Fitch-No one has told me why I cant get title shot

edit: my post was stupid so I deleted it

explodin - 
OnlyTheStrongSurvive -
explodin - For some reason the UFC only takes care of the fighter that generate revenue. <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

Cuz it would be stupid to build a business that tries to generate revenue. Most businesses fire you if you cause them to lose money. Fitch seems to be criticizing and complaining about his boss constantly without actually saying his name. He's lucky Dana hasnt even brought down the hammer on him verbally, much less punish him which happens in basically every job where you openly criticize and complain about your boss.

what do you mean taken care of? he wants a title fight, he doesnt need taken care of. Hes been making money fighting, has a college degree and no major crisis in his life.
You took my post serious? I guess I'm not very good at sarcasm. <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

crap. i suck at this. i will edit my post

Carlito Brigante - 
CindyO - 
Carlito Brigante - fitch is one of my favorite fighers to watch.

As a grappler, i admire and try to emulate the way he combines his wrestling, jiu jitsu and ground n pound. Ofcourse if your idea of training is the ufc video game, you wont understand the small nuances fitch brings to every fight, but i dont give a fuck about the opinion of the uneducated.

We all know these uneducated people, you see wildly irrational statements like he lay n prayed bj penn in the 3rd round, blanketed him. I dont know about you guys but ive never had a blanked punch me the face 200 times in 5 minutes. Where do you buy one of those? Those blankets could be a huge hit on the police force. There is some real coin to be made.

Im also not one of these unrealistic people that thinks every fight should be an action movie. The ironing is also strong if you think about fitch most likely gave gsp his most exciting fight in a long fucking time.

Fitch if you're reading this brotha, dont ever change your style. <b>The objective of a sport is to win at all costs. </b>You dont see football teams throwing hail marys all game because some fat tard on their couch doesnt like the running game. Not every basket is an alley oop, not every goal in soccer is a bicycle kick.

I guess thats what you get when the majority of the fanbase are not fans of other sports, they dont understand the concept of sporting. I guess if you come from wwe to mma, you are going to boo the shit out of everyone that isnt nam phan vs leonard garcia'ing.

OH well, such is life, i guess.

Exactly... like fighting other contenders such as Kos & Swick (since his boss seems to want to make such fights) ... or did you really NOT mean at ALL costs? Should he NOT have to make it thru these legit contenders in order to get a title shot?



Are you saying this because dana is your boss and you get paid to share the same opinion with him, or do you really think the entire camp should be split up so they can fight? Whos going to corner who? Where is either guy going to train? Whats it going to be like coming back to gym after say a brutal knockout loss to your good friend and long time training partner? This is not tennis, its a combat sport.

- carlito

LOL@ DW being my boss. I don't work for Zuffa.

But in other words, you didn't mean at ALL COSTS. Gotcha;)



kanodogg2 - I'll tell you why Fitch, it's cause GSP beat the living shit out of you for 5 rounds and you've shown nothing that tells us that a rematch would play out any different. <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

You are ignoring all the improvements that Fitch has shown. His striking ability has almost doubled since the last time they fought.

tres_equis_666 - 
undisputed1972 - Fitch is clearly the no.2 welterweight and deserved of a second shot at the title. I don't think he should change his style, instead he should call out or belittle potential opponents like a pro-wrestler.

The UFC is keeping a legitimate threat away from the champion. MMA's politics is very little different to boxing's.
A legitimate threat to any paying fan's attention span is more accurate.<br><br>This is the fight business, and if you can't sell fights, you don't deserve the spotlight, high pay, high profile, etc<br><br>Jon Fitch can't sell fights.<br><br>Do the math, Pythagoras. <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

Dana White: "The UFC is where the best fight the best...errr...I mean where I always make the most profitable fight, irrespective of whether or not it makes sense rankings wise"

You know what, screw all you haters of Fitch. Im a big fitch fan and its sick with all the hate the guy gets. All the guy does is win, with 1 sole ufc loss a DEC in a great fight with GSP.

So, he doesnt finish a lot of fights.. yea? Does GSP? No.. ???

Fitch is also a fight anyone, anywhere kinda guy which I like and respect a lot.

War fitch, he deserves another shot.

His fighting style is not relevant regarding the title shot; his current win streak hasn't really showed that a rematch with GSP would go any differently. Yes, I do find his fights boring, but I really like his ability to derail a hypetrain and I'd love to see him fight Diaz.

Amanita - His fighting style is not relevant regarding the title shot; his current win streak hasn't really showed that a rematch with GSP would go any differently. Yes, I do find his fights boring, but I really like his ability to derail a hypetrain and I'd love to see him fight Diaz.

 I wanted to see him fight Diaz as soon as they started talking about bringing him over. However GSP will do the same thing to him that Fitch would have. Grind on him for 15 minutes. Just GSP will do a LOT more damage.

Daverr - 
You know what, screw all you haters of Fitch. Im a big fitch fan and its sick with all the hate the guy gets. All the guy does is win, with 1 sole ufc loss a DEC in a great fight with GSP.

So, he doesnt finish a lot of fights.. yea? Does GSP? No.. ???

Fitch is also a fight anyone, anywhere kinda guy which I like and respect a lot.

War fitch, he deserves another shot.

His last fight was a draw...that right their is enough to not give him a title shot. He needs another win.

On top of that, he has not finished a fight since 07. Fans want to see their champs capable of finishing fights. Yes, GSP can't finish either...that's why a lot of people want to see him lose lol. The reason GSP is so popular with the UFC so is because he is huge in Canada...therefore his ability to sell tickets and PPVs outweighs his inability to put on epic fights in their eyes.

Fitch shouldn't fight GSP either, IMO it would be better for him to wait for GSP to lose and then fight the new champ. GSP already is confident he can beat him and would probably just do it again.

It's better for Fitch & the fans to see him NOT fight GSP again.

Megatherium - 
tres_equis_666 - 
undisputed1972 - Fitch is clearly the no.2 welterweight and deserved of a second shot at the title. I don't think he should change his style, instead he should call out or belittle potential opponents like a pro-wrestler.

The UFC is keeping a legitimate threat away from the champion. MMA's politics is very little different to boxing's.
A legitimate threat to any paying fan's attention span is more accurate.<br><br>This is the fight business, and if you can't sell fights, you don't deserve the spotlight, high pay, high profile, etc<br><br>Jon Fitch can't sell fights.<br><br>Do the math, Pythagoras. <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

I dunno, I see Chad Mendes is fighting for a title in January he is can't be confused with entertaining or well rounded either.

I'd say it's got more to do with politics.
or lack of depth currently on the roster in this case.  Maybe a bit of both.  Mendes seems like a good dude like Fitch and he's won, but man, brutal to watch IMO.  Rhani is a very exciting fighter, but even Mendes made it look boring.  


Chiron - He knows very well why. He's said it himself.

"These fights are about finishing your opponent, not just outpositionining them" - Jon Fitch

This is exactly why this is so confusing.  I'm pretty sure he has video of his second fight with Tiago Alves.  He's trying to get to Tiago's back.  He's basically in a leg-riding position for over half the fight trying to get to Tiago's back and he can't get there because it's being defending against the side of the cage.  Nothing's happening.  He knows this.  If he wants a title shot, a possibility use his black belt skills and transition and advance his position instead of staying in these stalled out positions.  He seems very content to continue trying to battle through a heavily defended position to try to get to say, the back, in this situation.  It's brutal.  

Second, not only was his last fight a draw, he got outwrestled by Penn in round 1!  

I think his title fight got ugly after round 2, but round 2 was competitive! (leaving out round 1 also since GSP dominated and put him down in about 15 seconds(something real fast IIRC).  

I guess his epiphany, around the time Kos got his second title shot, about finally "getting it" didn't really stick. I seem to remember the words finishing fights coming out of his mouth. It is funny how quickly he forgets.

And Fitch honestly needs a management team to rule his life maybe more so than even Diaz.

brahmabull81 - Obivous answer is obvious.

Beat koscheck then we'll talk Phone Post

I am all for Fitch getting a title shot, I am just not that interested in watching him against GSP again. I'd be really interested to see how he would do at 185.

hmmm lets see

1. It's a fight noone cares 2 see with 2 fighters that can't finish and seemingly don't try to finish.

2. Fitch just fought to a Draw with BJ who has no business fighting in welterweight, but being as great as he is a competatibve outing for just about anyone in that division.

3. it's called the u F c i think the F is for fighting. I miss the days of purposeful wrestling where guys like Mark coleman would wrestle you in an effort to smash your face in or dirty box you to grits. this new breed of wrestle to score as opposed to wrestile to finish fighters sickens me and gives wrestlers a bad rep.

The only entertaining part of a Jon Fitch fight is getting to hear Johnny Cash sing Rusty Cage

Fitch vs Diaz after he loses to GSP to see who fights Condit for the belt. Phone Post

i love how ppl hate fitch so much this gets posted and 20 hours later its 8 pages long! thats some pure unadulterated hatred right there! lol

CindyO -
Carlito Brigante - 
CindyO - 
Carlito Brigante - fitch is one of my favorite fighers to watch.

As a grappler, i admire and try to emulate the way he combines his wrestling, jiu jitsu and ground n pound. Ofcourse if your idea of training is the ufc video game, you wont understand the small nuances fitch brings to every fight, but i dont give a fuck about the opinion of the uneducated.

We all know these uneducated people, you see wildly irrational statements like he lay n prayed bj penn in the 3rd round, blanketed him. I dont know about you guys but ive never had a blanked punch me the face 200 times in 5 minutes. Where do you buy one of those? Those blankets could be a huge hit on the police force. There is some real coin to be made.

Im also not one of these unrealistic people that thinks every fight should be an action movie. The ironing is also strong if you think about fitch most likely gave gsp his most exciting fight in a long fucking time.

Fitch if you're reading this brotha, dont ever change your style. <b>The objective of a sport is to win at all costs. </b>You dont see football teams throwing hail marys all game because some fat tard on their couch doesnt like the running game. Not every basket is an alley oop, not every goal in soccer is a bicycle kick.

I guess thats what you get when the majority of the fanbase are not fans of other sports, they dont understand the concept of sporting. I guess if you come from wwe to mma, you are going to boo the shit out of everyone that isnt nam phan vs leonard garcia'ing.

OH well, such is life, i guess.

Exactly... like fighting other contenders such as Kos & Swick (since his boss seems to want to make such fights) ... or did you really NOT mean at ALL costs? Should he NOT have to make it thru these legit contenders in order to get a title shot?


Are you saying this because dana is your boss and you get paid to share the same opinion with him, or do you really think the entire camp should be split up so they can fight? Whos going to corner who? Where is either guy going to train? Whats it going to be like coming back to gym after say a brutal knockout loss to your good friend and long time training partner? This is not tennis, its a combat sport.

- carlito

LOL@ DW being my boss. I don't work for Zuffa.

But in other words, you didn't mean at ALL COSTS. Gotcha;)


This! I have nothing against Fitch as a fighter but him not fighting teammates is bull. Kos and Fitch would have fought along time ago if it wasn't for this team no fight rule! These guys need to fight each other... Kos vs Fitch would be a good fight And we as fans are being deprived of it because one or both of them can't go to another one of the thousands of gyms to train?

I get that they are friends but how often do we see friends fight in the UFC... Barry v crocop. Bj v Diaz and they are just some recent ones. And yes they might not be as close or have as much history but at this level of the game sacrifices have to be made! Phone Post