Greg Doucette says izzy for sure taking test

HongKongaBong -
MasterofMartialArts -
Jones right nostril -
MasterofMartialArts -

Ohhhhhh... well since this guy said it, it must be true. 

Are you denying that Izzys sudden breast transformation isn’t suspicious as fuck? 

I’m not confirming or denying anything, I honestly just don’t give a fuck. I literally didn’t notice at all until I opened this app and there were about 31 threads on the topic. I don’t understand the obsessive yet contradictory nature of conversations regarding steroid use here on the UG. 

The vast majority of posters here say that nearly every fighter uses banned substances. Great. Yet, any time a single fighter even has the slightest abnormality literally anywhere on his or her body, there are dozens of threads on the topic. Everyone is said threads (like this one) claims with absolute certainty that aforementioned abnormality is from a PED. Nobody can explain scientifically, nor can they explain logically, how anyone without substantial medical knowledge would be able to achieve any level of certainty regarding Israel’s abnormal breast tissue. 

Literally every thread here about steroids is like that. Not a single person knows fuck all about it, but somehow they just know that it’s steroids. It’s like when my toddler son tells me that something is orange when I know it’s yellow and even though he can’t explain how it is orange, it is still just fucking orange. On top of that, there’s the belief that most have of the majority of fighters being users. Which is fine, but why start a thread any time you think somebody is using? It shouldn’t be surprising, because that’s the norm right? In that case we should only really see threads about guys we don’t believe are cheating. But that doesn’t fit the narrative... 

It’s just irrational nonsense. There is zero logic to it. I don’t care that there is abnormal tissue on Israel’s pectoral muscle, and I won’t care tomorrow. I don’t care about fighter A’s bacne, or fighter B’s HGH gut. I’m not interested in debating something that involves baseless accusations on something that nobody knows anything about. 

You, Sir, are a wonky eyed retard.

Just because you obviously know fuck all about AAS, does not mean no one here knows wtf they're talking about. Honestly, this is like a sheltered liberal preaching down to us from his ivory tower that we don't know science. Some people here know from research, some from personal experience, and some just because we know that medical doctors are by far not even a real authority on the subject. 

Point proven here. I give a well thought out, rational response and you call me a retard. How does that make sense? Additionally, you argue that plenty of people know what they are talking about, yet nobody here has explained any of it. Why is that? Better yet, why don’t you explain it to me? 

MoreThai22 -

It’s not the gyno that made me the most suspicious. My cousin has never taken anything that alters hormones and he had the same issue that required surgery.

HOWEVER, I look at his demeanor after they brought it up in the press conference to him. He said “Why they looking at my titties” but then when he turned to another interviewer right after you could see his whole demeanor shift for a split second. Like an “oh fuck” type look.

If you want something to be true, your brain will make it so. If you want somebody to be guilty of something, you’ll watch their every move and find something suspicious. 

BostonCharm -

Izzy got haters like Trump got haters. Wtf. 


  “Look at the .00001% fat on his nipple! That’s how he won!”

   99% of the mofos on this thread would kill to be built like Izzy. Ur calling him a fruit yet you’re staring at his right tit like it’s building 7 on 9/11. 



Precisely this. It’s obsessive. I highly doubt there would be this much attention on it if this was Costa and not Izzy. 

Bilge Water -
BostonCharm -

Izzy got haters like Trump got haters. Wtf. 


  “Look at the .00001% fat on his nipple! That’s how he won!”

   99% of the mofos on this thread would kill to be built like Izzy. Ur calling him a fruit yet you’re staring at his right tit like it’s building 7 on 9/11. 



Well, when you proclaim yourself the cleanest fighter in the game while pounding your chest right on your gyno-titty people just might call you out on it.

Come on. A little tutu fat means Gyno? Especially when you’re cutting weight and rehydrating quickly?  

   He’s super lean any bit of bloat is going to look excessively large in that context. 

   You might as well say 99% of American males are on juice if your proof. Is a guy flexing while throwing a strike and showing a tit. And it’s only ONE tit. 

   Let it go. Kid is talented. You guys really are starting to sound like your grandpas.  

“he’s soooo disrespectful! In my day we just called people fagoons and beat them up if they were out of line !!!”

   Come on man?  Bills are due on the first of the month and you’re losing sleep over a millionaires titty??

BostonCharm -

Izzy got haters like Trump got haters. Wtf. 


  “Look at the .00001% fat on his nipple! That’s how he won!”

   99% of the mofos on this thread would kill to be built like Izzy. Ur calling him a fruit yet you’re staring at his right tit like it’s building 7 on 9/11. 



You’re choosing to believe that in the face evidence that says otherwise.  You’re a feeble-minded simpleton.  

BostonCharm -
Bilge Water -
BostonCharm -

Izzy got haters like Trump got haters. Wtf. 


  “Look at the .00001% fat on his nipple! That’s how he won!”

   99% of the mofos on this thread would kill to be built like Izzy. Ur calling him a fruit yet you’re staring at his right tit like it’s building 7 on 9/11. 



Well, when you proclaim yourself the cleanest fighter in the game while pounding your chest right on your gyno-titty people just might call you out on it.

Come on. A little tutu fat means Gyno? Especially when you’re cutting weight and rehydrating quickly?  

   He’s super lean any bit of bloat is going to look excessively large in that context. 

   You might as well say 99% of American males are on juice if your proof. Is a guy flexing while throwing a strike and showing a tit. And it’s only ONE tit. 

   Let it go. Kid is talented. You guys really are starting to sound like your grandpas.  

“he’s soooo disrespectful! In my day we just called people fagoons and beat them up if they were out of line !!!”

   Come on man?  Bills are due on the first of the month and you’re losing sleep over a millionaires titty??

You’re a straight up deluded fucking moron. 

1 Like
BostonCharm - 
Bilge Water -
BostonCharm -

Izzy got haters like Trump got haters. Wtf. 


  “Look at the .00001% fat on his nipple! That’s how he won!”

   99% of the mofos on this thread would kill to be built like Izzy. Ur calling him a fruit yet you’re staring at his right tit like it’s building 7 on 9/11. 



Well, when you proclaim yourself the cleanest fighter in the game while pounding your chest right on your gyno-titty people just might call you out on it.

Come on. A little tutu fat means Gyno? Especially when you’re cutting weight and rehydrating quickly?  

   He’s super lean any bit of bloat is going to look excessively large in that context. 

   You might as well say 99% of American males are on juice if your proof. Is a guy flexing while throwing a strike and showing a tit. And it’s only ONE tit. 

   Let it go. Kid is talented. You guys really are starting to sound like your grandpas.  

“he’s soooo disrespectful! In my day we just called people fagoons and beat them up if they were out of line !!!”

   Come on man?  Bills are due on the first of the month and you’re losing sleep over a millionaires titty??

Cutting weight and rehydrating isn’t likely to cause increased breast tissue around your nipple. An imbalance of estrogen and testosterone are more likely, which is common when using anabolic steroids or androgens.

Ministry of Truth -
BostonCharm - 
Bilge Water -
BostonCharm -

Izzy got haters like Trump got haters. Wtf. 


  “Look at the .00001% fat on his nipple! That’s how he won!”

   99% of the mofos on this thread would kill to be built like Izzy. Ur calling him a fruit yet you’re staring at his right tit like it’s building 7 on 9/11. 



Well, when you proclaim yourself the cleanest fighter in the game while pounding your chest right on your gyno-titty people just might call you out on it.

Come on. A little tutu fat means Gyno? Especially when you’re cutting weight and rehydrating quickly?  

   He’s super lean any bit of bloat is going to look excessively large in that context. 

   You might as well say 99% of American males are on juice if your proof. Is a guy flexing while throwing a strike and showing a tit. And it’s only ONE tit. 

   Let it go. Kid is talented. You guys really are starting to sound like your grandpas.  

“he’s soooo disrespectful! In my day we just called people fagoons and beat them up if they were out of line !!!”

   Come on man?  Bills are due on the first of the month and you’re losing sleep over a millionaires titty??

Cutting weight and rehydrating isn’t likely to cause increased breast tissue around your nipple. An imbalance of estrogen and testosterone are more likely, which is common when using anabolic steroids or androgens.

He doesn’t care. He believes what he wants to believe. He chooses the version that makes him feel nice because he’s a little pussy snowflake. 

It's definitly glandular tissue that he has, and looks just GYNO to the point where it IS gyno.... 

So, the question we have is why? 


BostonCharm - 
Bilge Water -
BostonCharm -

Izzy got haters like Trump got haters. Wtf. 


  “Look at the .00001% fat on his nipple! That’s how he won!”

   99% of the mofos on this thread would kill to be built like Izzy. Ur calling him a fruit yet you’re staring at his right tit like it’s building 7 on 9/11. 



Well, when you proclaim yourself the cleanest fighter in the game while pounding your chest right on your gyno-titty people just might call you out on it.

Come on. A little tutu fat means Gyno? Especially when you’re cutting weight and rehydrating quickly?  

   He’s super lean any bit of bloat is going to look excessively large in that context. 

   You might as well say 99% of American males are on juice if your proof. Is a guy flexing while throwing a strike and showing a tit. And it’s only ONE tit. 

   Let it go. Kid is talented. You guys really are starting to sound like your grandpas.  

“he’s soooo disrespectful! In my day we just called people fagoons and beat them up if they were out of line !!!”

   Come on man?  Bills are due on the first of the month and you’re losing sleep over a millionaires titty??

Dumb post. I’m not saying Izzy is taking steroids as I don’t think he is but to say his gyno is the result of bloat being more noticeable due to cutting ?! Umm what?! That is not bloat in his nipple though …that’s the sign of a hormonal issue of some sort

Izzy is crazy skilled. But a fuck ton of fans and athletes noticed his tit. I watched the ppv and never noticed it at all but when I came here, 80% of the posts were about it lol


Greg knows his shit. I’m having a good laugh at all the posts dismissing him. UG bullshitters that have no clue what they’re talking about. 

Derrick / more plates more dates, is always on point as well. His breakdown of Costa’s roid use is crazy thorough. 


the deniers are either head in the sand nutriders or shills

1 Like
shizz -

Greg knows his shit. I’m having a good laugh at all the posts dismissing him. UG bullshitters that have no clue what they’re talking about. 

Derrick / more plates more dates, is always on point as well. His breakdown of Costa’s roid use is crazy thorough. 

How long before DFW tell golden snitch to STFU?

100% hes on test if he's got gyno titty. He can't take estrogen blockers because they show up on tests.

Would be too funny if he got popped. 

MasterofMartialArts -
Jones right nostril -
MasterofMartialArts -

Ohhhhhh... well since this guy said it, it must be true. 

Are you denying that Izzys sudden breast transformation isn’t suspicious as fuck? 

I’m not confirming or denying anything, I honestly just don’t give a fuck. I literally didn’t notice at all until I opened this app and there were about 31 threads on the topic. I don’t understand the obsessive yet contradictory nature of conversations regarding steroid use here on the UG. 

The vast majority of posters here say that nearly every fighter uses banned substances. Great. Yet, any time a single fighter even has the slightest abnormality literally anywhere on his or her body, there are dozens of threads on the topic. Everyone is said threads (like this one) claims with absolute certainty that aforementioned abnormality is from a PED. Nobody can explain scientifically, nor can they explain logically, how anyone without substantial medical knowledge would be able to achieve any level of certainty regarding Israel’s abnormal breast tissue. 

Literally every thread here about steroids is like that. Not a single person knows fuck all about it, but somehow they just know that it’s steroids. It’s like when my toddler son tells me that something is orange when I know it’s yellow and even though he can’t explain how it is orange, it is still just fucking orange. On top of that, there’s the belief that most have of the majority of fighters being users. Which is fine, but why start a thread any time you think somebody is using? It shouldn’t be surprising, because that’s the norm right? In that case we should only really see threads about guys we don’t believe are cheating. But that doesn’t fit the narrative... 

It’s just irrational nonsense. There is zero logic to it. I don’t care that there is abnormal tissue on Israel’s pectoral muscle, and I won’t care tomorrow. I don’t care about fighter A’s bacne, or fighter B’s HGH gut. I’m not interested in debating something that involves baseless accusations on something that nobody knows anything about. 

Maaaaan, shut the fuck up.

Floppy Divac -
MasterofMartialArts -
Jones right nostril -
MasterofMartialArts -

Ohhhhhh... well since this guy said it, it must be true. 

Are you denying that Izzys sudden breast transformation isn’t suspicious as fuck? 

I’m not confirming or denying anything, I honestly just don’t give a fuck. I literally didn’t notice at all until I opened this app and there were about 31 threads on the topic. I don’t understand the obsessive yet contradictory nature of conversations regarding steroid use here on the UG. 

The vast majority of posters here say that nearly every fighter uses banned substances. Great. Yet, any time a single fighter even has the slightest abnormality literally anywhere on his or her body, there are dozens of threads on the topic. Everyone is said threads (like this one) claims with absolute certainty that aforementioned abnormality is from a PED. Nobody can explain scientifically, nor can they explain logically, how anyone without substantial medical knowledge would be able to achieve any level of certainty regarding Israel’s abnormal breast tissue. 

Literally every thread here about steroids is like that. Not a single person knows fuck all about it, but somehow they just know that it’s steroids. It’s like when my toddler son tells me that something is orange when I know it’s yellow and even though he can’t explain how it is orange, it is still just fucking orange. On top of that, there’s the belief that most have of the majority of fighters being users. Which is fine, but why start a thread any time you think somebody is using? It shouldn’t be surprising, because that’s the norm right? In that case we should only really see threads about guys we don’t believe are cheating. But that doesn’t fit the narrative... 

It’s just irrational nonsense. There is zero logic to it. I don’t care that there is abnormal tissue on Israel’s pectoral muscle, and I won’t care tomorrow. I don’t care about fighter A’s bacne, or fighter B’s HGH gut. I’m not interested in debating something that involves baseless accusations on something that nobody knows anything about. 

Maaaaan, shut the fuck up.

Lol. Another poster contributing nothing to the discussion while throwing baseless accusations, only to respond with an angry insult to a post that challenged his viewpoint. Move along. 

Stea1th -

It's definitly glandular tissue that he has, and looks just GYNO to the point where it IS gyno.... 

So, the question we have is why? 


Read the thread, because it seems everyone else here evidently knows exactly with 100 percent certainty… 
