Fitch-No one has told me why I cant get title shot

Perturbation - Personally, I don't care that Fitch is boring...I don't factor it in to who gets a title shot. I look at this as a sport, and not strictly entertainment.

The team that goes to the superbowl is the one with the best record. It doesn't matter if they always play it safe, never throw flashy hail mary passes, and never do any retarded antics. In my opinion, Fitch should have been in front of both Hardy and Koscheck.

Now the picture has changed a bit, and he is coming off a draw, while others fighters like Diaz, Condit, and Elleberger are riding respectable win steaks.

Fitch was ahead of Kos and Hardy (minus Kos's previous shot, when Fitch was a UFC newcomer)...

Carlito Brigante - fitch is one of my favorite fighers to watch.

As a grappler, i admire and try to emulate the way he combines his wrestling, jiu jitsu and ground n pound. Ofcourse if your idea of training is the ufc video game, you wont understand the small nuances fitch brings to every fight, but i dont give a fuck about the opinion of the uneducated.

We all know these uneducated people, you see wildly irrational statements like he lay n prayed bj penn in the 3rd round, blanketed him. I dont know about you guys but ive never had a blanked punch me the face 200 times in 5 minutes. Where do you buy one of those? Those blankets could be a huge hit on the police force. There is some real coin to be made.

Im also not one of these unrealistic people that thinks every fight should be an action movie. The ironing is also strong if you think about fitch most likely gave gsp his most exciting fight in a long fucking time.

Fitch if you're reading this brotha, dont ever change your style. The objective of a sport is to win at all costs. You dont see football teams throwing hail marys all game because some fat tard on their couch doesnt like the running game. Not every basket is an alley oop, not every goal in soccer is a bicycle kick.

I guess thats what you get when the majority of the fanbase are not fans of other sports, they dont understand the concept of sporting. I guess if you come from wwe to mma, you are going to boo the shit out of everyone that isnt nam phan vs leonard garcia'ing.

OH well, such is life, i guess.

eh, i don't think i'm uneducated in fighting, nor are most people on this forum. nice how you lumped yourself in with Fitch, as if your grappling background is anywhere near similar to him....

look at his record, and can you realistically say he's dominated his way back to being the #1 contender? no.

Not even read through some of the shit that is guaranteed to be in a thread like this.

But all I will say, because the level of faggotry is quite predictable, is that Fitch is the undisputed no.2 WW in the world (fact not opinion), and one of the best fighters in the world.

He may not entertain everyone, but I always look forward to a Fitch fight because I know I'm going to see a display of skill, heart, toughness and determination that few others can match.

Fitch fan for life, the guy's a beast and if he wins his next fight is in line for a rematch with Georges, or to fight Diaz.

If it's GSP, I hate to say it but I don't think the outcome will be much different from the first fight.

If it's Diaz, then Jon will be crowned the new WW champion of the world.

Frobenius - 
Sandy Pantz - 
BshMstr - " Frobenius: I think he should get the shot. He is a great fighter, why should he change his style to please the fans? Fuck the fans, its about being the best and he has a style that works. This is a sport, not sports entertainment. Watch WWE if you want guranteed 'excitement'."

uhh, sports are entertainment, knucklehead. all the morons who argue it's not are embarassing themselves....the fans buy the tickets, PPV's etc. if you're not entertaining, then you're not interesting.

Not to mention all sports tweak their rules to appeal to the fans. You'd be hard pressed to name any sport that has the exact same rules that it had 50 years ago.
Ok, first of all (to BshMstr) sports entertainment is something specific, and different to sports:

"<b>Sports entertainment</b> is a type of <a title="Spectacle" href=""&gt;spectacle&lt;/a> which presents an ostensibly <a title="Competition" href=""&gt;competitive&lt;/a> event using a high level of <a class="mw-redirect" title="Theatrics" href=""&gt;theatrical&lt;/a> flourish and extravagant presentation, with the purpose of <a class="mw-redirect" title="Entertain" href=""&gt;entertaining&lt;/a> an <a title="Audience" href=""&gt;audience&lt;/a>. Unlike typical <a title="Sport" href=""&gt;athletics&lt;/a> and games, which are conducted for <a title="Competition" href=""&gt;competition&lt;/a>, <a title="Sportsmanship" href=""&gt;sportsmanship&lt;/a>, <a class="mw-redirect" title="Exercise" href=""&gt;exercise&lt;/a> or personal <a title="Recreation" href=""&gt;recreation&lt;/a>, the primary product of sports entertainment is performance for an audience's benefit, thus they are never practiced privately."
Secondly, (Sandy Pantz) I think that is irrelevent.  As the rules are at the moment, fitch does nothing wrong and is a hell of a fighter.  If they do change the rules thats a completely different argument.  I would probably support a few rule tweaks to make fights a little more exciting (pride yellow card system or something), but its unfair to judge fitch against any other rules than the ones we currently have.

i'll say it again: sports are entertainment. you buy tickets, or PPV's and that's how the athletes (i.e. entertainers) get paid. guys like Chael know how to draw people to him....granted, he runs his mouth, but he's had some awesome wins and losses.

Great fighter but boring as funk. Phone Post

Carlito Brigante - 
BshMstr - 
Carlito Brigante - fitch is one of my favorite fighers to watch.

As a grappler, i admire and try to emulate the way he combines his wrestling, jiu jitsu and ground n pound. Ofcourse if your idea of training is the ufc video game, you wont understand the small nuances fitch brings to every fight, but i dont give a fuck about the opinion of the uneducated.

We all know these uneducated people, you see wildly irrational statements like he lay n prayed bj penn in the 3rd round, blanketed him. I dont know about you guys but ive never had a blanked punch me the face 200 times in 5 minutes. Where do you buy one of those? Those blankets could be a huge hit on the police force. There is some real coin to be made.

Im also not one of these unrealistic people that thinks every fight should be an action movie. The ironing is also strong if you think about fitch most likely gave gsp his most exciting fight in a long fucking time.

Fitch if you're reading this brotha, dont ever change your style. The objective of a sport is to win at all costs. You dont see football teams throwing hail marys all game because some fat tard on their couch doesnt like the running game. Not every basket is an alley oop, not every goal in soccer is a bicycle kick.

I guess thats what you get when the majority of the fanbase are not fans of other sports, they dont understand the concept of sporting. I guess if you come from wwe to mma, you are going to boo the shit out of everyone that isnt nam phan vs leonard garcia'ing.

OH well, such is life, i guess.

eh, i don't think i'm uneducated in fighting, nor are most people on this forum. nice how you lumped yourself in with Fitch, as if your grappling background is anywhere near similar to him....

look at his record, and can you realistically say he's dominated his way back to being the #1 contender? no.

To be fair, I didnt read a single post in this thread before i posted, nor do i really care enough to go back and read them now.

I have no idea who you are, so i really cant say if you're educated in fighting. Maybe you are, maybe you arent. I dont know.

Most of the people on this forum have never trained, so they certainly arent educated in fighting. Would you say a guy whos never even played a pick up game of basketball, could possibly be educated in basketball? I dont think so.

To say that my grappling background "isnt anywhere near similar to him" when you dont know who i am, is really an ignorant assumption, isnt it?

i terms of dominating his way back to number 1 contender, i dont disagree with you. I think condit, diaz and ellenburger are ahead of him in terms of next in line for a title shot, but that doesnt change anything i said in my previous post.

so, by not reading a previous thread, you're really not up for a logical (i.e. educated) discussion then are ya.....

If Fitch started finishing guys, it would show that he's broadened his arsenal and is ready for a title shot. For now, it doesn't look like a rematch with GSP would go any differently than their 1st fight, and Fitch doesn't need to take another one-sided beating like that.

As Zippy has often said. It is not what you might be saying , it is how you have decided to say it.

okay, here's the math:

since he fought GSP, he fought six guys, 2 who were cut from the UFC. he drew to BJ, the only guy in the WW top 10.

GSP has since fought five times, won them all and beat 3 top ten guys.

yeah, Fitch has been successful, but at the same level as GSP? no.

The top 3 fighters IMO in the Welterweight division are bad matchups for him. 1) GSP 2)Nick Diaz 3)Condit. Not saying that he would not be effective, but these guys have above average submissions, and take alot of punishment. Jon Fitch would lose to all three imo..

MuchRespectToNickandBJ - 
petraus - fuck the haters fitch. all these fuckin twaats are too busy drawing their next flame tattoo to know whats up.
Look, a fan! <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>


awilson82 -  A draw against someone who is 0-2 against the champ doesn't get u a title shot. Phone Post



 1. Not a huge draw

2. Seems like a whiner

Not fighter bashing, seems to complain a lot, even was cut for a day over the video game.

Companies like team players.

3. Doesn't have a huge fan base pulling for him to get a title shot.

Frobenius -  I think he should get the shot.  He is a great fighter, why should he change his style to please the fans?  Fuck the fans, its about being the best and he has a style that works.  This is a sport, not sports entertainment.  Watch WWE if you want guranteed 'excitement'.

 Which is why I cannot believe he's whining about not getting a title shot since he refuses to fight another title contender because they're teammates and friends.

Didn't Venus and Sabrina go head to head competitively before? And didn't a brother and sister (she was later on Celebrity Apprentice) go head to head in a WSOP championship 2 years ago? (edit) They have been related for LIFE- not just teammates for 6-7 years (which I agree would be very difficult to do).

If Fitch held the title Koscheck would NEVER fight him. Would he/could he switch weight classes for Fitch? Isn't Swick in the same weight class? He's another teammate we would never get to see compete for the title if Fitch held it. Shoot, if any of these friends in the same weight class held the title we'd see " ____ VS ______ for the #1 contender spot to face the champ next" bouts screwed up left and right.

Just sayin, food for thought;) You can't have it both ways.



CindyO - 
Frobenius -  I think he should get the shot.  He is a great fighter, why should he change his style to please the fans?  Fuck the fans, its about being the best and he has a style that works.  This is a sport, not sports entertainment.  Watch WWE if you want guranteed 'excitement'.

  Haven't the Klitchko (sp?) brothers fought?

 Klitschko brothers have not fought each other. 

Carlito Brigante - fitch is one of my favorite fighers to watch.

As a grappler, i admire and try to emulate the way he combines his wrestling, jiu jitsu and ground n pound. Ofcourse if your idea of training is the ufc video game, you wont understand the small nuances fitch brings to every fight, but i dont give a fuck about the opinion of the uneducated.

We all know these uneducated people, you see wildly irrational statements like he lay n prayed bj penn in the 3rd round, blanketed him. I dont know about you guys but ive never had a blanked punch me the face 200 times in 5 minutes. Where do you buy one of those? Those blankets could be a huge hit on the police force. There is some real coin to be made.

Im also not one of these unrealistic people that thinks every fight should be an action movie. The ironing is also strong if you think about fitch most likely gave gsp his most exciting fight in a long fucking time.

Fitch if you're reading this brotha, dont ever change your style. The objective of a sport is to win at all costs. You dont see football teams throwing hail marys all game because some fat tard on their couch doesnt like the running game. Not every basket is an alley oop, not every goal in soccer is a bicycle kick.

I guess thats what you get when the majority of the fanbase are not fans of other sports, they dont understand the concept of sporting. I guess if you come from wwe to mma, you are going to boo the shit out of everyone that isnt nam phan vs leonard garcia'ing.

OH well, such is life, i guess.

Exactly... like fighting other contenders such as Kos & Swick (since his boss seems to want to make such fights) ... or did you really NOT mean at ALL costs? Should he NOT have to make it thru these legit contenders in order to get a title shot?



CindyO -

Didn't Venus and Sabrina go head to head competitively before? And didn't a brother and sister (she was later on Celebrity Apprentice) go head to head in a WSOP championship 2 years ago? Haven't the Klitchko (sp?) brothers fought? ALL of these have been related for LIFE- not just teammates for 6-7 years (which I agree would be very difficult to do).

When did the Klitschko brothers fight each other? As far as I know they've said they would never do it.

The other sports are tennis and poker, hardly relevant to MMA. It's not about the fight, its the training. You're basically asking a fighter to leave his team and move house.


Slipperypescado - 
CindyO - 
Frobenius -  I think he should get the shot.  He is a great fighter, why should he change his style to please the fans?  Fuck the fans, its about being the best and he has a style that works.  This is a sport, not sports entertainment.  Watch WWE if you want guranteed 'excitement'.

  Haven't the Klitchko (sp?) brothers fought?

 Klitschko brothers have not fought each other. 

 OOPS! My bad! I'll edit my post. Thanks;)


 I wll add this 

Abner Mares and Yonnhy Perez lived together for a while are "teammates" yet fought. but that is in boxing were you can swtich to any of the  top  trainers, many pro gyms you can use in case you fight a "teammate" , hell the payday was great and after the "camp" they are still" teammates" and would have fought again at the Super Six

Or you have Glen J who fought Lucian Bute who share many "camps" together... 

ufc is a business, fitch isnt gonna sell shit.