Greg Doucette says izzy for sure taking test

Non N00B -
Sackick -

I wonder if he pops 

If nothing else it tells you that using USADA test results as wether or not fighters are clean or otherwise is incredibly stupid. 

Test Cip is what he used. In & out in 2 days. Unfortunately for Izzy he can't use his antiestrestrogen as this is what pops for USADA. 

CloakedStar -
MasterofMartialArts -
Stea1th -

It's definitly glandular tissue that he has, and looks just GYNO to the point where it IS gyno.... 

So, the question we have is why? 


Read the thread, because it seems everyone else here evidently knows exactly with 100 percent certainty… 

No one knows anything for a fact. It seems people are suspicious that the same fighter calling himself “the cleanest in the sport” and accusing his opponent of being the “biggest cheat in the sport” who in his early 30s and athletic prime has a massive growth of gyno on his right titty which is largely associated with a hormone imbalance from either puberty or the use of testosterone. You need to understand why this topic is being discussed on a forum related to MMA. Is Izzy on steroids? Who knows, but with what we saw this weekend it’s going to be discussed, and rightfully so.

This. It’s the same behavior you see in preachers that rail against homosexuals and then get caught fucking a tranny hooker the following week, or toe tapping in a Minneapolis bathroom stall. Just how some people reduce the cognitive dissonance they are dealing with as a result of doing something they know/feel is wrong yet cannot justify why they do it.

ons ear -
KhabibWinsTheRematch - 

Of course he's taking something. Just like every single other fighter on the roster. Who cares anymore.

I just can’t believe that all fighters are juicing and then beating the tests. Are a few guys juicing and beating the tests? Yes but not all. Those random throughout the year tests are not easy to beat. These guys don’t have teams with elaborate blood doping systems in place to beat the tests

i think u both have valid points.I do think many are and it ruins the sport how many get caught and how many get away with it,I dont have the answer except stricter tests .

bungee up -
MasterofMartialArts -
CloakedStar -
MasterofMartialArts -
Stea1th -

It's definitly glandular tissue that he has, and looks just GYNO to the point where it IS gyno.... 

So, the question we have is why? 


Read the thread, because it seems everyone else here evidently knows exactly with 100 percent certainty… 

No one knows anything for a fact. It seems people are suspicious that the same fighter calling himself “the cleanest in the sport” and accusing his opponent of being the “biggest cheat in the sport” who in his early 30s and athletic prime has a massive growth of gyno on his right titty which is largely associated with a hormone imbalance from either puberty or the use of testosterone. You need to understand why this topic is being discussed on a forum related to MMA. Is Izzy on steroids? Who knows, but with what we saw this weekend it’s going to be discussed, and rightfully so.

I agree with you, and i don’t have a problem with having discussions because that’s obviously why a forum exists, and one of my personal favorite things to do. What I have an issue with is the declaration of somebody, anybody being on steroids based on a single physical abnormality with all other things kept constant. 

I probably would never have replied, had posters been saying “it could be steroids but we don’t know for sure”, but people aren’t saying that. Every post states it as absolute and empirical, without even exploring other possibilities. I have always defended fighters who are accused of PED use despite never testing positive for anything (GSP is one of them). If Nancy shows up to work with a bruise on her arm or face, are we to assume her husband beats her? Or should we maybe concede that there are other possibilities? You get what I’m saying, I don’t need to be a broken record. 

Ive questioned myself if you might be trolling but I’m going to assume you aren’t. 

I see where you’re coming from. 

You actually make a fair point.

Just to try and get things in perspective though.  What chances do you think it is from anything but steroids % wise?

I’ll go first .  1-10000. 

If that ,  that’s conservatively. 

 That’s why people here seem so adamant.

Test suspension is how they all cheat

Canooke -
Non N00B -
Sackick -

I wonder if he pops 

If nothing else it tells you that using USADA test results as wether or not fighters are clean or otherwise is incredibly stupid. 

People get gyno when they’re not using PEDs as well.

When you're going through puberty.

MasterofMartialArts -
Non N00B -
MasterofMartialArts -
Floppy Divac -
MasterofMartialArts -
Jones right nostril -
MasterofMartialArts -

Ohhhhhh... well since this guy said it, it must be true. 

Are you denying that Izzys sudden breast transformation isn’t suspicious as fuck? 

I’m not confirming or denying anything, I honestly just don’t give a fuck. I literally didn’t notice at all until I opened this app and there were about 31 threads on the topic. I don’t understand the obsessive yet contradictory nature of conversations regarding steroid use here on the UG. 

The vast majority of posters here say that nearly every fighter uses banned substances. Great. Yet, any time a single fighter even has the slightest abnormality literally anywhere on his or her body, there are dozens of threads on the topic. Everyone is said threads (like this one) claims with absolute certainty that aforementioned abnormality is from a PED. Nobody can explain scientifically, nor can they explain logically, how anyone without substantial medical knowledge would be able to achieve any level of certainty regarding Israel’s abnormal breast tissue. 

Literally every thread here about steroids is like that. Not a single person knows fuck all about it, but somehow they just know that it’s steroids. It’s like when my toddler son tells me that something is orange when I know it’s yellow and even though he can’t explain how it is orange, it is still just fucking orange. On top of that, there’s the belief that most have of the majority of fighters being users. Which is fine, but why start a thread any time you think somebody is using? It shouldn’t be surprising, because that’s the norm right? In that case we should only really see threads about guys we don’t believe are cheating. But that doesn’t fit the narrative... 

It’s just irrational nonsense. There is zero logic to it. I don’t care that there is abnormal tissue on Israel’s pectoral muscle, and I won’t care tomorrow. I don’t care about fighter A’s bacne, or fighter B’s HGH gut. I’m not interested in debating something that involves baseless accusations on something that nobody knows anything about. 

Maaaaan, shut the fuck up.

Lol. Another poster contributing nothing to the discussion while throwing baseless accusations, only to respond with an angry insult to a post that challenged his viewpoint. Move along. 

Please find us loads of professional athletes at 31, who are slim, with sudden gyno out of nowhere. Do you believe the WWE wellness policy is real too? Were you sad when the rock had to have gyno surgery?

do you believe he beat a skilled juicer in Costa without doing something himself? He just took his flintstone vitamins and kicked some ass in 2020 at the highest level?  

That gyno is JUST AS DAMNING of evidence as a positive test. It shows the testing is horseshit, and is only one of many examples of such.  

Aren’t you the guy that didn’t reply to me when I questioned why you would want me to believe somebody who is a known cheater, helps people cheat, and has been arrested for illicit activities? Don’t reply to me now, unless you’re going to address that, or the many other points I’ve made in this thread. 

Lol at thinking you’re worthy of any serious reply. Keep thinking nobody takes steroids, and kissing your hulk hogan posters brother 

HillboFrateTrane -
CloakedStar -
MasterofMartialArts -
Stea1th -

It's definitly glandular tissue that he has, and looks just GYNO to the point where it IS gyno.... 

So, the question we have is why? 


Read the thread, because it seems everyone else here evidently knows exactly with 100 percent certainty… 

No one knows anything for a fact. It seems people are suspicious that the same fighter calling himself “the cleanest in the sport” and accusing his opponent of being the “biggest cheat in the sport” who in his early 30s and athletic prime has a massive growth of gyno on his right titty which is largely associated with a hormone imbalance from either puberty or the use of testosterone. You need to understand why this topic is being discussed on a forum related to MMA. Is Izzy on steroids? Who knows, but with what we saw this weekend it’s going to be discussed, and rightfully so.

No, he’s a TMA faggot. I’m sorry, if you’re grown man involved in traditional martial arts in 2020 you’re either a pussy or a charlatan con-man nickel and diming parents on foam numchucks and dipped foam sparring gear. 

Youre a cosplaying fag. 

Who’s a TMA faggot? 

bungee up -
MasterofMartialArts -
CloakedStar -
MasterofMartialArts -
Stea1th -

It's definitly glandular tissue that he has, and looks just GYNO to the point where it IS gyno.... 

So, the question we have is why? 


Read the thread, because it seems everyone else here evidently knows exactly with 100 percent certainty… 

No one knows anything for a fact. It seems people are suspicious that the same fighter calling himself “the cleanest in the sport” and accusing his opponent of being the “biggest cheat in the sport” who in his early 30s and athletic prime has a massive growth of gyno on his right titty which is largely associated with a hormone imbalance from either puberty or the use of testosterone. You need to understand why this topic is being discussed on a forum related to MMA. Is Izzy on steroids? Who knows, but with what we saw this weekend it’s going to be discussed, and rightfully so.

I agree with you, and i don’t have a problem with having discussions because that’s obviously why a forum exists, and one of my personal favorite things to do. What I have an issue with is the declaration of somebody, anybody being on steroids based on a single physical abnormality with all other things kept constant. 

I probably would never have replied, had posters been saying “it could be steroids but we don’t know for sure”, but people aren’t saying that. Every post states it as absolute and empirical, without even exploring other possibilities. I have always defended fighters who are accused of PED use despite never testing positive for anything (GSP is one of them). If Nancy shows up to work with a bruise on her arm or face, are we to assume her husband beats her? Or should we maybe concede that there are other possibilities? You get what I’m saying, I don’t need to be a broken record. 

Ive questioned myself if you might be trolling but I’m going to assume you aren’t. 

I see where you’re coming from. 

You actually make a fair point.

Just to try and get things in perspective though.  What chances do you think it is from anything but steroids % wise?

I’m not trolling at all, it’s just that I’m a ship of reason in a sea of fucking lunacy. To be honest, it’d be disingenuous for me to answer that question because I really don’t know. I watched one video with a legitimate doctor discussing it. He stated there are many possibilities. I don’t know anything about steroids, gynecemastia, and I don’t have any experience dealing with extra tissue in my body like that. 

So I really don’t know. I won’t throw numbers around because they would be coming out of my ass. That’s the difference with me though. I won’t pretend to know something that I really don’t, and I will expect and understand that in most cases there will be many possibilities. The people in this thread really don’t know, they are talking out of their ass, and they are pretending to know. That’s the only explanation for why nobody has gone into detail about their accusations. Usually when people know what they are talking about and they are asked for an explanation, they give one. Generally it’s not a problem for knowledgeable people to give knowledge. I don’t pretend to know and I don’t have the arrogance to proclaim something as empirical without evidence, because I’m just a spec of dust. 

That was really embarassing.. Has there ever been an athlete with such obvious un fixed gyno before? 

Crazy to see how in denial people are about it. It's one of the most common signs of steroid usage and people are still trying to deny it.

The golden snitch doesn't even need to test him! You don't just develop a swollen saggy nipple out of nowhere naturally when you are an in-shape athlete, or else it would be a common thing.

Pretty crazy people actually need to be explained that.

1 Like
Non N00B -
MasterofMartialArts -
Non N00B -
MasterofMartialArts -
Floppy Divac -
MasterofMartialArts -
Jones right nostril -
MasterofMartialArts -

Ohhhhhh... well since this guy said it, it must be true. 

Are you denying that Izzys sudden breast transformation isn’t suspicious as fuck? 

I’m not confirming or denying anything, I honestly just don’t give a fuck. I literally didn’t notice at all until I opened this app and there were about 31 threads on the topic. I don’t understand the obsessive yet contradictory nature of conversations regarding steroid use here on the UG. 

The vast majority of posters here say that nearly every fighter uses banned substances. Great. Yet, any time a single fighter even has the slightest abnormality literally anywhere on his or her body, there are dozens of threads on the topic. Everyone is said threads (like this one) claims with absolute certainty that aforementioned abnormality is from a PED. Nobody can explain scientifically, nor can they explain logically, how anyone without substantial medical knowledge would be able to achieve any level of certainty regarding Israel’s abnormal breast tissue. 

Literally every thread here about steroids is like that. Not a single person knows fuck all about it, but somehow they just know that it’s steroids. It’s like when my toddler son tells me that something is orange when I know it’s yellow and even though he can’t explain how it is orange, it is still just fucking orange. On top of that, there’s the belief that most have of the majority of fighters being users. Which is fine, but why start a thread any time you think somebody is using? It shouldn’t be surprising, because that’s the norm right? In that case we should only really see threads about guys we don’t believe are cheating. But that doesn’t fit the narrative... 

It’s just irrational nonsense. There is zero logic to it. I don’t care that there is abnormal tissue on Israel’s pectoral muscle, and I won’t care tomorrow. I don’t care about fighter A’s bacne, or fighter B’s HGH gut. I’m not interested in debating something that involves baseless accusations on something that nobody knows anything about. 

Maaaaan, shut the fuck up.

Lol. Another poster contributing nothing to the discussion while throwing baseless accusations, only to respond with an angry insult to a post that challenged his viewpoint. Move along. 

Please find us loads of professional athletes at 31, who are slim, with sudden gyno out of nowhere. Do you believe the WWE wellness policy is real too? Were you sad when the rock had to have gyno surgery?

do you believe he beat a skilled juicer in Costa without doing something himself? He just took his flintstone vitamins and kicked some ass in 2020 at the highest level?  

That gyno is JUST AS DAMNING of evidence as a positive test. It shows the testing is horseshit, and is only one of many examples of such.  

Aren’t you the guy that didn’t reply to me when I questioned why you would want me to believe somebody who is a known cheater, helps people cheat, and has been arrested for illicit activities? Don’t reply to me now, unless you’re going to address that, or the many other points I’ve made in this thread. 

Lol at thinking you’re worthy of any serious reply. Keep thinking nobody takes steroids, and kissing your hulk hogan posters brother 

If I’m not worthy of a serious reply, then why are responding to me? That’s an obvious lie because you never addressed my original question. If you don’t wanna answer it then that’s fine, but don’t pretend like you outdid me in some sort of debate. In terms of logic and reason, you have zero argument. It’s like a house built on sand. Saying things like “keep thinking nobody does steroids” doesn’t help your case… and is intellectually weak. 

Gandhi -

That was really embarassing.. Has there ever been an athlete with such obvious un fixed gyno before? 

Crazy to see how in denial people are about it. It's one of the most common signs of steroid usage and people are still trying to deny it.

The golden snitch doesn't even need to test him! You don't just develop a swollen saggy nipple out of nowhere naturally when you are an in-shape athlete, or else it would be a common thing.

Pretty crazy people actually need to be explained that.

How do you know it’s steroids, though? 

omnigath - 
Non N00B -
Sackick -

I wonder if he pops 

If nothing else it tells you that using USADA test results as wether or not fighters are clean or otherwise is incredibly stupid. 

Test Cip is what he used. In & out in 2 days. Unfortunately for Izzy he can't use his antiestrestrogen as this is what pops for USADA. 

Not sure why

But I believe this guy

MasterofMartialArts -
Gandhi -

That was really embarassing.. Has there ever been an athlete with such obvious un fixed gyno before? 

Crazy to see how in denial people are about it. It's one of the most common signs of steroid usage and people are still trying to deny it.

The golden snitch doesn't even need to test him! You don't just develop a swollen saggy nipple out of nowhere naturally when you are an in-shape athlete, or else it would be a common thing.

Pretty crazy people actually need to be explained that.

How do you know it’s steroids, though? 

Dude cause he has a swollen saggy nipple!!!!

Do you know what a side effect of steroid usage is?

A swollen saggy nipple!!!

Do you see other athletes with that? No cause it's not normal.

Lets just say that Izzy isn't a fighter so there is no bias okay? 

Lets say we take him to 100 doctors and ask them why has this in-shape healthy person SUDDENLY developed one swollen saggy nipple?

The first thing they are all going to say is has he been taking steroids?

Your question is like seeing a muscular lady that has suddenly grown a beard and developed a deep voice and saying how do you know that it's cause she has taken steroids.

Gandhi -
MasterofMartialArts -
Gandhi -

That was really embarassing.. Has there ever been an athlete with such obvious un fixed gyno before? 

Crazy to see how in denial people are about it. It's one of the most common signs of steroid usage and people are still trying to deny it.

The golden snitch doesn't even need to test him! You don't just develop a swollen saggy nipple out of nowhere naturally when you are an in-shape athlete, or else it would be a common thing.

Pretty crazy people actually need to be explained that.

How do you know it’s steroids, though? 

Dude cause he has a swollen saggy nipple!!!!

Do you know what a side effect of steroid usage is?

A swollen saggy nipple!!!

Do you see other athletes with that? No cause it's not normal.

Lets just say that Izzy isn't a fighter so there is no bias okay? 

Lets say we take him to 100 doctors and ask them why has this in-shape healthy person SUDDENLY developed one swollen saggy nipple?

The first thing they are all going to say is has he been taking steroids?

Your question is like seeing a muscular lady that has suddenly grown a beard and developed a deep voice and saying how do you know that it's cause she has taken steroids.

You said a lot but you seem to have missed my question. Which was: 

How do you KNOW it’s steroids? 

Key word being “know”. Not assume, or deduce, but “know”. 

At every job I’ve had, making a single assumption can get you into some serious trouble. I don’t just go around sharing information that may or may not be true because I heard it from people on the internet, or because a fighter had saggy breast tissue. 

The posts in this thread just highlights the arrogance of the posters in question.

BTW, you DO know that there are real medical diagnoses for what you described right? PCOS causes women to produce excess testosterone which leads to them growing more hair (yes mustaches and some beards), prolonged bouts of acne in different places, and other male characteristics. PCOS commonly causes another condition called Hyperandrogenism, which can cause the female voice to deepen. 


MasterofMartialArts - 
Gandhi -
MasterofMartialArts -
Gandhi -

That was really embarassing.. Has there ever been an athlete with such obvious un fixed gyno before? 

Crazy to see how in denial people are about it. It's one of the most common signs of steroid usage and people are still trying to deny it.

The golden snitch doesn't even need to test him! You don't just develop a swollen saggy nipple out of nowhere naturally when you are an in-shape athlete, or else it would be a common thing.

Pretty crazy people actually need to be explained that.

How do you know it’s steroids, though? 

Dude cause he has a swollen saggy nipple!!!!

Do you know what a side effect of steroid usage is?

A swollen saggy nipple!!!

Do you see other athletes with that? No cause it's not normal.

Lets just say that Izzy isn't a fighter so there is no bias okay? 

Lets say we take him to 100 doctors and ask them why has this in-shape healthy person SUDDENLY developed one swollen saggy nipple?

The first thing they are all going to say is has he been taking steroids?

Your question is like seeing a muscular lady that has suddenly grown a beard and developed a deep voice and saying how do you know that it's cause she has taken steroids.

You said a lot but you seem to have missed my question. Which was: 

How do you KNOW it’s steroids? 

Key word being “know”. Not assume, or deduce, but “know”. 

At every job I’ve had, making a single assumption can get you into some serious trouble. I don’t just go around sharing information that may or may not be true because I heard it from people on the internet, or because a fighter had saggy breast tissue. 

The posts in this thread just highlights the arrogance of the posters in question.

BTW, you DO know that there are real medical diagnoses for what you described right? PCOS causes women to produce excess testosterone which leads to them growing more hair (yes mustaches and some beards), prolonged bouts of acne in different places, and other male characteristics. PCOS commonly causes another condition called Hyperandrogenism, which can cause the female voice to deepen. 


For some people, this is like if you were arguing people can’t really be sure OJ Simpson killed Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman. You think you are being wise. Others think you are an idiot.

1 Like
Colby Covid19ington -
MasterofMartialArts - 
Gandhi -
MasterofMartialArts -
Gandhi -

That was really embarassing.. Has there ever been an athlete with such obvious un fixed gyno before? 

Crazy to see how in denial people are about it. It's one of the most common signs of steroid usage and people are still trying to deny it.

The golden snitch doesn't even need to test him! You don't just develop a swollen saggy nipple out of nowhere naturally when you are an in-shape athlete, or else it would be a common thing.

Pretty crazy people actually need to be explained that.

How do you know it’s steroids, though? 

Dude cause he has a swollen saggy nipple!!!!

Do you know what a side effect of steroid usage is?

A swollen saggy nipple!!!

Do you see other athletes with that? No cause it's not normal.

Lets just say that Izzy isn't a fighter so there is no bias okay? 

Lets say we take him to 100 doctors and ask them why has this in-shape healthy person SUDDENLY developed one swollen saggy nipple?

The first thing they are all going to say is has he been taking steroids?

Your question is like seeing a muscular lady that has suddenly grown a beard and developed a deep voice and saying how do you know that it's cause she has taken steroids.

You said a lot but you seem to have missed my question. Which was: 

How do you KNOW it’s steroids? 

Key word being “know”. Not assume, or deduce, but “know”. 

At every job I’ve had, making a single assumption can get you into some serious trouble. I don’t just go around sharing information that may or may not be true because I heard it from people on the internet, or because a fighter had saggy breast tissue. 

The posts in this thread just highlights the arrogance of the posters in question.

BTW, you DO know that there are real medical diagnoses for what you described right? PCOS causes women to produce excess testosterone which leads to them growing more hair (yes mustaches and some beards), prolonged bouts of acne in different places, and other male characteristics. PCOS commonly causes another condition called Hyperandrogenism, which can cause the female voice to deepen. 


For some people, this is like if you were arguing people can’t really be sure OJ Simpson killed Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman. You think you are being wise. Others think you are an idiot.

I couldn’t care less if people think I’m wise or stupid. Comparing this to the OJ case is completely illogical since there were literally dozens of pieces of blood/DNA/hair evidence that showed he was involved. 

In this situation, all we have is Israel and saggy breast tissue. That’s it. We know nothing about him or his physiology. 

Again, if Nancy shows up to work with a bruise, do we assume her husband beats her? Might as well start the rumor now. 

MasterofMartialArts - 
Colby Covid19ington -
MasterofMartialArts - 
Gandhi -
MasterofMartialArts -
Gandhi -

That was really embarassing.. Has there ever been an athlete with such obvious un fixed gyno before? 

Crazy to see how in denial people are about it. It's one of the most common signs of steroid usage and people are still trying to deny it.

The golden snitch doesn't even need to test him! You don't just develop a swollen saggy nipple out of nowhere naturally when you are an in-shape athlete, or else it would be a common thing.

Pretty crazy people actually need to be explained that.

How do you know it’s steroids, though? 

Dude cause he has a swollen saggy nipple!!!!

Do you know what a side effect of steroid usage is?

A swollen saggy nipple!!!

Do you see other athletes with that? No cause it's not normal.

Lets just say that Izzy isn't a fighter so there is no bias okay? 

Lets say we take him to 100 doctors and ask them why has this in-shape healthy person SUDDENLY developed one swollen saggy nipple?

The first thing they are all going to say is has he been taking steroids?

Your question is like seeing a muscular lady that has suddenly grown a beard and developed a deep voice and saying how do you know that it's cause she has taken steroids.

You said a lot but you seem to have missed my question. Which was: 

How do you KNOW it’s steroids? 

Key word being “know”. Not assume, or deduce, but “know”. 

At every job I’ve had, making a single assumption can get you into some serious trouble. I don’t just go around sharing information that may or may not be true because I heard it from people on the internet, or because a fighter had saggy breast tissue. 

The posts in this thread just highlights the arrogance of the posters in question.

BTW, you DO know that there are real medical diagnoses for what you described right? PCOS causes women to produce excess testosterone which leads to them growing more hair (yes mustaches and some beards), prolonged bouts of acne in different places, and other male characteristics. PCOS commonly causes another condition called Hyperandrogenism, which can cause the female voice to deepen. 


For some people, this is like if you were arguing people can’t really be sure OJ Simpson killed Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman. You think you are being wise. Others think you are an idiot.

I couldn’t care less if people think I’m wise or stupid. Comparing this to the OJ case is completely illogical since there were literally dozens of pieces of blood/DNA/hair evidence that showed he was involved. 

In this situation, all we have is Israel and saggy breast tissue. That’s it. We know nothing about him or his physiology. 

Again, if Nancy shows up to work with a bruise, do we assume her husband beats her? Might as well start the rumor now. 

Evidence could be planted. You don’t know. You don’t KNOW.

The thing is, all the threads and all the twitter posts and all the videos… informed people are making basic connections from basic evidence. Does anyone know for absolute 100% fact? No. But they believe most likely. And that’s good enough for people to have discussions about. And you are freaking out about that. Post after post after post, asking for absolute proof. That’s not wisdom, that’s lunacy.

And in some jobs, if you aren’t able to make simple deductions, you are useless.


Fuckin dudes annoying.

Masterofmartialarts must be the dumbest fuck ever. 

1 Like