How much $$$ to train at Gracie Barra?

HuntingtonPUNK -

Carlos really watered the standards down promoting someone like that

promoted the same day as Babalu, what a way to ruin that day

hate all you want I tell the truth

how dare I say that about Carlos, it is what it is

GB is a money making machine

I don't know about this particular case, but I've heard similar stories. Kinda sad if they are true.

HuntingtonPUNK - GB was the place I'd recommend until Carlos promoted Alex to black belt, that guy fkn sucks and promoted himself to Purple Belt so he's really still a Blue Belt. Guy is HORRID

Alex came to from Alan Goes to Clebers years ago and shows wearing a Purple Belt, said Alan promoted him. Alan laughed and said he never did and to this day denies it, it was obvious anyway

Carlos really watered the standards down promoting someone like that

promoted the same day as Babalu, what a way to ruin that day

hate all you want I tell the truth

how dare I say that about Carlos, it is what it is

GB is a money making machine

what "alex" are you talking about?

look up the gracie barra website and see how many blackbelts they have,see how many schools they have,and ask yourself if this is a business model that promotes tons of black belts for the sake of opening more schools.Law of averages says alot of them will be good if they have so many people training there

^^^^^There black belts win tournaments, what a waste huh?

Altair - ^^^^^There black belts win tournaments, what a waste huh?

For the last fucking time, its "THEIR." "There" refers to a place.

Go over there.

"Their" denotes possession. Their son won.

lol at you being so gung ho on pajama tournaments

300 schools i would hope so

edit not necessary

agh fuck it

would you like fries with that black belt?

GB's tournament results speak for themselves. If you arent into the Gi thats fine but to deny their skill is stupid. Lots of biased nogi ppl in here. I train gi but i still roll nogi sometimes and enjoy it so i guess i just dont understand all the hate. Its all BJJ, where is the love?

225 a month in KC for 3 days a week...

Oh wait, that's the BJ strip club, not BJJ...

Dougie - 

My instructor demands blood sacrifice of a virgin on a monthly basis. It ain't easy to find virgins anymore.

Yeah, that's my fault... I've been on a run that last few years.


Hell, if you want quality, you need to pay for it, plain and simple. If you really wanted it, you'd find a way to pay for it.

From: HuntingtonPUNK

GB was the place I'd recommend until Carlos promoted Alex to black belt, that guy fkn sucks and promoted himself to Purple Belt so he's really still a Blue Belt. Guy is HORRID

Alex came to from Alan Goes to Clebers years ago and shows wearing a Purple Belt, said Alan promoted him. Alan laughed and said he never did and to this day denies it, it was obvious anyway

Carlos really watered the standards down promoting someone like that

promoted the same day as Babalu, what a way to ruin that day

hate all you want I tell the truth

how dare I say that about Carlos, it is what it is

GB is a money making machine
You have ignored this user.

HuntingtonPUNK...WHO the F are YOU!!!!! The truth?? How do you know Alex?? You train w/ him? Come on down to GB, now in Irvine off the 5 and we'll see what's up!!!!

ah yes, the internet challenge.

lol, pathetic.

who is alex?

GB as an organization seems to be simultaneously walking a dual path...

On the one hand, they DO offer very high level training and have MANY excellent BBs, teachers & students in a number of locations.

Simultaneously, though they are ALSO selling everything they can (fleecing students) & giving some questionable promotions.

When the serious GB Black Belts get tired of business taking precedence & standards dropping, I predict a LOT of the best people leaving GB & splinter organizations emerging.

Over-expansion without sufficient quality control will be GB’s downfall.

Altair - ^^^^^There black belts win tournaments, what a waste huh?

For the last fucking time, its "THEIR." "There" refers to a place.

Go over there.

"Their" denotes possession. Their son won.

lol @ you trying to give a grammar lesson an online mma forum. you do realize that most of us can't even read a fuckin street sign, right?

Its funny that these NO GI queers actually think they are really MMA guys, they think if your NO GI you MUST be a real bad ass, please, GB rules hands down, go back to your suburb BJJ school!

HOLLYWOOD-MO - We have a lot of different bjj instructors here...Juliano is the main guy. But Rob, Ian, shane...all them train here gi bjj is pretty gay bro.

Not as gay as your plucked eye brows,affliction t-shirt and penciled in goat tee lol ;-)