Frank Mir is the Devil.

Frank Mir used an auto dialer to repeatedly vote for Ruban Studdard, denieng Clay Akien his rightful victory as the American Idol.

Frank Mir one of the best Jiu-Jitsu heavyweights out there. He has a solid chin, and good stand up. If his conditioning is on he will be the next UFC heavyweight camp.The one time he cornered me was one of my best fights. All of this disrespect for him is Retarded.

If his conditioning is on he will be the next UFC heavyweight camp.
Good luck with that.


 This thread is gold!

Frank Mir eats pieces of shit like me for breakfast. Yes, he eats shit for breakfast.

BryanPardoe - Frank Mir one of the best Jiu-Jitsu heavyweights out there. He has a solid chin, and good stand up. If his conditioning is on he will be the next UFC heavyweight camp.The one time he cornered me was one of my best fights. All of this disrespect for him is Retarded.

Party pooper.

Frank Mir convinced Brock Lesnar he should do a shooting star press for his WrestleMania XIX match against Kurt Angle.

BryanPardoe - Frank Mir one of the best Jiu-Jitsu heavyweights out there. He has a solid chin, and good stand up. If his conditioning is on he will be the next UFC heavyweight camp.The one time he cornered me was one of my best fights. All of this disrespect for him is Retarded.

Wait until Frank Mir pisses in your cherios!

When Frank Mir made an ouija board; it asked him questions.

Frank Mir convince Art Jimmerson to wear one boxing glove to the cage. "Whats the worst that could happen?", Frank asked.

It is rumored in some jesuit circles that the direct translation of Pontius Pilot to modern-day English is 'Frank Mir'.

Frank Mir's active participation in the construction of the first Soviet space station led to its eponymous title, the Mir Space Station.

Unfortunately, Frank's insistence on using the hubcaps from a 1958 eldorado brougham as radioactive shielding and airtight seals on the station let to the station's subsequent demise and re-descent to earth.

 Frank suggested the writer's strike.

Frank Mir came to visit me at my home once. When he left, there was piss all over the toilet seat and my cat was pregnant.

Frank Mir convinced me to hit on the 13 year old in the chat room. after chris hansen told me i could go, 13 bushes turned into FBI agents and tackled me. the 14th bush was heard laughing hystarically when i was put in a paddy wagon. that bush: Frank Mir.

Frank Mir: tricks pedifiles

Frank Mir convinced me to hit on the 13 year old in the chat room. after chris hansen told me i could go, 13 bushes turned into FBI agents and tackled me. the 14th bush was heard laughing hystarically when i was put in a paddy wagon. that bush: Frank Mir.

Frank Mir: tricks pedifiles

Frank Mir ate my MAIPO.... futhermucker!!

^thats fucking gold!

mattsigner83 - Frank Mir convinced me to hit on the 13 year old in the chat room. after chris hansen told me i could go, 13 bushes turned into FBI agents and tackled me. the 14th bush was heard laughing hystarically when i was put in a paddy wagon. that bush: Frank Mir.

Frank Mir: tricks pedifiles

 Nice! Singer....

i knew you'd like that one joe