Fitch does not get protected here from fighter bashing.

Only the ones the mods deem worthy get any attention.

 yea u know how it goes

cant say shit about rank 85 sean mccorkle but #2 fitch is fair game.

People rank McCorkle in the top 100?

 He deserves another shot at GSP. I wish he'd work for subs a little more though.

Perhaps if he beat Akihiro Gono, Rory Markham, and Marcus Davis by a split decision maybe he could get that title shot.

Think Fitch is trolling