Has Sensei Seagull claimed Chandler's kick as his doing yet?

I don’t know if you have read my posts. I don’t think Sensei could teach silva anything about technic ore that he showed him the kick. And silva was I yea, I didn’t know that kick

Im glad you smartened up!

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Butt, I think that Sensei wierdo got him to think about the kick and store it in his arsenal.
Tell me the fight before Sensei that silva and machida used the front kick. I would be happy if someone can

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100% legit question imo

2004 Lyoto Machida vs Rich Franklin

Lyoto Barrages Rich with punches and a Front Kick in the middle of the Flurry that finishes Rich off


Butt not really tho

What would you call the kick Lyoto hit Rich with there?

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ah shit this is a clever troll fml


Id call it a front kick but Rich ducked into the shin.

Hi connects with the shin , and it’s alls little more of a side movement. Butt someone will find the Sensei front kick . I am convinced

You guys are moving the goal post.

You just said show me a Front Kick before Seagal was there and Lyoto threw it there in 2004. Who gives a shit about Rich Ducking it still was a Front Kick to the Face.

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Ok :fist_left:
and now we will get even more examples from Anderson and Machida

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Before Sensei = no front kicks to face, ever

After Sensei = front kicks to face, every fight


After Sensa =The front kick is practiced every day. Executed at least 3000 times.

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It’d be like if a great wrestler who never ankle picked went and trained with an ankle pick expert and then used it a lot. Obviously thats where it became a part of his game!

BTW Thats Steven Seagull ^