Frank Mir is the Devil.

I didn't piss on Efrain's bed...Frank did...

Frank Mir's real names are Salle Mae and Freddie Mac.

Has anyone ever seen Frank Mir and Bin Laden in the same room?

jiujitsumonkey - Has anyone ever seen Frank Mir and Bin Laden in the same room?

 I've never seen them apart!

Vinicius  - I didn't piss on Efrain's bed...Frank did...

 Classic Vinny.

He fucked me from behind and didnt give me a reach around :(

Vinicius  - I didn't piss on Efrain's bed...Frank did...


You guys ever ask yourselves why Stephen Hawking was viciously abused by his wife in the 80's?

I'm not going to say anymore out of respect to Zuffa. Let's just say, uh...Frank just MIGHT know a little more about this than he has let on.

Satanic robes in the back of a '77 Trans-Am? Copy of "A Brief History of Time" underneath...Noooo, nothing to see here! Mmmmkay Frank!

WoodenPupa - You guys ever ask yourselves why Stephen Hawking was viciously abused by his wife in the 80's?

I'm not going to say anymore out of respect to Zuffa. Let's just say, uh...Frank just MIGHT know a little more about this than he has let on.

Satanic robes in the back of a '77 Trans-Am? Copy of "A Brief History of Time" underneath...Noooo, nothing to see here! Mmmmkay Frank!


IbeatupFedor - Frank Mir siphoned Tanner's gas tank.

You're going to hell for posting this, and I'll be right behind you for laughing at it.

IbeatupFedor - Frank Mir siphoned Tanner's gas tank.


Frank Mir kicks midgets and milks badgers on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays without their consent.

Frank Mir kicked Joe the plumber in the nuts and told him to "buy that, you pussy"!

Mir was on the Dick Cheney hunting trip. Before a man was shot, an embedded reporter swears hearing from the bushes something like "Just do it man! It'll be hilarious!"

TUF 8 Spoiler-

"In a HUGE plot twist, Frank Mir is revealed as the father of Junie Allen Browning, affirming he is spawn of the devil and sending him even further out of control..."

IbeatupFedor - Frank Mir siphoned Tanner's gas tank.

damn dude, i really hate to encourage a statement like that. my beard is standing on end and its REALLY freaking out my dog.

but part of me knows that what you said was kinda funny. part of me wants to cash out my meager retirement to finance the hunting, castrating, and ultimate porcine raping of you and your relatives. part of me wants to warn you that a sharp seperatist wit will only land you in one place and part of me wants to buy you a moderately cheap beer.


ps-burn in hell for brining such wit into a juvinile situation. there really is no excuse for making me laugh at something i take seriously and damn you for making me laugh, you cocknockingsumbitch.

now back to your regularly scheduled mir bashfest.

did i mention that i haven't been able to get my ferret out from under the porch since frank mir "just dropped by for 1 beer and a taco?"

i really liked that taco, thats the sad part

IbeatupFedor - Frank Mir siphoned Tanner's gas tank.

damn dude, i really hate to encourage a statement like that. my beard is standing on end and its REALLY freaking out my dog.

but part of me knows that what you said was kinda funny. part of me wants to cash out my meager retirement to finance the hunting, castrating, and ultimate porcine raping of you and your relatives. part of me wants to warn you that a sharp seperatist wit will only land you in one place and part of me wants to buy you a moderately cheap beer.


ps-burn in hell for brining such wit into a juvinile situation. there really is no excuse for making me laugh at something i take seriously and damn you for making me laugh, you cocknockingsumbitch.

now back to your regularly scheduled mir bashfest.

did i mention that i haven't been able to get my ferret out from under the porch since frank mir "just dropped by for 1 beer and a taco?"

i really liked that taco, thats the sad part

Damn that guy is a good music teacher

Frank Mir shot J.R.

 Frank Mir always takes a penny, but never leaves a penny...