Fitch-No one has told me why I cant get title shot

Fitch Fan right here... Phone Post

forget his boring style, he hasn't beaten anyone in the current top 10. And he's coming off of a draw in his last fight.

why is this puzzling?

rbl - 
CindyO -

Didn't Venus and Sabrina go head to head competitively before? And didn't a brother and sister (she was later on Celebrity Apprentice) go head to head in a WSOP championship 2 years ago? Haven't the Klitchko (sp?) brothers fought? ALL of these have been related for LIFE- not just teammates for 6-7 years (which I agree would be very difficult to do).

When did the Klitschko brothers fight each other? As far as I know they've said they would never do it.

The other sports are tennis and poker, hardly relevant to MMA. It's not about the fight, its the training. You're basically asking a fighter to leave his team and move house.


 Yes, my bad on the K-bros.

If you KNOW your company has a policy of making fights based on several factors that could pit you against a teammate/friend one day then why stay with that company in THAT division if you KNOW you'll NEVER do it?

Fitch should have just changed weight classes and went about his business instead of talking about it to the media... again, if he's truly trying to get ahead. His efforts seems to have the opposite effect, IMO.


Its cause your boring as hell to watch and don't have a star personality.

Fuck you haters, Fitch is the man. Phone Post

 It's not like he's the only fighter that refuses to fight team mates. It didn't stop him fighting GSP the first time, it didn't stop Koscheck fighting GSP twice. If Brock refused to fight a team mate I doubt it would be a big problem with his career. Lets be honest, this is way less of an issue than the fact that people find his style boring, and that he could possibly derail one of the UFC's biggest draws and then hold the title for a while.

<blockquote>rbl -  It's not like he's the only fighter that refuses to fight team mates. It didn't stop him fighting GSP the first time, it didn't stop Koscheck fighting GSP twice. If Brock refused to fight a team mate I doubt it would be a big problem with his career. Lets be honest, this is way less of an issue than the fact that people find his style boring, and that he could possibly derail one of the UFC's biggest draws and then hold the title for a while. <br /></blockquote><br /><br />Kos got rematch because he won a round vs gsp and also has one punch ko power. He was still a major underdog, but one that brought some intriguing elements to a rematch

 It's pretty obvious that the UFC wants to make the most attention grabbing matchups, and clearly, people just don't view Fitch's style as all that exciting, even though the last time Fitch and GSP fought, it was fucking awesome...I'd say give him a number one contender shot and let's see what happens. I think he's earned it more than anyone at 170lbs, but just hasnt got it because he's not a submission or knockout artist. He's a grinder....I think all I had to say was, "REAAALLLYY???" and it would have meant the same thing, but i'm pressing enter reguardless 

ufc98newb - <blockquote>rbl -  It's not like he's the only fighter that refuses to fight team mates. It didn't stop him fighting GSP the first time, it didn't stop Koscheck fighting GSP twice. If Brock refused to fight a team mate I doubt it would be a big problem with his career. Lets be honest, this is way less of an issue than the fact that people find his style boring, and that he could possibly derail one of the UFC's biggest draws and then hold the title for a while. <br /></blockquote><br /><br />Kos got rematch because he won a round vs gsp and also has one punch ko power. He was still a major underdog, but one that brought some intriguing elements to a rematch

 I can understand that. It makes way more sense from a business perspective to have GSP fight a guy like Condit or Diaz. The fact is though, Fitch wins fights consistently in that division, and in a perfect world that would be enough to get you a title shot. The issue of him not fighting Koscheck would be completely ignored if he knocked guys out and had more charisma.

Set fitch but if dw puts u up against a popular fighter your hurt there status as an exciting fighter.. Deff no bonus for you come fight night Phone Post

 So is he just waiting for Dana to sit him down and say something?  Can he not take  ahint?

I don't get how a guy that trains under Dave Camarillo/bob Cook/mendez can be so unfocussed on the finish

I've been looking into these fitch threads for a few days and was shocked at the low level of competition he has faced. In the UFC. It I quite easy to deny a guy the title shot when he has beat maybe one current guy in the top ten. Joe silva get this man some meaningful fights against top contenders....or mr fitch I'm afraid you may have beat up these mid div. Guys a little more convincingly

More blood

undisputed1972 - Fitch is clearly the no.2 welterweight and deserved of a second shot at the title. I don't think he should change his style, instead he should call out or belittle potential opponents like a pro-wrestler.

The UFC is keeping a legitimate threat away from the champion. MMA's politics is very little different to boxing's.

A legitimate threat to any paying fan's attention span is more accurate.

This is the fight business, and if you can't sell fights, you don't deserve the spotlight, high pay, high profile, etc

Jon Fitch can't sell fights.

Do the math, Pythagoras. Phone Post

come check out the UG Jon Fitch, plenty of people on here will tell ya why

CindyO - 
Frobenius -  I think he should get the shot.  He is a great fighter, why should he change his style to please the fans?  Fuck the fans, its about being the best and he has a style that works. <b> This is a sport, not sports entertainment.</b>  Watch WWE if you want guranteed 'excitement'.

 Which is why I cannot believe he's whining about not getting a title shot since he refuses to fight another title contender because they're teammates and friends.

Didn't Venus and Sabrina go head to head competitively before? And didn't a brother and sister (she was later on Celebrity Apprentice) go head to head in a WSOP championship 2 years ago? (edit) They have been related for LIFE- not just teammates for 6-7 years (which I agree would be very difficult to do).

If Fitch held the title Koscheck would NEVER fight him. Would he/could he switch weight classes for Fitch? Isn't Swick in the same weight class? He's another teammate we would never get to see compete for the title if Fitch held it. Shoot, if any of these friends in the same weight class held the title we'd see " ____ VS ______ for the #1 contender spot to face the champ next" bouts screwed up left and right.

Just sayin, food for thought;) You can't have it both ways.



Are you really comparing tennis and poker to MMA in terms of what it means to face one another in competition? OK, in that case, why don't you make MMA a non contact sport so your argument is actually valid? Take away the element of training camps, too.

tres_equis_666 - 
undisputed1972 - Fitch is clearly the no.2 welterweight and deserved of a second shot at the title. I don't think he should change his style, instead he should call out or belittle potential opponents like a pro-wrestler.

The UFC is keeping a legitimate threat away from the champion. MMA's politics is very little different to boxing's.
A legitimate threat to any paying fan's attention span is more accurate.<br><br>This is the fight business, and if you can't sell fights, you don't deserve the spotlight, high pay, high profile, etc<br><br>Jon Fitch can't sell fights.<br><br>Do the math, Pythagoras. <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

I dunno, I see Chad Mendes is fighting for a title in January he is can't be confused with entertaining or well rounded either.

I'd say it's got more to do with politics.

Cindy O with da troof

He knows very well why. He's said it himself.

"These fights are about finishing your opponent, not just outpositionining them" - Jon Fitch

Asked if GSP deserved criticism for fighting safely...
"A little bit. I think, you know, I deserve some of that criticism too. But when he's dominating somebody that well, I think it's up to the champ to put a little more pressure on somebody in the fourth and fifth round. When you've secured a pretty solid lead on the scorecards after three rounds, I think a little bit more pressure, because he never really opened up more than a couple jabs and an overhand right. I mean, double up on the right, something.

I wouldn't be in the situation I'm in with a draw with B.J. Penn if I was finishing fights better."

He's admitted it himself when he's being honest. But it's easier for him to pretend like he doesn't know than to actually go for the finish like he's supposed to and risk losing since he's always shown poor finishing skills so it'd likely be a risky strategy for him when he could just play it safe and never really threaten anyone by maintaining position and arm punching.

All Fitch has to do to get a title shot is:
#1 Start finishing oppponents like a martial artist is supposed to.
#2 See #1.

Until he does that he's not showing he can get a clean win, only a benefit of the doubt win. Plus it has the side effect of showing he's sufficiently developed some other skills beyond just being able to hold someone and throw meaningless arm punches. GSP beat him clearly in their first fight. Fitch doesn't have a punchers chance or a sub artists chance. His only way to win is to control GSP to a decision and the area Fitch is strong at GSP is even stronger so until he shows some growth in his skillset there's no point in wasting a title fight on Fitch because we all know what the highly likely outcome would be. Guys like Diaz and Condit, at least they have a shot at beating GSP whereas Fitch realistically has none.

Megatherium, that's a good point but I think there are some differences between the situation for Mendes and Fitch. First, Fitch has been around a while and everyone knows he's a lay and pray artist. Mendes hasn't been fighting as long and some people dont yet realize he's a lay and pray artist even though he's displayed it and can't finish anyone. Second, Fitch already had a title shot and could do absolutely zero with it and has shown no substantial improvement since then. Mendes hasn't had a title shot yet and he may well be able to lay and pray Aldo as Aldo hasn't shown the TDD and wrestling GSP has. Third, there are other WW fighters who have a good argument for why they deserve a title shot before Fitch (Diaz, Condit, Ellenberger), whereas the FW division isn't quite as stacked so there are't many challengers for Aldo, atm.