If DFW died, rememered as the greatest man in mma?

CindyO - 
humphrey sphinctermuscle - Now there's a shocker. one of the majority owners talks up the guy they put in as the lead.

whoulda thunk :)

 Exactly! It's common knowledge that successful billionaires hire/appoint presidents and then keep them around even if they suck... <b>for TEN YEARS</b>=) LMAO!


Cindy A+

Dana has done a lot of great things for the UFC. It probably boils down to his obviously tireless work ethic and passion for his company, which is infectious. His positives are many but for the most part, intangible, while his weaknesses are pretty easy to spot, and have already been laid out here, up to and including his very own post.

dfw jr -  i want to be remembered as the greatest dad EVERRRRRRRRR and nobody in mma has a say in that :). what people will remember are the fights and the greatest fighters over the next 20 years.


Side note, I find it odd that he drops no f-bombs when he types....

Jons Forsberg - 
dfw - I wanna be remembered as the greatest dad...


DFW is Da Derp De, but all he ever wanted was really to Derp Da Teetley Derpee Derpee Dumb.

lol f/o douchebag!

i wish Dana paid me to fight you

dabigchet -
whistleblower -
Except according to Dana and Lorenzo themselves - as they have repeatedly stated - TUF is what entirely saved the UFC.

except that's not what the thread is about. it is about who would be remembered as the greatest man in mma.

Uh, except YOU are the one who specifically challenged this point yourself, remember? Where you tried to claim that it wasn't just this "1 decision" (TUF) that you could "reduce nearly 10 years of [UFC] history" to - except Dana and Lorenzo have repeatedly, specifically stated that it was.

According to them, it all did come down to this "1 decision" when it came to the history and survival of the UFC.

So I just specifically addressed and countered your own specific point - by contradicting you with Dana's own words. Now you want to backtrack and fall back on "that's not what the thread is about." LOL. Then why'd YOU try to prolong the discussion on that point - only to now no longer wish to discuss it all of a sudden?
dabigchet - i see you dicktucked on my steve jobs analogy.

LOL. It was as weak and inapt an analogy as your previously misguided "president of a company" analogy - which I specifically countered and where you never actually addressed my counter to, btw.

But hey, no problem - here is the answer regarding your laughably non-analogous Jobs analogy.

If Steve Jobs had run Apple into a hole so big that it was on the verge of collapse, and had never enjoyed ANY prior sustained success for his company the whole time he was running it - exactly like Dana had, before TUF - and if the iPod turned out to be the one thing that entirely saved Apple from going under, but Jobs had been actively opposed to it ever happening, and it only happened DESPITE his wishes - then HELL NO, Jobs would not deserve the credit for Apple's salvation and success.

LMAO @ even trying to analogize Dana to Jobs. Can you point out ONE THING that Dana had done prior to TUF that had resulted in ANY stable and sustained success for the company, like Jobs had at least previously done with Apple, even before the iPod?

Yeah, didn't think so.

MMA has always been the sport of the future. People conveniently forget the early UFCs were doing PPV buys in the hundreds of thousands with practically zero mainstream advertising.

SEG was slowly on its way back (with unified rules, etc....) until the Fertittas/Dana stopped them with their influence of the NSAC. Then they took over when it was obvious SEG was going to be undermined.

I'm curious if the option of bringing in the Fertittas as partners was even an option for SEG.

dabigchet - let's see if you will dick tuck on this as well (i think you will): what was the PPV buyrate for the chuck/randy II fight at the end of TUF I? what are the highest buy rates in UFC history and when did they occur?

All of them occurred after TUF.

Chuck-Randy II did 280k, which suddenly shattered (almost doubled) the pre-TUF record of 150k for Zuffa (which had only broken the 100k mark a couple of other times before TUF). But it took about a year for the post-TUF boom to really take hold, after the first full year of TUF had aired. Then that next year (2006), PPV buys suddenly exploded, repeatedly smashing records - culminating with Chuck-Tito II, which did 1.05 million (literally 10 times what their pre-TUF first matchup did).

UFC 100 then broke the Tito-Chuck II record with 1.6 million buys last year.

Now that I have answered each of your questions, please answer these:

Do you feel that TUF was directly responsible for the dramatic spike in PPV buys? Do you feel this spike would have happened without TUF - or do you feel that TUF was the necessary factor?

Do you agree with Dana and Lorenzo themselves when they have repeatedly stated that TUF was the one thing that ended up entirely saving the UFC - and that the UFC would not even be here, if not for TUF?

Do you agree that there would have been no post-TUF boom at all, if not for TUF?

Do you feel Dana was responsible for TUF happening?

Do you agree that Dana had actually been AGAINST TUF ever happening? (Which Dana himself would openly admit around the time TUF first came out - also claiming that he had had no control over the show.)

(Btw, I remember when I first told you about all this. Oh the defensive desperation. I could almost hear your little noob-heart breaking. It was really almost sweet.)

What do you feel was the single most important decision in Zuffa history?

And LMAO @ you of all people calling anyone else out for dick-tucking. Oh the hypocrisy. How many threads have YOU left questions hanging from me, that were just too uncomfortable for you to answer? As you put it - "let's see if you will dick tuck on this as well." This seems to be a pattern with you. I answer your questions, you ignore mine - then you call me out for dick-tucking.

Want to finally break this pattern?

 ^Dana already shat all over those who shat on this thread, so just let it go...

Dana is a vintage worker, he maintains kayfabe even when posting on the UG. But even his carefully crafted bad boy counter-culture take no prisoners persona is no match for WB, The People's Champion.

I will never understand how a sport where the goal is the beat your opponent into unconsciousness/make them submit to pain can have such whiney faggots as "hardcore fans."

Waaaaaaah because of Dana other people know about MMA, not just you. Waaaaaaah Dana actually didn't want a reality show, all his other achievements are now tainted and invalid. You people sound like goddamn 15 year olds crying about how their favorite band is on the radio now.

I personally think it's great. I remember only having 2 friends into MMA around the time of Tito/Ken 1. Now I get to watch and talk about it with several buddies. That's a good thing. Why the fuck should I care if they got into the sport because of TUF? Should I look down on everyone because they don't have a Best of Pancrase DVD collection?

Anyway, go back to internet high-fiving each other over "owning the TUF noobs." You obviously need the validation.

Musashi - Definitely pharmaceutical imo. lol

 Or lack of...

Barocked Armbama - 
Jons Forsberg - 
dfw - I wanna be remembered as the greatest dad...


DFW is Da Derp De, but all he ever wanted was really to Derp Da Teetley Derpee Derpee Dumb.

lol f/o douchebag!

i wish Dana paid me to fight you

Shit I'll fight him for free.

Out of everything happening with the UFC, I'll definitely give credit to Dana for being an extremely hard worker. He may not be the type of person everyone wishes him to be and he certainly isn't responsible for the UFCs boom in popularity for the most part, but he does bust his ass to get things done with the current system in place.

I agree with Whistleblower on how inflated peoples' perceptions of Dana really are. At the same time, I also notice that the dude puts in 25hr days dedicated to all of the tasks and upgrades that come with his job (for instance, trying to get the sport sanctioned in every State and exposure in other countries).

In my opinion, dude is a necessary evil. Somewhat childish with his "play in sandbox, or else you suck" mentality and approach, but at the same time pushing to get the sport to places it's never been.

Jons Forsberg - 
dabigchet - 
so, let's see. the UFC's biggest event ever after TUF added approximately 130K new buys. not too shabby. but 20 months AFTERWARDS there was 700K+ more viewers on top of that. who gets credit for that growth?

Second seasonf of TUF.

dabigchet -
UFC 100 then broke the Tito-Chuck II record with 1.6 million buys last year.

and then, 2 1/2 years after that, you have ANOTHER 600K NEW customers. where did they come from, and who gets credit for that? are TUF I viewers somehow multiplying?

Yes, TUF has had new editions and more viewers ever since. It's a pretty simple concept to understand.

Honestly wondering...did the second season of TUF bring in all that many extra viewers? From what I remember, many of the fighters were good, but the reality show parts were pretttyyy boring.

right place right time. happened to a guy here. contracts for construction. many mines around. he heard word they were looking for contractor. he asked couple guys to help. they helped. now he is a millionaire. he talks shit alot like dana. fuck this, fuck that. money must get the ego inflated. he sure shit on people.
so, dana works hard right now. but, could of been anyone in the ufc.
once the ufc ball started rolling, it can't be stopped.
now props to dana for working hard. and if he works hard, he deserves to be remembered as an icon in mma.

whistleblower, if you are saying that the Fertitta's had a bigger impact on the success of the UFC than DW, that's probably fair, but I think you are being unfairly dismissive of DW's contributions.

For one, if DW is to blame for running up a $44M debt, aren't the Fertitta's even more at fault for allowing him to spend it, especially since the money came from their pockets? [incidentally, the $44M number is probably greatly exaggerated/urban legend, but either way...]

Also, every business that has success has a measure of "luck" where a business is in the right place at the right time. What you will find, though, is that successful people and companies make sure they are in places where opportunities are likely to come up and are smart enough to take advantage of them when they do.

Maybe Dana failed to recognize at the time that TUF would be a success, but he certainly had the company and its product positioned, from a presentation and a demographic standpoint, to be able to take advantage of any good opportunity that came its way.

Why were they talking to Spike in the first place? Probably because - through hard work and guts (and, no doubt, money) - DW was carpetbombing a variety of TV networks to try to get the UFC on the air in any way possible. (Remember Greatest Damn Sports Show live events?)

Why did Spike agree to take the initial meeting with the UFC? Probably because the product they saw was appealing and because the UFC had done a good job courting and exploiting a demographic that Spike and others wanted to reach. Both things that can likely be credited to DW, though no one can know the exact details of who did what when.

No doubt that it is easier to run and grow a business when you have a big source of capital at your disposal - you can try lots of different ideas and fail at many until one hits, for example. But, success is not a sure thing - Pets.com, EliteXC, or many other Internet bubble companies, for example. And, if DW did nothing else but secure and convince the F's to spend the capital, that's a big feather in his cap.

I'd have to say yes. He didn't invent the sport, but with a vision of what the sport can be, he made all the right decisions to make it happen. He stepped outside the role of mere promoter to make the growth of the sport legally and bureaucratically possible, and exposed to to the masses in a controlled environment to avoid potential catastrophe. It will be interesting to see what happens when the UFC becomes an absolute monopoly, because there are really no real models/cases in sport-business to compare to.

He created nothing. He just took over the product and bribed the athletic commissions to sanchon it. The Gracies deserve all the credit. Their idea, their production and their fighter.

don't know about that, but i do hear he was HUGE in

the rise of BOXERCIZING!

Chuck Liddell has had more of a global and mainstreaming

Dana is the best @ posting how much he makes on sorry ass
ppvs. Kinda a like and in your face, imo.