Fitch-No one has told me why I cant get title shot

Haters gonna hate, lot of crying from people that don't understand MMA.

Fitch is an awesome. Phone Post

  • fighter Phone Post

Fitch needs to wear Hallman speedos in the cage.

New walk in music.

A cool new nickname.

And he needs to go the Sonnen pro wrestling promo route.

Guaranteed it would get him "in the mix". Phone Post

Cyril Jeff - 
DSCH -  Fitch vs Condit for title shot

This is what it should have been, imo... Phone Post
This.  There is no reason to continue posting on this thread any longer after reading the point above.


Well I guess they'd now who was the real contender??? Phone Post

Shhh be quiet he may read this don't tell him Phone Post

zFugitive - 
Daverr - 
You know what, screw all you haters of Fitch. Im a big fitch fan and its sick with all the hate the guy gets. All the guy does is win, with 1 sole ufc loss a DEC in a great fight with GSP.

So, he doesnt finish a lot of fights.. yea? Does GSP? No.. ???

Fitch is also a fight anyone, anywhere kinda guy which I like and respect a lot.

War fitch, he deserves another shot.

His last fight was a draw...that right their is enough to not give him a title shot. He needs another win.

On top of that, he has not finished a fight since 07. Fans want to see their champs capable of finishing fights. Yes, GSP can't finish either...that's why a lot of people want to see him lose lol. The reason GSP is so popular with the UFC so is because he is huge in Canada...therefore his ability to sell tickets and PPVs outweighs his inability to put on epic fights in their eyes.

Fitch shouldn't fight GSP either, IMO it would be better for him to wait for GSP to lose and then fight the new champ. GSP already is confident he can beat him and would probably just do it again.

It's better for Fitch & the fans to see him NOT fight GSP again.

IMO, GSP and Fitch differ, because GSP works for subs (let one go vs Hardy rather than break his arm), passes guard, beat BJ up so bad he quit, and jabbed Kos's eye shut ....

if Fitch stared doing these things against top competition, than this would be an entirely different debate.....

Carlito Brigante - 
slimline - I get that they are friends but how often do we see friends fight in the UFC... Barry v crocop. Bj v Diaz and they are just some recent ones. And yes they might not be as close or have as much history but at this level of the game sacrifices have to be made!

Barry and cro cop were not friends before they fought and never trained before that either, let alone everyday for the better part of a decade. BJ brought nick and nate in for one camp, its not like they trained together everyday for almost a decade. Can you think of anyone who have trained together from the start of their careers, basically building a career from scratch, that have gone onto to fight eachother and remained tight aftewards?
Shogun and wand will never fight eachother. Leonard garcia and cowboy cerrone will never fight eachother. keith jardine and rashad evans will never fight eachother. bustamante and mario sperry will never fight eachother. No loud mouthed uncle fester looking promoter will change that, nor will some whiny fans.

i respect these guys' decisions not to fight training partners, but at the same time they need to realize if they want the belt, then they have to defeat all comers at that weight class. what if Fitch beat GSP, and refused to fight Kos or Swick? goodbye belt...

Carlito Brigante -
slimline - I get that they are friends but how often do we see friends fight in the UFC... Barry v crocop. Bj v Diaz and they are just some recent ones. And yes they might not be as close or have as much history but at this level of the game sacrifices have to be made!

Barry and cro cop were not friends before they fought and never trained before that either, let alone everyday for the better part of a decade. BJ brought nick and nate in for one camp, its not like they trained together everyday for almost a decade. Can you think of anyone who have trained together from the start of their careers, basically building a career from scratch, that have gone onto to fight eachother and remained tight aftewards?
Shogun and wand will never fight eachother. Leonard garcia and cowboy cerrone will never fight eachother. keith jardine and rashad evans will never fight eachother. bustamante and mario sperry will never fight eachother. No loud mouthed uncle fester looking promoter will change that, nor will some whiny fans.

Cool. Then they'll jut be stuck at the bottom of the barrel in the future at some point, wondering why they cant get to the top. Fine with me I guess. If you don't want to do your job, don't. Others will. Phone Post

Like this shit from Jon Fitch, "Oh why can't I get a title shot?? Wahhh"

Hmmm, maybe it's because theres at least two other TOP contenders in your weight class that you blatantly, outright refuse to fight? I mean seriously. Try cleaning out the division of top contenders and THEN you can act like you're supposed to have had the title shot for months now.
Yeah, maybe friends shouldn't HAVE to fight each other. But come on, you're both men, you both agreed to this as your career. Suck it up, kick each others asses and shake hands afterwards. If you can take a punch, an elbow, a kick, or a knee to the face, you can take having to fight your friend. This isn't some backyard fight club. You are PROFESSIONAL FIGHTERS. You are paid to fight. It doesn't matter who. Your boss man says fight, you fucking fight. Or you can just muddle around the rest of the mediocrity of the division, forever questioning why Poor Jonny fitch can't get any title shots. Phone Post

Carlito Brigante -
slimline - I get that they are friends but how often do we see friends fight in the UFC... Barry v crocop. Bj v Diaz and they are just some recent ones. And yes they might not be as close or have as much history but at this level of the game sacrifices have to be made!

Barry and cro cop were not friends before they fought and never trained before that either, let alone everyday for the better part of a decade. BJ brought nick and nate in for one camp, its not like they trained together everyday for almost a decade. Can you think of anyone who have trained together from the start of their careers, basically building a career from scratch, that have gone onto to fight eachother and remained tight aftewards?
Shogun and wand will never fight eachother. Leonard garcia and cowboy cerrone will never fight eachother. keith jardine and rashad evans will never fight eachother. bustamante and mario sperry will never fight eachother. No loud mouthed uncle fester looking promoter will change that, nor will some whiny fans.

Yeah I think I said they weren't as close as those two but there was a friendship and respect there. They can't pick and choose there fights at this level... It's the same as ducking somebody when it comes down to it put all the emotion to the side he's saying he doesn't want to fight that man. How long can he do that for and think that he is cleaning out a division or facing the best, which in my book kos and Fitch are right up there at the top of the heap. Phone Post

I really like Jon Fitch, but "a tough decision loss to GSP". As I recall that fight was five rounds of Fitch getting blasted by big shots and combinations. I don't remember him doing anything to score points. The only admirable thing Fitch did was avoid getting TKO'd. Am I loosing it? Or was this fight really a lot closer than what I'm describing?

DBlades - I really like Jon Fitch, but "a tough decision loss to GSP". As I recall that fight was five rounds of Fitch getting blasted by big shots and combinations. I don't remember him doing anything to score points. The only admirable thing Fitch did was avoid getting TKO'd. Am I loosing it? Or was this fight really a lot closer than what I'm describing?

Nope. The blanket thinks he's somehow entitled to get another shot, even though the reason he was gsp's "most exciting recent fight" was because he got to do whatever the hell he wanted to do to Fitch. Now, with two other top contenders (either of which I'd much rather see fight for the belt) that he just outright won't fight, he questions why he can't get a title shot.

TRY CLEARING OUT THE DIVISION OF MORE DESERVING TOP CONTENDERS FIRST. Why the fuck should he just be given a title shot? I'd much rather see alvez or kos fight than see fitch grapple. Phone Post

Fitch needs to show some evolution in his game, he looks like the same Jon Fitch that fought GSP 3 years ago.  Why would a rematch be any different?

First off im not a Fitch fan. I do respect him though and would be happy to see him put on a show but I think he won't get a shot until he shows he fucking wants it. Just saying you want something isn't enough now days. Talk some shit, pick a fight, destroy someone. Be willing to fight anyone including your friends. Start fucking screaming instead of whimpering in the background. Make me want to watch you fucking throw down, win or lose make me a fan. Until your prepared to fight anyone (Josh) no one will ever believe how bad you truly want it. Phone Post

Canada_88 - Fitch needs to show some evolution in his game, he looks like the same Jon Fitch that fought GSP 3 years ago.  Why would a rematch be any different?

This Phone Post

Knuckle Punch - First off im not a Fitch fan. I do respect him though and would be happy to see him put on a show but I think he won't get a shot until he shows he fucking wants it. Just saying you want something isn't enough now days. Talk some shit, pick a fight, destroy someone. Be willing to fight anyone including your friends. Start fucking screaming instead of whimpering in the background. Make me want to watch you fucking throw down, win or lose make me a fan. Until your prepared to fight anyone (Josh) no one will ever believe how bad you truly want it. Phone Post

And this. Phone Post

RickMartelsArrogance - Why does he act clueless?

Watching paint dry is more entertaining than watching your fights in the eyes of most fans and you know this Jon. You have zero marketability and couldn't draw flies to a septic tank. You could go 10-0 in your next 10 fights, but as long as you keep dry humping marketable fighters out of contention you'll continue to live in relative obscurity.

The fact of the matter is Zuffa doesn't make fights they can't market and a Fitch fight simply isn't marketable.

It's stuff like this why MMA isn't viewed as a real sport to many people.
Imagine if professional teams couldn't play in the finals due to exciteability.

"Carlito Brigante - Maybe fitch needs to start talking shit like chael sonnen if he wants a title shot. Fitch has finished 3 times as many fights under the zuffa promotion then chael has, he is also 14-1 in the ufc compared to chaels 5-4 record. But then again, ufc treats this more like pro wrestling then a legit sporting competition and the middlweight division is significantly weaker then welterweight"

Ohhh so he's finished 3 fights out of 14 wins? Impressive. The simple fact is when you ask a fan who they would like to see fight, 1/1,000,000 would say Fitch. He's been told time and time again if he wants a shot, he can fight his friend for it. I don't care how buddy buddy these guys are, this is a sport, and if they wanna get to the top, they need to fight anybody and everybody while creating excitement behind their name. Kinda like Chael Sonnen huh?

I'll tell him. Let's see:

1. You're boring
2. You were dominated twice by the current champ.
3. You're boring.