Frank Mir is the Devil.

 Frank Mir is Kazja13.


This weekend, Frank Mir stole my motorcycle

I'm pretty sure that Frank Mir went back in time and threw out my old comic collection when I was a kid!

NEVER a courtesy flush! Also, never turns off his cell phone in church.

Nostradamus predicted Napolean, Hitler, and Frank Mir.  Here is the specific quatrain that refers to Mir:

In the city of desert mirage

Will be born the one who earns a belt but who's shorts need to be pulled up

Arms will snap in his name

Frank Mir may not even own his blackbelt.

Frank Mir cut funding to area schools

Frank Mir offered me candy if I would go for a ride with him in his windowless econo van.

I jumped in...There was no candy :(

Frank Mir messed up the wheels on the shopping cart I was using so that it wouldn't go straight. Then he raped me.

Frank Mir hated The Godfather parts I and II.


 It wasn't Clubber Lang that killed Mickey. Mir was in the crowd and hit him in the solar plexus with a palm heel strike; causing heart failure.

Frank Mir stole my netflix movies.

jeremyxlrhc - Frank Mir stole my netflix movies.
uhhh...that was me jeremyxlrhc.  Sorry 'bout that.


 Frank Mir directed Ishtar.

Frank Mir builds tall glass buildings in the habitat of endangered songbirds

Druskee27 - "That Fusball, Vicky Valincourt & Frank Mir are the Devil!"

-Bobby Boucher's Mamma

NOOOOOOOooooooooooo....... Not Vicky!! (I actually, really, grew up right next door to a girl by the name of: Vicky Valincourt...) Sweet, Innocent Vicky.... , oh yeah, I I was pissing in the wind, and that damn Frank Mir kept running under the spray, screaming "the sprinklers on , the sprinklers on!!"


frank mir wiped his dick off on the curtains. true story

and he NEVER has correct change

Frank Mir was the second gunman on the grassy knoll. Frank Mir encouraged Ryan Seacrest to go into show business. Frank Mir counted the hanging chads during the Florida election.