Frank Mir is the Devil.

PINKsinglet - Frank Mir turned Clay Aiken gay.

 Then gay bashed him and pissed on his adopted baby, I heard.

 MIR gave me my Black Belt in less than 2 years....

Shit, now they'll clown me out if I ever get on that reality TV show.... 

If only I had gotten to train for 8 or 10 years...he ruined it for me. 

Frank Mir is responsible for global warming. guessed it. Frank Mir monkeysex.

Mir killed Jesus.

 I just talked to a guy who said Frank stole his semen.

 I let him borrow my brand new motorcycle, and you know what he went out and did???

badkarma -  I let him borrow my brand new motorcycle, and you know what he went out and did???


But still, LOL.

Frank Mir was directly involved in the 1919 World Series scandal.

 Now this thread is getting good.

Frank Mir offered to give Cote a "leg massage" before the Silva fight. He was later spotted in the crowd, both pointing and laughing.

"Frank Mir...does not care...about black people"

Kanye West, Hurricane Katrina telethon

Frank Mir borrowed my 300lb. buddy's shorts, and when my friend got them back they were too stretched out to wear anymore.

Kalle Mero - Frank Mir was seen on a nearby rooftop, laughing, dancing and cheering as he watched the North Tower collapse on september 11, 2001. Frank Mir - hates America and all that it stands for.

 Flag on the play.

JOB - 
OMG I almost snotted out of my nose!!!!

TheLurKing - Frank Mir disrespected an MMA legend and questioned the the authenticity of a BB atfer promoting an undeserving student to BB in 2 years..... Oh wait...

Well played, sir. Well played...

He wasn't very nice during a signing back in 2004.

frank mir once shot a man in reno...............

he has never returned a library book. not even once.

 He questioned the legitimacy of my white belt.