How come no high level Indian MMA fighters?

Brok Weaver fought in the UFC recently, not the highest level but he made it to the big show.  

They are far to busy finishing medical school and becoming doctors, engineers or lawyers to be bothered with petty egoist nonesense that is combat sports. Theyre leaving that to the lower end of the gene pool. 

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Song2 -

They are too busy gang raping and murdering the local children to find time to train.

As i said, leaving that to the shallow, less cultured end of the gene pool

HotSteppa - Lots of misunderstanding in this thread. Indians wil eventually produce some top MMA fighters due to sheers numbers but in general MMA is not popular with the majority of Indians. The problem is that you have a perspective that MMa is this big thing. In the realm of global sports it is small fish. It is an entertainment vehicle and many countries on the whole are not flocking to it.

In india, in many parts, things like wrestling, are for uneducated villagers and lower caste people, at least historically. Punjab Sikh do wrestling but the vast majority of Indian males do not outside of a few school classes.

Most people are also too poor to have their children go do these things and get injured.

Thank you, come again!

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Bignightmare2 - 

I used to have a consultant that worked for me

on a project that was Punjabi and was 6’8” and a  ducking huge dude that ran 3-4 miles a day. If that man wanted to fight he would’ve been fucking crazy tough.

Yes, because being tall and running a lot = fighting ability (sarcasm).

Dangerousdoug -
Bignightmare2 - 

I used to have a consultant that worked for me

on a project that was Punjabi and was 6’8” and a  ducking huge dude that ran 3-4 miles a day. If that man wanted to fight he would’ve been fucking crazy tough.

Yes, because being tall and running a lot = fighting ability (sarcasm).

No being 320 pounds, able to crush an apple barehanded, and in the kind of shape to be able to run 3.5-4 miles a day makes you pretty damn tough especially if he decided to be a fighter because as an engineer this dude dedicated his whole life to us. Had he wanted to be a fighter he could’ve been. Had he dedicated himself like he did to work.....fucking animal. 

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I think they’re a very philosophical race of people & are still trying to answer the age old question before they start even considering MMA. That age old question being .... “How can she slap?” Once they answer that question the rest of the world are fucked.

What was the guy’s name that fought Fedor about 10 years ago? Was it Jadeep Singh?

From having an ex who’s family were indian, who I turned into MMA fans. This is my opinion. In India (not Indian dispora)


- athletics in some areas, particularly combat sports are not supported like other arts. Wrestling is huge in some areas. But culturally, striking someone is very taboo. 

- funds, there are areas without water, let alone MMA gyms. 

-separation of communities and extreme separation of religious communities 

-Nationalism. Indian nationalism is different than Western, they shun Western influence (and most non-Indian Asian). West is accepting of new ideas, particularly if they add it too the melting pot. 

-it’s just not popular. Look at all the money Super Fight League blew. 

++++genetically India for a country that has first world and 3rd world attributes somehow makes tremendous athletes. Not the best but, for people with their backs against the wall. They’re pretty resilient.

It’s just an issue of a major company with funds and legit interest in the sport growing like UFC to make the masses find love for MMA.  

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Facilities, interest and notoriety 

There was a great wrestler from India a long time ago known as The Great Gama.

Wasn’t the first ever known martial art originated in India? Can’t remember the name but I do remember Kirk had a thread or post about it years ago. 

Anyone know what it was or if that’s true?

Fedoral Crime -

Wasn’t the first ever known martial art originated in India? Can’t remember the name but I do remember Kirk had a thread or post about it years ago. 

Anyone know what it was or if that’s true?

Called cobra slapping. Very deadly. 

Nice that some people chimed in who actually have knowledge of/experience in India.

They're too busy becoming engineers and doctors. 

Also, the Great Gama was a Kashmiri Brahmin. Dude could probably have easily passed for Italian or Greek. There is a lot of diversity in India, from white looking people in Kashmir (some with blue or green eyes), to East Asian looking people in the Northeast, to Dravidians in the south, plus even random scattered villages of former African slaves.

Indian fighter gets brutal KO victory for BRAVE today:

They might not have a lot of world c l a s s trainers there, and facilities to help make great fighters there. Can’t spell out c l a s s. WTF

Fedoral Crime -

Wasn’t the first ever known martial art originated in India? Can’t remember the name but I do remember Kirk had a thread or post about it years ago. 

Anyone know what it was or if that’s true?

Bodhidharma is thought to have taken philosophies to the buddhist temples in China that would later become the Shaolin temples.

Not 100% sure of the story as it’s been a while so I could be wrong.

This is what I have been saying about the woman's 135 & 145 divs. The UFC needs to go to other places  - India,  Russia, Poland + other corners of the world to get the next big thing. They are there but need to do more. The UFC have enough TUF, DWCS, up & commers. Need to get back to top killers.