MMA Underground Forums

Goldberg is awful

"he throws everything with bad intentions"...

A bad commentator, goldberg is Phone Post

I actually like his commentary and would miss it if he was gone

It's also annoying how he ALWAYS brings up the difference between a THUD and a SLAP. Sure he could be explaining to the fans who are watching and may not know the difference, but damn does he have to say it EVERY SINGLE TIME a person throws a legkick? Phone Post

Fuck Goldie! He fucking talks like Yoda all the time now too. Phone Post

I love him Phone Post

RyannVonDoom -
Gordo1581 - 
Masakatsu Funaki - I actually kind of like Goldberg.

What's wrong with you?

He's a paid zuffa poster.
ROFL @ paid Zuffa poster.

Hate to burst your bubble, but I'm just not a miserable guy the way you are. I appreciate the UFC but I appreciated Pride a lot more. But I've moved on and I don't see the point in bitching about Zuffa every 3 posts the way you do. Phone Post

Smith1234 - How about a head and arm choke, and he says "arm in, it doesn't matter". As if he is talking about a guillotine.

The arm is supposed to be "in" you idiot.
That one was very funny !

He really was in form tonight. Phone Post

IGOTBELCHED - Not to mention ruining every single fucking q and a, by constantly interrupting and talking about himself. I think its about time they move him on.

ftrflygrly -
sgotwalks - Oh, so this is where all the Goldberg whiners are hiding. I was wondering where all you guys hangin out. Don't mind me.......I'm going back over there with the cool guys! 
See ya there Phone Post
. Phone Post


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Posted: 6 hours ago
Member Since: 4/30/12
Posts: 15
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10 times better then strike force . They got some real retards there Phone Post"

^unintentionally hilarious post

I CAN'T stand when Goldy wants us to think he's some kind of expert or trainer by saying things like, "That was a good 1-3." Nobody else ever refers to combinations in that manner. Seriously....why can't he just say, "That was a nice jab and lead hook." Sometimes he just tries waaaaaay to hard.

Can't stand his inappropriate use of terminology, especially of very specific things. The 'Turk' is not just being in someone's half-guard, and a 'Teep' is not every front kick being thrown. Not to mention his complete lack of knowledge of almost every submission.

Good grief, they guy's commentated on over 100 UFC's right? You'd think he'd learn something in that time.

I like Goldie. Sure he says some stupid shit from time to time. But if he wasn't there I would miss him. There I said it! Phone Post

Masakatsu Funaki - The worst I saw tonight was when one of the prelim fighters was going for an arm triangle and Goldberg said something to the effect of:

"He's going for the choke. And it looks tight. Even with the arm in, he's going for it."

Goldberg, c'mon man...there is no choke there without the arm in... Phone Post
It was the Texeira fight. I was thinking the same thing. It is called a head/ARM triangle.... Phone Post

I think goldberg is only there to read out the advertisements and sponsors Rogan is the knowlege Phone Post

I don't think he is as brutal as everyone make shim out to be.I do think the errors he makes are good comic relief at times.

UFC probably likes Goldberg cause he delivers the advertisements well, he does have the voice for it.

I'm not a Goldberg supporter, I just do not get that bothered by it. I am usually more interested in what the colour commentator has to chime in with (Which Rogan always delivers to me).

I've stuck up for Goldy in the past but last night, for some reason, he bothered me. It was like I was listening to a robot.

Reading this thread hurts my head Phone Post

they both got the ref wrong in one of tht early fights it was Lavigne and thru said Josh Rosenthal Phone Post