Greg Doucette says izzy for sure taking test

MasterofMartialArts -
Stea1th -

It's definitly glandular tissue that he has, and looks just GYNO to the point where it IS gyno.... 

So, the question we have is why? 


Read the thread, because it seems everyone else here evidently knows exactly with 100 percent certainty… 

No one knows anything for a fact. It seems people are suspicious that the same fighter calling himself “the cleanest in the sport” and accusing his opponent of being the “biggest cheat in the sport” who in his early 30s and athletic prime has a massive growth of gyno on his right titty which is largely associated with a hormone imbalance from either puberty or the use of testosterone. You need to understand why this topic is being discussed on a forum related to MMA. Is Izzy on steroids? Who knows, but with what we saw this weekend it’s going to be discussed, and rightfully so.

Sir Psycho Sexy - 

At the 12 minute mark of the press conference, a reporters asks Izzy about his gyno.

“Why is he (John Jones) looking at my titty?”

Because its very prominent, and because it wasn’t there a few months ago. Also, it defies basically all logical explanation and also reveals what many thought but didnt have evidence of, that is, that steroids are still used regardless of USADA.

MasterofMartialArts -
MoreThai22 -

It’s not the gyno that made me the most suspicious. My cousin has never taken anything that alters hormones and he had the same issue that required surgery.

HOWEVER, I look at his demeanor after they brought it up in the press conference to him. He said “Why they looking at my titties” but then when he turned to another interviewer right after you could see his whole demeanor shift for a split second. Like an “oh fuck” type look.

If you want something to be true, your brain will make it so. If you want somebody to be guilty of something, you’ll watch their every move and find something suspicious. 

Once these guys get a witch hunt started, there is no room for debate. 

CloakedStar -
MasterofMartialArts -
Stea1th -

It's definitly glandular tissue that he has, and looks just GYNO to the point where it IS gyno.... 

So, the question we have is why? 


Read the thread, because it seems everyone else here evidently knows exactly with 100 percent certainty… 

No one knows anything for a fact. It seems people are suspicious that the same fighter calling himself “the cleanest in the sport” and accusing his opponent of being the “biggest cheat in the sport” who in his early 30s and athletic prime has a massive growth of gyno on his right titty which is largely associated with a hormone imbalance from either puberty or the use of testosterone. You need to understand why this topic is being discussed on a forum related to MMA. Is Izzy on steroids? Who knows, but with what we saw this weekend it’s going to be discussed, and rightfully so.

I agree with you, and i don’t have a problem with having discussions because that’s obviously why a forum exists, and one of my personal favorite things to do. What I have an issue with is the declaration of somebody, anybody being on steroids based on a single physical abnormality with all other things kept constant. 

I probably would never have replied, had posters been saying “it could be steroids but we don’t know for sure”, but people aren’t saying that. Every post states it as absolute and empirical, without even exploring other possibilities. I have always defended fighters who are accused of PED use despite never testing positive for anything (GSP is one of them). If Nancy shows up to work with a bruise on her arm or face, are we to assume her husband beats her? Or should we maybe concede that there are other possibilities? You get what I’m saying, I don’t need to be a broken record. 

Trumpsstinkypinky -
MasterofMartialArts -
MoreThai22 -

It’s not the gyno that made me the most suspicious. My cousin has never taken anything that alters hormones and he had the same issue that required surgery.

HOWEVER, I look at his demeanor after they brought it up in the press conference to him. He said “Why they looking at my titties” but then when he turned to another interviewer right after you could see his whole demeanor shift for a split second. Like an “oh fuck” type look.

If you want something to be true, your brain will make it so. If you want somebody to be guilty of something, you’ll watch their every move and find something suspicious. 

Once these guys get a witch hunt started, there is no room for debate. 

You are absolutely right about that. 

Greg is actually legit and is a no bs type of guy. 

MasterofMartialArts -
Floppy Divac -
MasterofMartialArts -
Jones right nostril -
MasterofMartialArts -

Ohhhhhh... well since this guy said it, it must be true. 

Are you denying that Izzys sudden breast transformation isn’t suspicious as fuck? 

I’m not confirming or denying anything, I honestly just don’t give a fuck. I literally didn’t notice at all until I opened this app and there were about 31 threads on the topic. I don’t understand the obsessive yet contradictory nature of conversations regarding steroid use here on the UG. 

The vast majority of posters here say that nearly every fighter uses banned substances. Great. Yet, any time a single fighter even has the slightest abnormality literally anywhere on his or her body, there are dozens of threads on the topic. Everyone is said threads (like this one) claims with absolute certainty that aforementioned abnormality is from a PED. Nobody can explain scientifically, nor can they explain logically, how anyone without substantial medical knowledge would be able to achieve any level of certainty regarding Israel’s abnormal breast tissue. 

Literally every thread here about steroids is like that. Not a single person knows fuck all about it, but somehow they just know that it’s steroids. It’s like when my toddler son tells me that something is orange when I know it’s yellow and even though he can’t explain how it is orange, it is still just fucking orange. On top of that, there’s the belief that most have of the majority of fighters being users. Which is fine, but why start a thread any time you think somebody is using? It shouldn’t be surprising, because that’s the norm right? In that case we should only really see threads about guys we don’t believe are cheating. But that doesn’t fit the narrative... 

It’s just irrational nonsense. There is zero logic to it. I don’t care that there is abnormal tissue on Israel’s pectoral muscle, and I won’t care tomorrow. I don’t care about fighter A’s bacne, or fighter B’s HGH gut. I’m not interested in debating something that involves baseless accusations on something that nobody knows anything about. 

Maaaaan, shut the fuck up.

Lol. Another poster contributing nothing to the discussion while throwing baseless accusations, only to respond with an angry insult to a post that challenged his viewpoint. Move along. 

Please find us loads of professional athletes at 31, who are slim, with sudden gyno out of nowhere. Do you believe the WWE wellness policy is real too? Were you sad when the rock had to have gyno surgery?

do you believe he beat a skilled juicer in Costa without doing something himself? He just took his flintstone vitamins and kicked some ass in 2020 at the highest level?  

That gyno is JUST AS DAMNING of evidence as a positive test. It shows the testing is horseshit, and is only one of many examples of such.  

CloakedStar -
MasterofMartialArts -
Stea1th -

It's definitly glandular tissue that he has, and looks just GYNO to the point where it IS gyno.... 

So, the question we have is why? 


Read the thread, because it seems everyone else here evidently knows exactly with 100 percent certainty… 

No one knows anything for a fact. It seems people are suspicious that the same fighter calling himself “the cleanest in the sport” and accusing his opponent of being the “biggest cheat in the sport” who in his early 30s and athletic prime has a massive growth of gyno on his right titty which is largely associated with a hormone imbalance from either puberty or the use of testosterone. You need to understand why this topic is being discussed on a forum related to MMA. Is Izzy on steroids? Who knows, but with what we saw this weekend it’s going to be discussed, and rightfully so.


Jones right nostril -
MasterofMartialArts - 
Jones right nostril -
MasterofMartialArts -

Ohhhhhh... well since this guy said it, it must be true. 

Are you denying that Izzys sudden breast transformation isn’t suspicious as fuck? 

I’m not confirming or denying anything, I honestly just don’t give a fuck. I literally didn’t notice at all until I opened this app and there were about 31 threads on the topic. I don’t understand the obsessive yet contradictory nature of conversations regarding steroid use here on the UG. 

The vast majority of posters here say that nearly every fighter uses banned substances. Great. Yet, any time a single fighter even has the slightest abnormality literally anywhere on his or her body, there are dozens of threads on the topic. Everyone is said threads (like this one) claims with absolute certainty that aforementioned abnormality is from a PED. Nobody can explain scientifically, nor can they explain logically, how anyone without substantial medical knowledge would be able to achieve any level of certainty regarding Israel’s abnormal breast tissue. 

Literally every thread here about steroids is like that. Not a single person knows fuck all about it, but somehow they just know that it’s steroids. It’s like when my toddler son tells me that something is orange when I know it’s yellow and even though he can’t explain how it is orange, it is still just fucking orange. On top of that, there’s the belief that most have of the majority of fighters being users. Which is fine, but why start a thread any time you think somebody is using? It shouldn’t be surprising, because that’s the norm right? In that case we should only really see threads about guys we don’t believe are cheating. But that doesn’t fit the narrative... 

It’s just irrational nonsense. There is zero logic to it. I don’t care that there is abnormal tissue on Israel’s pectoral muscle, and I won’t care tomorrow. I don’t care about fighter A’s bacne, or fighter B’s HGH gut. I’m not interested in debating something that involves baseless accusations on something that nobody knows anything about. 

“I honestly don’t give a fuck” - has spent the last 24 hours straight racing into every thread desperately trying to defend Adesanya lol.

There’s nothing irrational about it. His droopy right tit raises massive red flags. It’s not surprising you didn’t notice it given you’ve probably had so much of Izzy’s cum squirted in your eyes that you couldn’t see what was right in front of you.

Your last paragraph there is the absolute definition of denial. Embarrassing.

Nice insults, bro! Great arguments presented there. When I said I honestly don’t give a fuck, I mean I honestly don’t care if he’s taking steroids. If you had any reading comprehension skills at all, you would have easily understood that. If you can logically and scientifically explain beyond the shadow of a doubt that Israel 100 percent is taking steroids and that’s where the fatty tissue came from, I’m all ears. If not, you’re the same as the other posters in this thread. You have no idea what you’re talking about either, and you use insults because you think it covers up for your lack of evidence or knowledge. So unless you can explain all of this to me like the sage you are, move it along. 

Non N00B -
MasterofMartialArts -
Floppy Divac -
MasterofMartialArts -
Jones right nostril -
MasterofMartialArts -

Ohhhhhh... well since this guy said it, it must be true. 

Are you denying that Izzys sudden breast transformation isn’t suspicious as fuck? 

I’m not confirming or denying anything, I honestly just don’t give a fuck. I literally didn’t notice at all until I opened this app and there were about 31 threads on the topic. I don’t understand the obsessive yet contradictory nature of conversations regarding steroid use here on the UG. 

The vast majority of posters here say that nearly every fighter uses banned substances. Great. Yet, any time a single fighter even has the slightest abnormality literally anywhere on his or her body, there are dozens of threads on the topic. Everyone is said threads (like this one) claims with absolute certainty that aforementioned abnormality is from a PED. Nobody can explain scientifically, nor can they explain logically, how anyone without substantial medical knowledge would be able to achieve any level of certainty regarding Israel’s abnormal breast tissue. 

Literally every thread here about steroids is like that. Not a single person knows fuck all about it, but somehow they just know that it’s steroids. It’s like when my toddler son tells me that something is orange when I know it’s yellow and even though he can’t explain how it is orange, it is still just fucking orange. On top of that, there’s the belief that most have of the majority of fighters being users. Which is fine, but why start a thread any time you think somebody is using? It shouldn’t be surprising, because that’s the norm right? In that case we should only really see threads about guys we don’t believe are cheating. But that doesn’t fit the narrative... 

It’s just irrational nonsense. There is zero logic to it. I don’t care that there is abnormal tissue on Israel’s pectoral muscle, and I won’t care tomorrow. I don’t care about fighter A’s bacne, or fighter B’s HGH gut. I’m not interested in debating something that involves baseless accusations on something that nobody knows anything about. 

Maaaaan, shut the fuck up.

Lol. Another poster contributing nothing to the discussion while throwing baseless accusations, only to respond with an angry insult to a post that challenged his viewpoint. Move along. 

Please find us loads of professional athletes at 31, who are slim, with sudden gyno out of nowhere. Do you believe the WWE wellness policy is real too? Were you sad when the rock had to have gyno surgery?

do you believe he beat a skilled juicer in Costa without doing something himself? He just took his flintstone vitamins and kicked some ass in 2020 at the highest level?  

That gyno is JUST AS DAMNING of evidence as a positive test. It shows the testing is horseshit, and is only one of many examples of such.  

Aren’t you the guy that didn’t reply to me when I questioned why you would want me to believe somebody who is a known cheater, helps people cheat, and has been arrested for illicit activities? Don’t reply to me now, unless you’re going to address that, or the many other points I’ve made in this thread. 

Non N00B -

Greg doucette knows his steroid game very well

Very smart guy. 

MasterofMartialArts - 
Jones right nostril -
MasterofMartialArts - 
Jones right nostril -
MasterofMartialArts -

Ohhhhhh... well since this guy said it, it must be true. 

Are you denying that Izzys sudden breast transformation isn’t suspicious as fuck? 

I’m not confirming or denying anything, I honestly just don’t give a fuck. I literally didn’t notice at all until I opened this app and there were about 31 threads on the topic. I don’t understand the obsessive yet contradictory nature of conversations regarding steroid use here on the UG. 

The vast majority of posters here say that nearly every fighter uses banned substances. Great. Yet, any time a single fighter even has the slightest abnormality literally anywhere on his or her body, there are dozens of threads on the topic. Everyone is said threads (like this one) claims with absolute certainty that aforementioned abnormality is from a PED. Nobody can explain scientifically, nor can they explain logically, how anyone without substantial medical knowledge would be able to achieve any level of certainty regarding Israel’s abnormal breast tissue. 

Literally every thread here about steroids is like that. Not a single person knows fuck all about it, but somehow they just know that it’s steroids. It’s like when my toddler son tells me that something is orange when I know it’s yellow and even though he can’t explain how it is orange, it is still just fucking orange. On top of that, there’s the belief that most have of the majority of fighters being users. Which is fine, but why start a thread any time you think somebody is using? It shouldn’t be surprising, because that’s the norm right? In that case we should only really see threads about guys we don’t believe are cheating. But that doesn’t fit the narrative... 

It’s just irrational nonsense. There is zero logic to it. I don’t care that there is abnormal tissue on Israel’s pectoral muscle, and I won’t care tomorrow. I don’t care about fighter A’s bacne, or fighter B’s HGH gut. I’m not interested in debating something that involves baseless accusations on something that nobody knows anything about. 

“I honestly don’t give a fuck” - has spent the last 24 hours straight racing into every thread desperately trying to defend Adesanya lol.

There’s nothing irrational about it. His droopy right tit raises massive red flags. It’s not surprising you didn’t notice it given you’ve probably had so much of Izzy’s cum squirted in your eyes that you couldn’t see what was right in front of you.

Your last paragraph there is the absolute definition of denial. Embarrassing.

Nice insults, bro! Great arguments presented there. When I said I honestly don’t give a fuck, I mean I honestly don’t care if he’s taking steroids. If you had any reading comprehension skills at all, you would have easily understood that. If you can logically and scientifically explain beyond the shadow of a doubt that Israel 100 percent is taking steroids and that’s where the fatty tissue came from, I’m all ears. If not, you’re the same as the other posters in this thread. You have no idea what you’re talking about either, and you use insults because you think it covers up for your lack of evidence or knowledge. So unless you can explain all of this to me like the sage you are, move it along. 

The evidence and knowledge comes from the sudden appearance of gynecomastia from a 31 year old fighter. Common sense tells you there is high likelihood it came about from the use of PEDs. This wasn’t pointed out by one or two haters from this forum. It was noticed and commented on by tons of people who are very knowledged in this matter including other fighters, steroid experts and doctors.

You have to be an absolute moron not to understand these conversations.

Non N00B -

Greg doucette knows his steroid game very well

He is also known for talking straight up bullshit to garner popularity. 


that said even me as an Israel nuthugger can admit- if he didn’t have that gyno last fight, but he has it now that is very fucking suspect

Dead President - 

I hope he pops. Makes for good drama 

If Israel pops before Paulo, oh my the drama!

HoldingTuasBalls -

Greg is actually legit and is a no bs type of guy. 

Fucking serious? Some of the bro science he spouts about diet etc is total horse shit. 


still not denying the suspect gyno

Sir Psycho Sexy -

At the 12 minute mark of the press conference, a reporters asks Izzy about his gyno.

Uncharacteristically weak questions from the Schmo

Samoa -
Non N00B -

Greg doucette knows his steroid game very well

Very smart guy. 

Average at best

Colby Covid19ington -
shaqitup - 
Colby Covid19ington -
KhabibWinsTheRematch - 

Of course he's taking something. Just like every single other fighter on the roster. Who cares anymore.

Do you think Khabib is on PEDs?

I wouldn’t be surprised but who knows 

Of the current champions, I would be most surprised if Khabib was using. I don’t know how high a bar that necessarily is, though. I would be pretty surprised if Wonderboy was using.

Khabib is one of my favs ever. But look at where he grew up and look at how strong he is. For sure he will have tried it. You would have to be crazy not to try and do something to hold your body together through all that training

CloakedStar -
MasterofMartialArts -
Stea1th -

It's definitly glandular tissue that he has, and looks just GYNO to the point where it IS gyno.... 

So, the question we have is why? 


Read the thread, because it seems everyone else here evidently knows exactly with 100 percent certainty… 

No one knows anything for a fact. It seems people are suspicious that the same fighter calling himself “the cleanest in the sport” and accusing his opponent of being the “biggest cheat in the sport” who in his early 30s and athletic prime has a massive growth of gyno on his right titty which is largely associated with a hormone imbalance from either puberty or the use of testosterone. You need to understand why this topic is being discussed on a forum related to MMA. Is Izzy on steroids? Who knows, but with what we saw this weekend it’s going to be discussed, and rightfully so.

No, he’s a TMA faggot. I’m sorry, if you’re grown man involved in traditional martial arts in 2020 you’re either a pussy or a charlatan con-man nickel and diming parents on foam numchucks and dipped foam sparring gear. 

Youre a cosplaying fag. 

MasterofMartialArts -
CloakedStar -
MasterofMartialArts -
Stea1th -

It's definitly glandular tissue that he has, and looks just GYNO to the point where it IS gyno.... 

So, the question we have is why? 


Read the thread, because it seems everyone else here evidently knows exactly with 100 percent certainty… 

No one knows anything for a fact. It seems people are suspicious that the same fighter calling himself “the cleanest in the sport” and accusing his opponent of being the “biggest cheat in the sport” who in his early 30s and athletic prime has a massive growth of gyno on his right titty which is largely associated with a hormone imbalance from either puberty or the use of testosterone. You need to understand why this topic is being discussed on a forum related to MMA. Is Izzy on steroids? Who knows, but with what we saw this weekend it’s going to be discussed, and rightfully so.

I agree with you, and i don’t have a problem with having discussions because that’s obviously why a forum exists, and one of my personal favorite things to do. What I have an issue with is the declaration of somebody, anybody being on steroids based on a single physical abnormality with all other things kept constant. 

I probably would never have replied, had posters been saying “it could be steroids but we don’t know for sure”, but people aren’t saying that. Every post states it as absolute and empirical, without even exploring other possibilities. I have always defended fighters who are accused of PED use despite never testing positive for anything (GSP is one of them). If Nancy shows up to work with a bruise on her arm or face, are we to assume her husband beats her? Or should we maybe concede that there are other possibilities? You get what I’m saying, I don’t need to be a broken record. 

Ive questioned myself if you might be trolling but I’m going to assume you aren’t. 

I see where you’re coming from. 

You actually make a fair point.

Just to try and get things in perspective though.  What chances do you think it is from anything but steroids % wise?