Greg Doucette says izzy for sure taking test

I stopped believing USADA was worth a damn when the UFC was sold. Fighters need to be juicy and profitable.

Colby Covid19ington -
MasterofMartialArts - 
Non N00B -
MasterofMartialArts -

Ohhhhhh... well since this guy said it, it must be true. 

That guy is a 59 show pro bodybuilder who coaches people on how to do steroids for shows. Also got arrested as a steroid dealer years ago lol. He's well experienced on the subject, and no matter what, no 31 year old that isn't a fat fuck should have gyno out of nowhere. 

Right... so you want me to trust a guy who teaches athletes how to cycle properly so they don’t get caught using banned substances when competing, and was also arrested for selling illegal substances at some point. Thanks for giving me the ammunition I needed to reply back to you. 

There are several videos out there from various fields of expertise talking about this. You seem heavily invested in defending Adesanya in this matter. Good luck with that.

I’m really just defending a basic ideal, which is innocent until proven guilty. I also raised many points in my post that I’m certain won’t be addressed by you or any other poster. I watched a single video that included the opinion of a doctor who specializes in sports injuries and medicine. That’s all I care to listen to. I honestly don’t care if Israel is or isn’t taking steroids, I just find it intriguing that nobody knows what the fuck they are talking about, yet they are certain he’s cheating. That shit is weak. 

MasterofMartialArts - 
Jones right nostril -
MasterofMartialArts -

Ohhhhhh... well since this guy said it, it must be true. 

Are you denying that Izzys sudden breast transformation isn’t suspicious as fuck? 

I’m not confirming or denying anything, I honestly just don’t give a fuck. I literally didn’t notice at all until I opened this app and there were about 31 threads on the topic. I don’t understand the obsessive yet contradictory nature of conversations regarding steroid use here on the UG. 

The vast majority of posters here say that nearly every fighter uses banned substances. Great. Yet, any time a single fighter even has the slightest abnormality literally anywhere on his or her body, there are dozens of threads on the topic. Everyone is said threads (like this one) claims with absolute certainty that aforementioned abnormality is from a PED. Nobody can explain scientifically, nor can they explain logically, how anyone without substantial medical knowledge would be able to achieve any level of certainty regarding Israel’s abnormal breast tissue. 

Literally every thread here about steroids is like that. Not a single person knows fuck all about it, but somehow they just know that it’s steroids. It’s like when my toddler son tells me that something is orange when I know it’s yellow and even though he can’t explain how it is orange, it is still just fucking orange. On top of that, there’s the belief that most have of the majority of fighters being users. Which is fine, but why start a thread any time you think somebody is using? It shouldn’t be surprising, because that’s the norm right? In that case we should only really see threads about guys we don’t believe are cheating. But that doesn’t fit the narrative... 

It’s just irrational nonsense. There is zero logic to it. I don’t care that there is abnormal tissue on Israel’s pectoral muscle, and I won’t care tomorrow. I don’t care about fighter A’s bacne, or fighter B’s HGH gut. I’m not interested in debating something that involves baseless accusations on something that nobody knows anything about. 

“I honestly don’t give a fuck” - has spent the last 24 hours straight racing into every thread desperately trying to defend Adesanya lol.

There’s nothing irrational about it. His droopy right tit raises massive red flags. It’s not surprising you didn’t notice it given you’ve probably had so much of Izzy’s cum squirted in your eyes that you couldn’t see what was right in front of you.

Your last paragraph there is the absolute definition of denial. Embarrassing.

Brockback Mountain - How is that guy on Peds and still has a voice like fran drescher in the nanny.

I can't get through his videos just because of his voice. Poor fella.

Non N00B -
MasterofMartialArts -

Ohhhhhh... well since this guy said it, it must be true. 

That guy is a 59 show pro bodybuilder who coaches people on how to do steroids for shows. Also got arrested as a steroid dealer years ago lol. He's well experienced on the subject, and no matter what, no 31 year old that isn't a fat fuck should have gyno out of nowhere. 

This, he just cant have it, dude trains all day and have fat titty? Yeah sure

KhabibWinsTheRematch -
Colby Covid19ington -
KhabibWinsTheRematch - 
Colby Covid19ington -
KhabibWinsTheRematch - 

Of course he's taking something. Just like every single other fighter on the roster. Who cares anymore.

Do you think Khabib is on PEDs?

Did I stutter or something? They’re all on something. Yes Khabib is part of all. Don’t let my SN fool you into thinking I’m a blind fan or something. I could care less about Khabib. Lol

So what kind of PEDs do you suspect Khabib could be using?

Let me break out my list of what I think all 800 fighters under contact are using. Hold on…

He only asked about 1, retard

MasterofMartialArts - 
Jones right nostril -
MasterofMartialArts -

Ohhhhhh... well since this guy said it, it must be true. 

Are you denying that Izzys sudden breast transformation isn’t suspicious as fuck? 

I’m not confirming or denying anything, I honestly just don’t give a fuck. I literally didn’t notice at all until I opened this app and there were about 31 threads on the topic. I don’t understand the obsessive yet contradictory nature of conversations regarding steroid use here on the UG. 

The vast majority of posters here say that nearly every fighter uses banned substances. Great. Yet, any time a single fighter even has the slightest abnormality literally anywhere on his or her body, there are dozens of threads on the topic. Everyone is said threads (like this one) claims with absolute certainty that aforementioned abnormality is from a PED. Nobody can explain scientifically, nor can they explain logically, how anyone without substantial medical knowledge would be able to achieve any level of certainty regarding Israel’s abnormal breast tissue. 

Literally every thread here about steroids is like that. Not a single person knows fuck all about it, but somehow they just know that it’s steroids. It’s like when my toddler son tells me that something is orange when I know it’s yellow and even though he can’t explain how it is orange, it is still just fucking orange. On top of that, there’s the belief that most have of the majority of fighters being users. Which is fine, but why start a thread any time you think somebody is using? It shouldn’t be surprising, because that’s the norm right? In that case we should only really see threads about guys we don’t believe are cheating. But that doesn’t fit the narrative... 

It’s just irrational nonsense. There is zero logic to it. I don’t care that there is abnormal tissue on Israel’s pectoral muscle, and I won’t care tomorrow. I don’t care about fighter A’s bacne, or fighter B’s HGH gut. I’m not interested in debating something that involves baseless accusations on something that nobody knows anything about. 

To be fair, OP posted a video from a guy who does and knows ALL about roids!

I’d tend to believe him over you.

KhabibWinsTheRematch -

Of course he's taking something. Just like every single other fighter on the roster. Who cares anymore.

Right? Blows my mind how people take some moral high ground when it comes to peds. Especially the windowlickers saying that Costa would win if Izzy wasnt using, because you know, Costa is one of the rare clean fighters in MMA. 

ons ear -
KhabibWinsTheRematch - 

Of course he's taking something. Just like every single other fighter on the roster. Who cares anymore.

I just can’t believe that all fighters are juicing and then beating the tests. Are a few guys juicing and beating the tests? Yes but not all. Those random throughout the year tests are not easy to beat. These guys don’t have teams with elaborate blood doping systems in place to beat the tests

They’re actually are easy to beat.

Here’s the workaround.

You deliberately fill out the whereabouts app with somwhere your not going to be while you are taking( will piss hot ).

You get 3 of those fail to notify whereabouts violations before you get sanctioned for failure to provide whereabouts. 

There’s roughly a 1-25 chance usada is even going to come knocking and you’ll get caught out. Which a fairly low probability.  And even if you do There’s 3 chances. 

And here’s the big thing . Every 18 months you get one of those chances back. 

So it’s not even 3 chances over your whole career. 

Hope that shed some light on the situation 

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WHAT????some guy on YouTube said something. Must be true. 

Colby Covid19ington -
shaqitup - 
Colby Covid19ington -
KhabibWinsTheRematch - 

Of course he's taking something. Just like every single other fighter on the roster. Who cares anymore.

Do you think Khabib is on PEDs?

I wouldn’t be surprised but who knows 

Of the current champions, I would be most surprised if Khabib was using. I don’t know how high a bar that necessarily is, though. I would be pretty surprised if Wonderboy was using.

My personal opinion ( guess ) is not all fighters are on it. But the vast majority have or will at least dabble at some stage in their careers. 

It’s a small but significant distinction. 

All are taking steroids vs all have taken/will take steroids. 

Ironically izzy is one of the ones i would have picked as probably being clean.

I hope he pops. Makes for good drama 

Sir Psycho Sexy -
Non N00B -
Canooke -
Non N00B -
Sackick -

I wonder if he pops 

If nothing else it tells you that using USADA test results as wether or not fighters are clean or otherwise is incredibly stupid. 

People get gyno when they’re not using PEDs as well.

Oh yeah, loads of skinny professional athletes get it allllllll of the time. Be serious. 

THIS. you don't just get gyno out of nowhere. You get gyno when you're using test, but not using estrogen blockers, because you know you'll test positive if you do.

Not just test.  A lot of different types of steroids can do it because the endocrine system is tricky as hell.  Designer roids that don't aromatize can cause it too...

SuperFightFan -
MasterofMartialArts - 
Jones right nostril -
MasterofMartialArts -

Ohhhhhh... well since this guy said it, it must be true. 

Are you denying that Izzys sudden breast transformation isn’t suspicious as fuck? 

I’m not confirming or denying anything, I honestly just don’t give a fuck. I literally didn’t notice at all until I opened this app and there were about 31 threads on the topic. I don’t understand the obsessive yet contradictory nature of conversations regarding steroid use here on the UG. 

The vast majority of posters here say that nearly every fighter uses banned substances. Great. Yet, any time a single fighter even has the slightest abnormality literally anywhere on his or her body, there are dozens of threads on the topic. Everyone is said threads (like this one) claims with absolute certainty that aforementioned abnormality is from a PED. Nobody can explain scientifically, nor can they explain logically, how anyone without substantial medical knowledge would be able to achieve any level of certainty regarding Israel’s abnormal breast tissue. 

Literally every thread here about steroids is like that. Not a single person knows fuck all about it, but somehow they just know that it’s steroids. It’s like when my toddler son tells me that something is orange when I know it’s yellow and even though he can’t explain how it is orange, it is still just fucking orange. On top of that, there’s the belief that most have of the majority of fighters being users. Which is fine, but why start a thread any time you think somebody is using? It shouldn’t be surprising, because that’s the norm right? In that case we should only really see threads about guys we don’t believe are cheating. But that doesn’t fit the narrative... 

It’s just irrational nonsense. There is zero logic to it. I don’t care that there is abnormal tissue on Israel’s pectoral muscle, and I won’t care tomorrow. I don’t care about fighter A’s bacne, or fighter B’s HGH gut. I’m not interested in debating something that involves baseless accusations on something that nobody knows anything about. 

To be fair, OP posted a video from a guy who does and knows ALL about roids!

I’d tend to believe him over you.

From what I have seen, it’s not uncommon for well-read bodybuilders to have a better understanding of this shit than your everyday family doc.  They just don’t focus on it much at all and pass issues off to an endocrinologist because it’s complicated shit.  

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It’s not the gyno that made me the most suspicious. My cousin has never taken anything that alters hormones and he had the same issue that required surgery.

HOWEVER, I look at his demeanor after they brought it up in the press conference to him. He said “Why they looking at my titties” but then when he turned to another interviewer right after you could see his whole demeanor shift for a split second. Like an “oh fuck” type look.

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MoreThai22 -

It’s not the gyno that made me the most suspicious. My cousin has never taken anything that alters hormones and he had the same issue that required surgery.

HOWEVER, I look at his demeanor after they brought it up in the press conference to him. He said “Why they looking at my titties” but then when he turned to another interviewer right after you could see his whole demeanor shift for a split second. Like an “oh fuck” type look.

Yeah the body language and reaction to that question was very telling. You could see he wasn't expecting it and it threw him off. You could almost see the rush of adrenaline go through him when he walked questioned.

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MasterofMartialArts -
Jones right nostril -
MasterofMartialArts -

Ohhhhhh... well since this guy said it, it must be true. 

Are you denying that Izzys sudden breast transformation isn’t suspicious as fuck? 

I’m not confirming or denying anything, I honestly just don’t give a fuck. I literally didn’t notice at all until I opened this app and there were about 31 threads on the topic. I don’t understand the obsessive yet contradictory nature of conversations regarding steroid use here on the UG. 

The vast majority of posters here say that nearly every fighter uses banned substances. Great. Yet, any time a single fighter even has the slightest abnormality literally anywhere on his or her body, there are dozens of threads on the topic. Everyone is said threads (like this one) claims with absolute certainty that aforementioned abnormality is from a PED. Nobody can explain scientifically, nor can they explain logically, how anyone without substantial medical knowledge would be able to achieve any level of certainty regarding Israel’s abnormal breast tissue. 

Literally every thread here about steroids is like that. Not a single person knows fuck all about it, but somehow they just know that it’s steroids. It’s like when my toddler son tells me that something is orange when I know it’s yellow and even though he can’t explain how it is orange, it is still just fucking orange. On top of that, there’s the belief that most have of the majority of fighters being users. Which is fine, but why start a thread any time you think somebody is using? It shouldn’t be surprising, because that’s the norm right? In that case we should only really see threads about guys we don’t believe are cheating. But that doesn’t fit the narrative... 

It’s just irrational nonsense. There is zero logic to it. I don’t care that there is abnormal tissue on Israel’s pectoral muscle, and I won’t care tomorrow. I don’t care about fighter A’s bacne, or fighter B’s HGH gut. I’m not interested in debating something that involves baseless accusations on something that nobody knows anything about. 

You, Sir, are a wonky eyed retard.

Just because you obviously know fuck all about AAS, does not mean no one here knows wtf they're talking about. Honestly, this is like a sheltered liberal preaching down to us from his ivory tower that we don't know science. Some people here know from research, some from personal experience, and some just because we know that medical doctors are by far not even a real authority on the subject. 

In regards to Greg I see a lot of people bashing him. Rather you like him or not it is hard to argue experience is not the best teacher. Greg has been using anabolic steroids for 20+ years and I trust his experiences. Not to mention he is college-educated with a degree in Kinesiology. I agree his voice is annoying as shit but he keeps it real. He kind of grows on you the more you listen due to his humble nature

Izzy got haters like Trump got haters. Wtf. 


  “Look at the .00001% fat on his nipple! That’s how he won!”

   99% of the mofos on this thread would kill to be built like Izzy. Ur calling him a fruit yet you’re staring at his right tit like it’s building 7 on 9/11. 



BostonCharm -

Izzy got haters like Trump got haters. Wtf. 


  “Look at the .00001% fat on his nipple! That’s how he won!”

   99% of the mofos on this thread would kill to be built like Izzy. Ur calling him a fruit yet you’re staring at his right tit like it’s building 7 on 9/11. 



Well, when you proclaim yourself the cleanest fighter in the game while pounding your chest right on your gyno-titty people just might call you out on it.

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