Hughes-Serra: Is this a mismatch?

It's no more of a mismatch than Serra/GSP was.

Never a mature move bringing someones family into it Bubblebass.

BubbleBass = teh ban

I would love to know what Hughes has shown in his last three fights to make any of you think he will beat Serra.

Hughes vs. Serra = Hughes vs. Penn II except Serra won't be as difficult to take down as Penn was.

It will look like Serra v. Karo would've looked if Serra didn't gas.

"More Class?.....its not an ediqutete contest, its a fight.."

Speaking of class, it looks like someone was skipping it a little too often.

I nominate "ediqutete" for the coveted and highly sought-after "worst misspelling of '07" award.

Yes, I think this is a huge mismatch. Hughes by whatever he wants.

If verissimo couldnt tap hughes, Serra for sure wont!

Serra's standup is a little better, and he seems to have alot more power than Hughes. Hughes has never come close to knocking anyone out on the feet.
However, on the ground Hughes is way stronger. And if Hughes could survive those submissions from BJ and Charuto, than i dont think he will have problems with Serra.
I wouldnt count Serra out though, ask GSP.

The oddsmakers are favoring Hughes because historically, he's been a 170-pound version of Fedor in terms of getting the W over the top guys in his weight class.

That said, Serra is legit. He's ALWAYS been legit, he was just away from the big stage for a few years.

The one thing that I worry about is Serra being too comfortable fighting off of his back. We all know how heavily the scoring favors positional dominance, even if the guy on top is fighting for his life against aggressive finish attempts from the fighter on the bottom (Sanchez - Diaz). If Serra spends 15 minutes making sub attempts off his back, and Hughes does nothing more than hold top position, Hughes will win. And this is a scenario that I can realistically see playing out.

Even so, Serra CAN catch a sub from the bottom. So who knows? This is a pretty good match-up.

If I had to call it, I'd call it for Serra.


Bubble, you should know by now that this place is the flavor of the month club. Hughes loses one time to GSP, and now he is all washed up and can't get by Matt Serra! I'm sure after this fight, all the Hughes nuthugging will come back like it was when he was "the greatest champion ever".

For those who think this will go like Hughes Penn II, do you mean like Hughes Penn II before Penn was injured and was controling Hughes or after Penn was injured and really should't have been out there because he was defenseless?

"Outside of the one punch to GSP when did he actually display this power?" BubbleBass

Watch the first minute of Serra/Karo, and see if you notice anything.

I got the Serra-Karo video if you want it? Great fight Karo nearly armbars Serra.

I would personally not bet Serra, but the odds are too long at -360 Hughes. I am going to pull out the old Karo fight and watch it, but anytime you go back several years it is hard to go off that. I though I remember Serra almost fishing Karo standing. Not sure I am right though.

Rd1: That was a HUGE straight right Serra hit Karo with to start the fight. It is amazing Karo survived that. 3:30 left rd 1 Karo gets a sloppy td but Serra pops right back up. More exchanges favor Serra who lands that straight right several more times. 1:00 Karo catches a leg and gets td. Serra pops back up but Karo ties up and gets back standing. They go to ground and Karo gets mount for a second. It was a 10-9 rd for Serra but he missed a great chance for a 10-8 by letting up and letting Karo get control.

Rd 2: Another good right that lands to start rd 2 from Serra. 4:05 Karo gets his first dominant td with a bodylock slam. Presses Serra against fence. Serra up at 3:30 but Karo still tying up. Serra defends judo throw and pops up. At 3:00 in clinch still. Out fo clinch and some mild exchanges. Serra looks gassed. Karo stalking at 1:15 to go. Another cling Karo gets td against fence. Rogan says it looks like Matt Serra is starting to fade. He is simply running out of gas more than anything. Karo keeps punching to close rd. 10-9 Karo.

"Yes, I think this is a huge mismatch. Hughes by whatever he wants."

Well, GnP or LnP are his options. He won't sub Serra and he doesn't KO Serra on his feet.